Find me a better duo
Inb4 you can't
Find me a better duo
Inb4 you can't
you can't
Tom brady and Randy Moss
Joe Montana and Jerry Rice
*sips tea*
Tom Brady is old enough to be my dad.
The Patriots should and will trade Gronk. They can win the super bowl without him and he is injury prone. Someone out there is willing to give up a first round and some talent for him, as soon as the Pats get an offer they like they will pull the trigger
You're a fucking retard. With his cap hit he's still worth having even if he only plays half a season
Old and broken.
Dalton and Eifert are better going forward.
he's more valuable now that brady has started playing like shit. when he retires at the end of next season they're going to need gronk.
Tom Brady and Bill Belichick
Daily reminder that this is the objective and indisputable GOAT duo in the history of football.
>started play like shit
He had one of his best season though
Bledsoe to Coates was pretty sweet, bro.
>now that brady is playing like shit
>when Brady retires at the end of next season
not happening friend, rapid decline and all that I know, but Brady is not looking like hes slowed down at all. I think he's got 3 more years at least. Gronk is so injury prone, one of these times he's going to get something that he doesnt bounce back from all the way, somebody will take the chance on him but I dont think itll be the pats
Depends. We strictly talking football or in general?
>now that brady has started playing like shit.
Whites only.
>1 Ring
I'm not saying he's too expensive, im just saying he is probably going to get an injury that permanently affects him. We all just saw the Pats can do it without him playing. Knowing that why not cash in on him and get a couple pieces they can use, especially if Gronk keeps getting injured
he's much slower than he used to be, and he's been making some awful throws that would be front page news if manning threw them. but the little golden boy brady can do no wrong.
You guys really think the pats would give up Gronk? Wouldn't that be the worst PR move ever?
I'm still pissed they let wilfork go
>he's been making some awful throws
Congrats on watching the first half of the Super Bowl
Tom Brady had the second highest QBR this season, and who gives a shit how slow he is, he's a pocket passer. He also had a 15 yard run in the second half of the SB so he's obviously fast enough to get the job done
not just in the super bowl. although yes, two of the worst throws i've ever seen in my entire life did occur in it. but im talking about tom brady in general.
Statisticly better.
Imagine if Brady has prime moss for his entire career
Nah, I'm sure the pats understand now gronk is only reliable for 8 games a year, but he hasn't shown any sign of not dominating the sport those 8 games.
Here is where Brady has finished the past 3 years in regular season QBR
2014: 3rd
2015: 5th
2016: 2nd
Based off all time QBR over the regular season, THIS YEAR Brady had the 7th highest since they started keeping the stat in 2006.
He is not getting worse. you may not have noticed after his uncharacteristic 1st half he played out of his mind in the 2nd half
i don't give a shit about QBR. he has the most reliable receivers in the league. i don't know where the fuck belichick finds these people but they make brady look a lot better than he is.
Moss went to New England instead of Oakland and Bill could keep moss' ego in check and indoctrinate him into his team first system, we could have seen a dynasty that dwarfed that of the likes of the bulls.
>Literal rookies who haven't REALLY proven shit yet
He has thrown TDS to over 65 men in one franchise. Is it more likely that every reciever he has makes him look good or the one constant (Brady) is the great one?
And he's the greatest player in the game, young homo. You need to be 18 to post here.
I'm 22
i'm talking about brady now, not when he was a stud back in the day. i'm talking about old ass, downtrodden, post 18-1 tom brady. he looks like a fucking mess and it pisses me off how i'm one of the few people who notices. i feel like nowadays people just look at the box score instead of actually watching the game.
He's throwing to lacrosse players and high school quarterbacks. The only reciever that's actually great is Gronk, the others are reliable but bench warmers for other teams. They play in the Patriots because their cheap and hard working.
If he were healthy enough to play in the Superbowl, that game would've been out of reach for the Falcons by the third quarter. GOOD defenses can't guard that freak. Nevermind that Atlanta defense
Not until he shows signs of not being good anymore. But he's an absolute game changer on offense and they'd be stupid to trade him while he's costing them so little.
Dude you're being trolled by an obvious troll.
The guy is probably just a salty Falcons fan. And is still Butt hurt because he knows Matt Ryan is a Choke Artist of the highest degree.
hmmm i never thought if it that way.
You're right. Brady fucking sucks dick and he has fallen ass backwards into winning 5 superbowls and being considered the GOAT.
Thanks for the enlightenment. Stay vigilant friend.
>Congrats on watching the first half of the Super Bowl
He threw a number of shitty passes in the second half, including two that hit defensive backs in the hands.
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112 TD
>Has the most reliable receivers in the league
>3 drops in the first half
mix and match
Are you retarded?
His stats post 18-1 are better than any pre 18-1 year.
In today's world, that doesn't seem out of reach. Though, that could be the Sup Forums I've been browsing thinking that.
The Pats didn't even have Gronk and they won the Owl.
This is fucking scary.
At this point they have to be gameplaning for not having him at all.
>implying the pats have ever valued PR over performance
thats why they're gonna trade him
Wouldn't be a surprise tbqh. Watch Bill send Gronk and Garopopopulos away, overlowad the defense and win 2 more with Brady.
in the end Sup Forums is always right...
They had the 4th lowest drop rate in the league.
>>started play like shit
Nearly threw a pick in overtime, but the DB was a foot too slow
Nearly threw a pick in the endzone in overtime but the DBs hand was an inch out of position
Ohh, went too far. The troll was believable up until this post
>Brady's 2016 yards per attempt is basically the same as his yards per attempt from 2007 with Mos
>people will still call him le dink and dunk checkdown man
>Most reliable receivers in the league
>Julian Dropman
>Chris "Lacrosse" Hogan
>A Rookie black receiver
2/10, you got some replies.
Play Gronk for like 8 games a year against shitty teams that won't BTFO his back/arm and keep him stashed for the playoffs.
if he's not TOO expensive, re-sign Bennett, and have Gronk just play the last 8 games of the season then have him ready for the playoffs.
>Making an argument against Brady based off shitty hypotheticals that you wish were true
0/10, try again
>Nearly threw a pick in the endzone in overtime but the DBs hand was an inch out of position
that was Beasley, the fucking defensive lineman. IF that was another DB, it'd been picked off
>New England was 3rd in the league in YAC
>Two New England players were top 10 in the league in YAC
>Tom Brady's average throw length was 21st in the league
>Not a checkdown babby
>2nd highest passer rating in the league on throws traveling 20y+ in the air
>52.3% of New England's passing yards came after the catch the second highest rate in the league
>Brady is bad because his reciever can run after catching
>Muh ringz
Want to know how I know you don't actually watch football?
Brady is a System Babby
Actually you're wrong, rings are a determining factor of GOAT status.
See: Tom Brady
statistically better, but less effective in real terms of victory
He had the second highest Yards Per Attempt in the NFL behind only Matt Ryan. The fuck are you on about?
what shit have those faggots achieved
>finds the open man
>throws people open
>>throws people open
The dumbest meme ever conceived and you're dumb enough to spout it.
I don't give a shit about championships. Those trophies make Brady look better than he is.
And homo?
>17 seasons
holy shit, and he still wants to play at least 3 more?
I heard a great bit of wisdom the other day.
Why not save GRONK til' the playoffs? Maybe work him in week 15 to get hit situated.
they did it with dion lewis this year, so you never know.
but when you've got a 6'7 TD machine and he's healthy, how can you not play him?
Love that combo. Rivers really doesn't get his due.
And only 5 rings, what a hack.
Because the Pats have shown they can win an Owl without him, might as well just save him
>i turned off the owl at halftime and somehow never heard the result
Brady won everything without his best players
for you Euros this winning Champions League 5 times with a mediocre team and 1 player whom dominated.. Brady is the best player in North American history