How do you deal with your hiv...

how do you deal with your hiv? I've been sick for about 2 months now and physically I haven't had much trouble besides some night sweats and rash. I'm not ashamed of what I am and paid the price for having the most intense sexual experience. Let's talk about hiv please.

Death is not an option because Life just started!

I got a better topic to talk about: your fucking stupidity.

How's them apples, someone post the jpeg of how to do a fast painless suicide

You may as well commit suicide

I can not change who I am and what I desire. And please keep the insults to yourself.


>most intense sexual experience
How? Elaborate

just take the best out of life you now can, OP.

do what you always wanted to do.
i do kinda question how you ended up with it though.

What does your rash look like?