what do the totally not autistic people of Sup Forums collect ..gas masks for me
What do the totally not autistic people of Sup Forums collect ..gas masks for me
I have three of top-middle. Are they worth anything?
I have a collection of World War 2 and Civil War things. Are original rebel flags from the 1800s worth Anythin? It's passed down through family so I'm not selling it, I would just like to know.
m17's can go from 20-100 depending on where you are in the world
lp records.
damn, i got 3 for $10 at a garage sale. No boxes/manuals/canisters, but all in good condition...
>what do the totally not autistic people of Sup Forums collect ..gas masks for me
I collect money.
bushido katana's i have 21 so far, my favourite is the takayagi tsupedo - its a shiny, smooth blade with a blue and yellow handle.
the filters are inside the cheek of the mask ..not in there? and if you are in the states you could sell them on ebay for triple that easy