ded edition

>implying anyone's watching the second half
Game's on WGN.

Is Jimmeh still ded?

Bulls by 3.

Help me out chicabros with a tough question

Which team is most unwatchable now

Or Bears

How the fuck did we get to the point where hockey is the only good sport in this city? What the fuck?

Based jimmy buckets

Did Rbo died?

Bears is hard to watch with all the ads

Most unwatchable
1. Sux
2. Burrs
3. Bulls

At least Bulls have Buckets and Wade. What do the other two have?

Hes been dead ever since the bears last game

Bears are supposed to be getting rid of Cutler. So we've got that going for us.

>talking stick resort arena


>world champs

>Guaranteed Rate Field

Bet Suns +3 lel

Talking shit about the TSRA?

Is the nickname gonna be grate field?

"G-spot" is the popular choice now from various sox communities and fans on social media

I'm going to call it gr8 b8 home pl8

>Guaranteed Rape

If we don't call it "Guaranteed Rape", am I going to be incredibly disappointed in my city and my state.

> Dudley playing big minutes
I guess he needs the cardio

Jimmy sucks

Hurray, a place that even the biggest shut-in can find.

Damn you can see the nips on that blonde poking thru

at least theres something enjoyable in this game

>losing to the fucking suns

>bulls go 0-82
>Gar and Pax still have a job

>you don't show up to the hawks game
>you show up to this shitshow
priorities son

>Doesn't bother with the Blackhawks game to watch the vastly inferior Bulls game instead.

You better fucking show up tomorrow night Rbo

I made it to see the end, but even then, it's not like the gamethread was shit because I wasn't there.

nice defense there bulls

>Better show up
>Saturday night on Sup Forums

He might have plans.


good one

It's friday tho

Dubs confirms he has plans

>You better fucking show up tomorrow night Rbo



I'm sure he does

Remember when people legitimately thought McDermott was gonna be a good NBA player lads?

I still believe. If we had a coach that believed something other than 3's the whole team would be in better shape

>no one hustling for the 50/50 balls
Jimmy was right, these youngins don't want to win

Poor buckets doesnt deserve this shit team

>my friend unironically said the Bulls would be a contender this year
i wonder what its like to be that much of a delusional homer

neither does Jimmy anymore though

he clearly just wants a trade


aaaaaand Jimmy is hurt again

I feel like I'm watching the fucking Bears

this game is 100% done

it's basically the white sox if everyone was black

>muh black history month