God damn it...
God damn it
literaly who ?
>literaly who ?
Get out.
I don't even know the question, but the answer it's always rape.
the wikileaks guy who now claims to be a woman
who gives a shit
Why does this bother you?
Manning got a taste of attention through whistle blowing, doing reality show esque interviews to try to regain that attention happens.
Manning is just cashing in on a new fad.
>Manning got a taste of attention through whistle blowing
So are you suggesting that she's attracted to anything she can blow ?
Well no, but I like how you mind works.
Also you could say she only blows things she finds important.
your mind*
So it's all about the size of the whistle, eh ?
She must really have had a small one before chopping it off...
We, the tax payers, paid for his hormones & surgeries.
Perhaps chopping off the whistle was the only way to gain a protected status after whistleblowing.
Basically proclaiming victim status and thus gaining protected status from the populace.
He should have gotten his head blown off.
She's a hero
Yeah, but the hero part came before the transitioning part.
I'm not bagging on transitioning, it just doesn't make you a hero.
People have been brainwashed into thinking cutting your dick off after committing a crime makes you a hero that should be praised.
There are laws made to enable whistleblowers though, it's part of trying to keep governments legitimate.
The information Manning released showed how the American government had been reaching beyond its jurisdiction.
Manning transitioning is basically irrelevant to the whistleblower part of her life.
Only gay retards think cutting your dick off makes you a brave hero. Helping expose the fake news iraq war meme was actually heroic and she spent 6 years in military prison for it.
Probably the only tranny that deserves to be called a hero. She can do whatever gay shit she wants in my book
Is it ok when you are in the military though and waive your rights?
>person is taking care of self
fucking trash
Well Manning did pay for it by going to prison.
I still consider Manning a hero for sharing critical information though.
Governments should not be allowed to lie.
nice biceps.
She has the sexiest Adam's apple.
who cares? don't you think obsessing about trannies is kinda pathetic in its own right?
When god-emperor president for life Trump says it it's not a lie, everyone else is lying!
Sure buddy.
I bet that makes life easier.
Trump was a bad choice, but the lesser of two evils.
>Governments should not be allowed to lie.
You're adorable. Most people are morons who can't handle reality
Basically the next Bruce Jenner.
>this is what retards actually believe
>Thinking the career politician who openly wanted to bring in 'refugees' would have been a better choice than the guy who wants to keep them out
>Calling someone else a retard
So? The reality in this case was the government was lying about why they invaded another country and how they went about doing that. People should be freaking out about that shit
I still think the people who can handle reality should have access to information that affects us all, which is why I support whistleblowers.
>Shit, I've got no arguments, better call him a retard.
People give zero shits about anything remotely important. They don't want to think about stuff that sucks. It's a buzzkill. They're kept complacent with whose ass is larger and which celebrity nudes got leaked.
So what exactly was in the info released that got him labeled a traitor?
Nah, speak the truth and people will hate you for it. Try telling whites that most non-whites are subhuman. You'll be cast out like a leopard
Well that is an opinion user, saying that many non-whites have lower IQs is not the same as saying they are subhuman. You're the one making that conclusion.
No, they really are subhuman
Niggers chimp out
Pajeets shit in the street
Chinks boil dogs alive
Mudslimes cut people's heads off in the street for not having the same imaginary friend as them
literal traitor that would still be in prison if obama hadnt let him out
You create a toxic society that rejects people like Chelsea Manning and then get all surprised when they do things to try to change it.
>You'll be cast out like a leopard
Ha ha ha. Oh wow.
Cumskins invent political correctness.
Pajeets are Caucasian, technically.
Also, this photo you have looks like they're all shitting on an identical sheet of paper. It's probably a protest of whatever that paper represents.
Not that they don't shit sans toilets all the time in India. They do that too. But I think this photo is a poor example of that.
Leopards are lone hunters, because they never really managed to become popular back in high school.
Good. I'd rather pay for that than to kill people with drones and guns in a stupid senseless war.
>> "I hate my society that won't accept me!"
>> Spreads classified intel to countries that would literally kill or imprison him on sight.
Makes perfect sense.
ah, attempting the mental illness defense
I thought Pajeets were asians?
Or just not pay for it at all.
If you took a middle American white boy and raised him in any of the cultures you consider subhuman, he'd be doing exactly the same thing. You think his whiteness would somehow prevent him from doing this shit? That's what people mean when they say racists are retarded.
Of course there are cultural differences, and objectively better and worse cultures, and those cultures frequently correlate with skin color. But that's the extent of it, you fucking spaz.
>US govt gave gangsters a monopoly on drugs
>1/3 Indians don't have electricity
>Asian culture doesn't revere pet ownership
>Not a race try again
There's a reason intellectuals aren't spruiking racist shit.
Not genetically, no. But they do live in Asia, if that's what you mean.
We also pay for Trump to golf. Manning actually did something useful for the American public. I'm know where I'd rather my tax money go.
>We, the tax payers, paid for his hormones & surgeries.
No you didn't. The US Army doesn't pay for sex changes of inmates.
Also if he started a goFundMe page he'd have the money together in a day considering his high profile.
Even funnier, the term "Aryan" correctly applies to north Indians, not Hitler's Nordic ideal.
Manning didn't choose to have gender dysforia the same way someone doesn't choose to have T1 Diabetes.
Civilizations that chip in to lift people up who have been delt a shit biological hand work best.
>black people raised in white society act like white people
I hope his organs shut down and they find his body after he shat himself.
It would be terrible if someone shotgun blasted his head off
>Highly Emotional
Actually, yeah, they do. The degree to which they're in a suburb yuppie hell hole, they grow up articulate and become normal people. You think inner city Baltimore is "white society"?
Per current policy, the Army considers "gender dysphoria" a legitimate mental disease, with an appropriate medical treatment of hormone treatment/surgery. An imprisoned soldier is still an active member of the armed services, and if suffering from a disease is entitled to medical treatment.
Wrong, you paid for his hormones and surgeries, and to kill people with drones and guns in a stupid senseless war
Nah, just want this degenerate piece of shit gone.
>B-but muh social inequality
Myth busted
Kil urslf
>i hate my society that won't accept me
>cant accept his real self
Humans as a whole are weaker because of this ideology. Why would you spread your weak genes to the next generation?