My fucking Nieghbour poisoned my cat

My fucking Nieghbour poisoned my cat

Seems fine to me. Go fuck yourself.

You should put a few spots of thermite on the hood of their car.

And then light it.

Is your cat still catting?

Pls confurm op, wez nid to kno if cat is still cat.

:( pls op

I can relate, either my neighbors got my cat or the coyotes near me did


less destructive method is just go to a hardware store and buy some chemical paint stripper for like $10.
Pour all over car at night and by morning there paint will have bubbled up and flake off where ever you had put it

If you really cared about your cat you wouldn't have let it wander around outside in the first place.

Or wait for them to come out of work into a dark parking lot some night and beat the shit out of them with a friend or two. Make sure you all have alibies.
Does said neighbor have children?

Cat is still at cat but i do'nt know for how long for. I want his email address so i can paln some negfarious retribution. I noly know his first name. Cat is at the vets. She thinks it was paracetomol.

Take a pack of pre sliced bologna, cut dick shapes or any other fun design into said bologna. Throw festive meat slices on neighbors car. The chemicals in the bologna will eat through paint.

Fuck your neighbors up, either clandestinely or loud and proud. Either way, make them pay. Honor your friend. I understand the feeling. Some faggot cut my cat's head off.

that's animal cruelty, though.


Literally cannot stop laughing at that line for some reason
>Some faggot cut my cats head off

How did he do it?

Mustard gas

I had a cat before this one that was attacked by two dogs. That cat survived but the two dogs didn't.

How did he get acetaminophen into your cat?

That's what your cat gets for being a jew.

If you let your cat free roam off of your property, then you fucking deserved it

Be me
!6 year old virgin.
Minimal friends.
Adopt cat from recue servive.
Keep cat inside but he sits near the windows and longs to get up to some outside tiger buisness.
Let him out.
Cat comes home fine.
Next day a little diferent.
No longer playful.
Starts vomiting.
Take to vet.
Initial diagnostics 300 dollars.
Has paracetomol in system.
Slowing killing his liver.
Im gonna loose my one true friend

Sneak into their house at night and turn the gas on

If vet is sure of poisoning, you can generally file a police report. It's animal cruelty.

Im guessing he ground it up and mixed it with snappy tom

op is he neutered?

I dont want to call the police. He gets around like a sweet old man. I dont think they would believe me

Hes fixed as we say here in australia.
No balls.
Hes only 7 months old

>old man
Ezpz go buy some crack in the hood and talk up your rich old man neighbor.
Act like a crack head while you do.
Dispose of crack (or smoke it I don't rule your life)
Have sound machine/be a heavy sleeper

Very hard to buy crack where I am. We have a hood but its full of messed up aborigines drinking goon straight out the bag

Yeah sorry I saw Australia after I posted that.
Release a deadly thing into his house?

I know his vechile registration. His first name. His address of course But not his surname. He's french.

1. Find out what neighbor loves most.
2. Destroy/ Ruin that thing.

Poison him
No other answer

He has a camera door bell so aproaching his house is not really an option

Im sorry op. I lost my best last year, had him since i was 8, im 24 now.
He crushed the game.

>Buy stump remover, grill charcoal, and sulfer.
>75% stump remover, 15% crushed charcoal, and 10% sulfer, grind each of them up into powder.
>mix them together for 10 minutes, add 5-10% water if you want to do it safely.
>Make a shit ton.
>Put powder in barrel or choice of neighbor's car/other memorable place.
>Make a fuse from wax candle wick
>Light and watch fireworks

There's been some cunts in my area going around poisoning cats with snail pellets, i found a can of open cat food sitting on my lawn once but i was lucky cat didn't eat it. Now i'm super paranoid about cat being poisoned.

I fail to see the problem

Was going to hacvk his wireless with Kali but its a hidden ssid. Kinda stuck
at that

Plus my wireless wont do monitoring

greentext that gore, bro. I wanna feel your pain

The deadly things already secretly living in there will kill it before it does any good in this situation.
You're not thinking Australian enough

Do some ice kick down the door, drug him with as many psychedelics as you can then torture him.

poison your fucking neighbor, and then quote Salic law if you get caught.

He rides a big faggy motor bike so maybe nature will sort him out. Nothing like hitting a roo at a 100km/h on a jap box harley copy.

seriously who do u think proper self respecting Aussies would trust, a poor bloke who's losing his cat or some rich old Frenchman? hold a Barbie in her honor, invite the the whole block down for meat and beers, don't invite the Frenchman. while this is going on go up to everyone in groups or individually about the 'details' of the tragedy (make some up to properly implicate the Frenchman) like how u saw him running home from his house and that's when u noticed something was wrong. but don't try to be to obvious about it.
have ur mates band play a couple tunes - don't play yourself - even if they suck you'll still win average bloke points (just dont let them play too long if they do suck).
after all that grab the mic thank everyone for coming tell them you really appreciated their support during this tough time. they will fucking love u and make that french cunts life a living hell from then on.

Burn his house down

Put a bunch of nails under his tires. When he starts his car and moves forward, bam.

Make sure to do it at like 3am and wear a mask and don't go into your house immediately after. Cameras out there.

HA! What a fucking coincidence! I poisoned some faggots cat last night with a hand full of Tylenol. It was hilarious. It was writhing on the ground as the Tylenol dissolved his liver. Should have filmed it, what a loss.

Anyway fuck your cat OP. Keep your pets inside or lose them end of fucking story.

That is a great plan...

Wow japanese people man. Two nukes was not enough.

Thats pretty edgy and cool. How many trenchcoats do you own?

Then burn his house down and kill his whole family as they make their escape? I don't know. That's definitely what I'd do, but I'm not a faggot like OP.

congrats on being a try hard and a total pussy.
you'd never do or say anything like this publicly, so you're just another coward with a keyboard.
die slowly and alone. we all know you will.

Yeah but he can't prove it was the neighbor. Were there any threats OP? Fuck his shit up like others said


never have kids you fuck

not the guy, but if you want me (american) to "Think australian" about how to kill someone, I'd either forcefeed them vegemite till they died or pound their fucking skull in with a can of fosters.
failing those two? find paul hogan, grab him by the ankles, and use him as a blunt instrument to affect aforementioned cranial collapse.

Fuck off to 9gag dear god. Like I love cats too but this shit needs to stop

so.... poison your neighbor.

if their home has no alarm, poison their cereal, orange juice, milk, and whatever else

that's fucking brilliant.
all i thought of was using paul hogan's body to beat him to death.
pretty sure that'd do the opposite of winning favor with locals.
kudos, Sup Forumsro.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck no I'd fucking kill someone. My life would change forever.

Leave a carton of beer, and a bottle of Jack Daniels on the door step in the afternoon.....burn down the fucken house at 3am.

oOooOweeEE a HolocauST jOke On 4chin oh Boy that sure iS e dgy Kiddo

>a can of fosters

Or use a whole 6 pack