Hello Sup Forums, right now I feel like sharing some of my life story, so that's not another big boobs/pawg or whatever the fuck there is webm thread.
>be me at 16 >meet this weird, weird chubby, geeky, 4/10 girl. >decide to give her a chance, make some moves on her >she totally cuts me off, even though says she wants it >she has daddy issues >talks about being in a relationship with me >tired of her shit, tell her i don't wanna be in a long distance relationship (cuz she graduated high school 2 years before me, goes to uni in a city ~60 miles away. >meet a girl online, same country, 400 miles away
Should I continue? If not turn this shit into some kind of feels thread or whatever, or just let it 404 without any replies, the fuck do i care.
Connor Young
Ryder Foster
Fuck him. I wanna hear
Jeremiah Butler
Fuck, I was sure a penis was gonna pop out...
Logan Davis
Fuck it I got nothing going on Go on with your faggotry op
Asher Watson
God dammit fuck I need a name
Sebastian Johnson
This I need to latch onto something OP
Owen Hernandez
I'll read the rest of this story if it gets me sauce, OP.
Grayson Campbell
so you're ~16 , maybe less? how about to gtfo /thread
Jordan Wilson
Okay, just for you user, and because I wanna get this shit off my chest. Nobody to talk to right now and I want some piece of advice, so yeah.
>At this point I am 18. > We meet with this chick irl, it's all cool, we really click (she's my age btw if that's important) >fast forward 3 years, we live together, in a serious relationship >she goes abroad a lot, since her parents work and live in another country, but she's in uni here. >the type of girl that's super loyal, I'm her first, she is mine. >Love her to death, but she's away for the whole summer.