>be today at work >hot day, most girls wear flip flops becuase it's like the last summer day >the pretty new girl's foot game is awful, like really bad >suddenly not attracted to her anymore
wtf have you done to me, I don't even find feet attractive and I never looked at them before, fuck you lads t b h
>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth just die in my sleep already ( ._.) ( ;_;)
Bentley Rogers
>posts actress with terrible footgame
Zachary Smith
soon you'll be a degenerate like the rest of us
Landon Baker
I NEED Brie pictures with forearm hair
Levi Martin
nobody gives a shit.
Sebastian Price
Easton Gomez
There are still Brie threads on Sup Forums?
Brandon Smith
that's not emily blunt
Carson Martin
Usually girls with uglier feet are uglier altogether. I'm not the only one who notices this, right?
Jaxson Flores
I want her toes in my mouth right fucking now
Gavin Hill
Nicholas Moore
Samuel Cook
sometimes I make community threads daddario's feet isn't good for example
Tyler Anderson
Girl with ugly feet detected
Josiah Ward
We've done you a favor lad. Never again will you get with a girl with terrible feets.
Jason Howard
Emma Stone has best feet. Don't ever post ever again that old Jewish hag.
Austin Ross
what's that circle blemish
Connor Ross
>5'10 blonde athletic qt in class >literally NEVER has wrong anything that reveals her feets
I'm getting a bit desperate, if I beg to see her feets, would she let me?
Samuel Perry
Brie is one and only foot godess
Fuck off with this herpes whore
Logan Turner
what did she mean by this?
Jace Bell
Sometimes it's just not meant to be but I know this feel. You see a real pretty/hot/cute 10/10 and you wonder what her footgame is like but she's always wearing closed shoes
Matthew Campbell
Isaiah Garcia
Henry Johnson
truly she is our girl
Wyatt Bennett
If you jokingly suggest it and be all quirky and ironic maybe she'll flash her feet as a joke
Clearly she meant that anons should cum for her soft feets
Bentley Morris
How can Emma even compete ?
Jacob Gray
you know if you guys go to your local gym's yoga class, there'll be a lot of woman doing poses barefoot
Easton Collins
how do you hide ur erection??
Logan Baker
well my dick is 3 inch long
Isaiah Cook
masturbate beforehand, also take a shower just to be safe since you might get sweaty and smelly
Jordan Ortiz
stop bragging
Cameron Hall
>masturbate beforehand surely that ruins the fun
Christopher King
Liam Perez
well you dont become aroused by foot for no reason
Jason Lopez
>over 30 >engaged Not longer waifu tier lads. Gotta find a new one
Jayden Howard
you're aging too user
Austin Hughes
>second time I go >they all wore socks
Levi Stewart
>2016 >not being vampyr
Alexander Bennett
i'm not done with her just yet she still has a couple of years left in her, especially if she gets lewder in the future
Ryan Miller
socks get in the way though unless they're really tight and form fitting I guess, you can't be slipping. Maybe in a really gentle yoga class it's not necessary
not true, the girls with pretty feet are usually more feminine and "princess pretty" is all
Jose Gomez
why would liking feet be degenerate? it's just weird
David Myers
Is it the end of the tour already?
Jonathan Wilson
Every single time I watch this clip I end up jerking off to Brie. Is this normal? Is it her intention?
Nolan Murphy
I hope you follow'd the proper procedures for tribute and didn't just crank one out into a sock like a filthy savage.
Joshua Morris
>proper procedures for tribute
elaborate please
Christian Brown
OY VEY, you goyim don't even know the procedures for tribute/? the fuck are they teaching you over there
Justin Campbell
Probably because of the correlation between feet and dirt. Its the only part of your body to routinely make contact with the ground, and the ground has dirty stuff like mud and dog doo.
Gavin Fisher
most Sup Forums are Sup Forumsv/ posters with ADD who need to repost content from literally the day before
what a shocker
Jonathan Smith
Maybe one day you will realize that there are like 40-50 active poster on this board newfriend
Isaiah Phillips
Nolan Price
please educate us
Levi Flores
I'm no foot fag but I look at them often now because of Sup Forums. I can look at a picture of certain good looking woman and think "I bet she has nice feet"
And they usually do. There's definitely a connection there.
Parker Nguyen
That doesn't prove me wrong.
Yes you can go home to reddit now
Sebastian Fisher
How do you decide if it's a good feet if you are not a footfag ?
Christian Flores
Adam Long
Basically if the foot looks 'normal' then they're good.
If they're, bent, big, not aligned at all etc then they're a bit shit imo. Emma stone is a good example 'of good feet, same as emma watson. They dont really do anything for me but It's nice to know. A small plus at least.
Thomas Hernandez
>If they're, bent, big, not aligned at all etc
I forgot to say that I meant the toes. I'm not sure what else you're supposed to look at. I guess veiny feet are bad?
Juan Gomez
Christopher Flores
>I'm not sure what else you're supposed to look at
Liam Roberts
I don't get that one lad. I see them and they look the same. Toes can be fucked up so it's nice to see normal ones. how can soles be bad?
Samuel Turner
Dry, cracked/chafed, flat (some guys like the curve of the arch) take your pick
There's something strangely erotic and voyeuristic (to me) about a girl showing off the bottoms of her feet in public
Grayson Watson
Arches baby, they're bad soles if she has flat feet.
Evan Brooks
lol fair enough.
Emma watsons feet look good to me and I know footfags like her, or used to at least.
Aren't her feet pretty flat though? maybe the toes make up for it?
God what the fuck am I saying. What the fuck have I become.
Gavin Ortiz
It was clear you were a foot friend from your first post user, just give in.
I think she has nice feet, I love her toes. but to be Roberts has the best feet of the Emmas
Liam Sanchez
Embrace it. Not many girls mind as long as you're not super weird and obsessive about it
Colton Evans
feet is one of the most rational fetishes, I don't get why some people think its weird
Henry Cook
Feminists and nu-puritan millennials
William Fisher
>as long as you're not super weird and obsessive about it This. NEVER ask to deepthraot a girls foot, she will literally laugh at your face and give you that 'are you fucking serious' look then you'll have to pretend like it was a joke and laugh it off while you secretly hate her and want to throw her off the balcony
Michael Johnson
well basically lad you print out a picture of her, wank and land the jizz on top of said printed picture then take a photo of the jizzed picture and share it somewhere on the internet
Parker Harris
lel I appreciate decent feet now where as in the past I never looked at them but put it this way. I can't see myself wanking over a picture of feet. Ever.
Nicholas Flores
Brayden Peterson
You gotta be assertive/dominant like in every other part of fugging. Just give those toes a little succ once you're already massaging her feet.
Women like it when you take charge and take what you want and I dont mean rape