Seattle Univeristy students can't define gender

Please nuke us

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These fucking idiots are jumping through the hoops of "political correctness" and are sounding like complete idiots doing so. Please nuke the whole west coast.

The mental gymnastics is really astounding

Such a strange time we live in. Where do we go from here?

Well, they totally gamed the argument by going to Seattle U (it would have been a totally different segment if they went to Brigham Young), and just like that bitchs catcalling video, the editing is probably, uh, "selective," but yeah, i get your point

If you were born with a dick, you're a male.
If you were born without a dick, you're a female.

Is it so hard to comprehend?

>scientifically, there is no reason there should be a difference between men and women

Is the Family Policy Institute of Washington based? A few of their videos BTFOing millennials have been popping up here

none of them know that man have penises and women vaginas

the half nigguh - "i think most sociologists agree, that gender is more of a social sonstruct"

Based manlet.


Germany 1945.

It's not about the dick France, although I do see your point. We need to move the goalposts up and say that gender is defined by your chromosomes.

>XX = female
>XY = male

If we let gender be defined by a dick, then people will just get gender reassignment surgery.


I remember when this guy asked them if he could consider himself a Chinese female who was 6'5", and all the girls drew the line at 6'5"

>so I can consider myself a woman
>I can identify as Chinese
>if that's what you feel like then more power to you
>what if I wanted to identify as being 6'5"
>but you're not 6'5"

Height can be measured and chromosomes can be measured

women are going to destroy the world

we must make height a political construct

>I think the gender is fluid



Careful with the chromosome issue cos you get those freaks with extras. The best way is to say an individual with a functional SRY region is a male and those without are female.

I think he meant a functional dick, not something carved out from your collagen and bodyfat resembling a sausage.

>social, social. social, social. social, social. social, social. social, social. social, social. social, social. social, social.

Degenerate fucks they'll end themselves.

>catering to the 0.0001% with Kleinfelter syndrome (XXY, XXXY, etc)

Nope. Male is XY, female is XX. Anything other than that is an illness.

Just fuck my humanity up senpai.

But XYY males are perfectly healthy. They could well be the alpha males of society in fact.

>98% of the time you can guess right
dude is more correct than he knows

Isn't Seattle university a Catholic college?
How did they get feminist staff to corrupt the youth?

College kids are fucking dumb news at 11.

>social, social. social, social. social, social. social, social.

i graduated in 2009 and this shit was being taught then, too. fucking weird hearing a bunch of college students believe in feminine penises

Again: these are genetic defects, regardless of the health of the given individual. It's like albinos don't belong to a separate "albino race"...

Gender is a group of outward symbols that help to identify inward sex.

It's both cultural (for westerners, skirts, long hair on women) and biological (larger muscles on men, larger breasts on women).

The whole point of gender is to quickly identify sex to others. It is not separate from sex. It's not something unrelated. Also, gender is most beneficial to the person being indentified; it helps you as a man if women know what you are before you interact and vice versa.

Because gender's reason for existing is to show biological sex and because it has its own biological element, it is easy to argue that gender is biological mostly and not an arbitrary cultural artifact.

But literally everyone has got a genetic defect of some kind.

I personnally identify as a god. If you dont accept that and treat me like a normal human being you’re blasphemous and need to check your privilege.


>liberal science

illlimati confirmed


We accept that if this ideology continues we will never recover and purge our own intelligentsia to start over.

Delusional fuckwads, the lot of them.
I'm gonna move to a more rural area when I get the chance, this idiocy is spreading like a god damn plague.

these people can vote

Americans are crazy. I need to show this to people.

It used to be a very conservative institution. Not sure what the fuck happened. Seattle used go be great.

>But literally everyone has got a genetic defect of some kind.

Really? REALLY? you faggot aussie? Literally everyone has a defect with their XX or XY chromosome? LITERALLY EVERYONE? REALLY? Are you sure it's not the 0.0001% with Kleinfelter syndrome?

>inb4 hurrrr durrrr i meant a defect of any kind not just xy chromosome durrrrrr even though this entire thread is about gender i'm just gonna come in here and make a complete non-sequitir remark about genes in general and try to pass it off as relating to gender

Is that debate really a thing in the US ? It's hard to believe people are serious about this.

I guess we're getting it in europe in a few years since we've been eating US garbage since decades

aaaaahhh yyyyuuhhggg OMFG!!!!

There are no appropriate sounds for what should accompany the cringe factor of this fucking shit.

First of all I'll just clear something up, this issue can be divided into two key factors. Gender and sex. Gender is the social stereotypes that are accompanied on to sex. Where as sex is the physical characteristics that exists and determine the functionality of the human reproductive cycle.

The reason why these stupid fuckers don't know how to properly identify gender IS BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING CONFUSING GENDER WITH SEX!!.

It's amazing the things that can be answered if one only assumes that liberal ideologies are wrong.

even people with XXY still develop male characteristics and almost never are female

natural hermaphrodites are also extremely rare

in the animal kingdom only a select number of species are sex fluid as well, and I believe only fish are capable of that (like clownfish) and maybe some lizards are also capable I think

but to change human society to accomodate that small portion is retarded

I still to this day barely understand why people wanna be gender fluid and why most of the time its women who push this, one girl i was with was slightly overweight and she said she merely hated her body and would dress boyish and that was her reasoning

its fucking retarded and escapism from your actual feelings and mis-labeling depression or disgust with a dumb concept

What the actual fuck? I couldn't watch it to the end. They're completely retarded.

It must be, even their Presidential candidates are discussing it. Americans are simply insane.

If Hillary is elected, you need to convince Putin to nuke us

Yes. And?
Those with sickle-cell anemia don't have some kind of special-snowflake blood cells, but an ABNORMAL type of blood cells.
Those with sex chromosomes other than XX and XY don't have some kind of special-snowflake sex, because they're outside of the healthy domain.
If you want to pretend that people with extra sex chromosomes are normal, and constitute some special-snowflake third/fourth/fifth gender, then you should accept Down-syndrome, cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, etc. just as normal. Would you?

They revealed how shallow they were by proving that they only care about a man's height.

>social "science"


everytime I hear idiots say something like, "whatever gender a person thinks they are and feel comfortable identifying as.." It reminds me of a bad acid trip i had when i was 23 when I was a different person eery 30 minutes and set out on the town as an old black blues player and they threw me in the hospitable because the philistines wouldn't stop telling me i was actually white. These assholes need to dose on large amounts of LSD and ill show them what shape sifting is all about

made me kek, underrated post.

I understand Seamus but the problem is not that Americans are confusing gender and sex. The problem is that we are saying that gender = sex. Therefore someone who chooses to identify as a female can use women's locker rooms. Public policy that was designed on the basis of sex is now being redesigned on he basis gender. This is happening in all public facilities and most importantly, public schools. Now Obama is threatening to pull federal funding from schools who do not let hairy assed men with dicks who identify as a female shower with girls after gym class

Civil war, sooner or later. Its inevitable. Then if whites win, apartheid, if the others win, something like Mexico/Brazil and a new world power somewhere else, maybe China, maybe Russia if they're lucky.



Don't, or it could begin again.

Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

I honestly don't buy this whole gender is one thing and sex is another thing agument. Couldnt one argue that the only thing that definitively does actually exist is a persons biological sex? I've had college professors point out this difference before but I've always kind of wondered why we should even differentiate in the first place.

It just seems like "gender" being something that is only determined by a persons opinion of themselves is too subjective.

Eventually medical technology will be so advanced that we will be able to identify birth defects in the early onset of pregnancy based on genetics and then those will be aborted. Some defects develop later on in the pregnancy but maybe we will be able to detect them a little earlier eventually

Liberals will make it illegal to abort babies with "trans" genes.

People in higher education like abstract ideas and oftentimes disconnect from the real world if that means their ideas survive, it's in plain sight everywhere that men and women are different and they even act like it subconsciously but they just can't see it. All because some people and their holy scientific papers said so.

Success in these places means to repeat what the teacher says so it makes sense that a great amount of students who simply absorb information without thinking too much about it would succeed in this world.

>The problem is that we are saying that gender = sex.
This, they're called the 'male' and 'female' bathrooms, not the 'woman' and 'man' bathrooms.

What I don't get is that these are the same people that want to get rid of traditional gender roles too. Yet they say they identify as a woman. Why? It's not because they have the wrong genitalia, because that doesn't determine gender to them. Deep down mentally, they want to follow the same gender roles as the opposite sex. By identifying as another gender they're still recognizing traditional gender roles, and not changing what it means to be a man or woman like they always fucking talk about.


Also, how the fuck can they say we're not different? Anyone who takes a remotely close look at men and women will see this. We're different, and instead of embracing our differences we're being forced to try and wash them out.

>is there a reason to say male/female

>No, it's a societal construct!


I think about this a lot, there's so much doublethink in the gender debate. If you watch a panel show the same person will say, in the space of an hour:

>we need to empower women!
>gender is a social construct that doesn't need to exist

I mean, which one do they want? they're mutually exclusive concepts.

In their head, men and women can't be different because that would mean they aren't equal in every respect.

Oh mr. smart guy trying to define things with his precious defining characteristics.

That's exactly the point, sex is the only thing that exists and gender is subjective. The gender mayo does not exist even if law were to say that it exists. There are no humans that have the physical characteristics of mayo for human propagation. Gender only exists in the mind and people are trying to use it as a means of determining sex despite the fact that it has no real world application outside of a quick means to stereotype recognize sex. When people say you shouldn't stereotype, they at this point remove any functionality that gender had. People's initial reaction after this is to turn to sex but then they are treated with "it's not PC to judge someone's sex"

Humans only show sexes of male, female, hermaphrodite and sexless. Sexless being those with no reproductive capabilities. Of course it's not PC to call people who have lost the ability to reproduce sexless either even though that's how it begins, by being PC.

Societies problem is that they assume that generalizing is a negative thing. But in reality it's how the human brain functions, by generalizing experiences into easily referenced categories. Once you remove people's ability to generalize you remove their ability to self learn and categories their environment.

Muhammad, you need to realize that the students in this video do not represent all Americans. In fact, they represent a very small minority.

Why are american college girls so cute?

This, look at the national polls if you want to see how the majority feels. We're against a very vocal minority. The only reason they picked up any traction is because they felt that everyone needed to hear their opinion. And when a lot of people who don't care about politics only hear one side they accept that side as truth. So how do we combat this? In my opinion we're just going to have to speak louder.


I can't even finish this shit. This faggot in the black/white stripe shirt thinks hes so fucking smart.

don't get greedy, ahmed, you only get to ruin one country at a time

They go to collage to get a mickey mouse sociology degree and have fun. If they don't act like this and try to apply what they "learned" their lives become meaningless. This is all they have.

You can tell what all the girls really think bad the dudes have been totally brainwashed

>I think gender is fluid

>I think you're a male from just looking at you haha
>do you think that's a problem?
>yeah probably

that last line haha.
>see bull dyke feminist
>call her sir
>wtf you just call me?
>why are you offended, gender is a social construct, doesn't mean anything.

my sister goes here



I sexually identify as white, economically identify as billionaire, intellectually identify as troubled genius, birthially identify as 10, and spiritually identify as chosen.

Nice to meet you.

they should do a video about what intersex(hermaphrodite) people think about transgenders.

i bet they hate trannys

That's how you get the even more mentally ill people who think they're nonbinary, genderqueer, and bigender.

Born with.
You can't retroactively perform surgery.

that faggot with his hands in his pockets is making me cringe hard

>"Is there a difference between men and women?"
omg the look in their eyes. you can just see them thinking "I have to say no because we are talking about gender, but then I can't blame everything on men and the patriarchy.."

>there may be nothing more self evident in the natural universe than the fact that every animal species is divided into two halves: male and female.

Holy shit do people actually believe this???

mens rooms have urinals which woman can't physically use(unless they're pro marathon/endurance runners and have learned to pee standing up; A REAL thing, though messy because it's a spray instead of stream)

womens restrooms have vending machines for pads/tampons which men don't have much use for, and more stalls for more toilets

It wasn't an arbitrary decision to make two types of restrooms, there's very real differences in the services offered. I don't think anyone is really offended by unisex bathroom for parents either, men piss into toilet bowls just fine and easily ignore pad/tampon dispensers.

Men make testosterone and are confrontational, aggressive, physical. Women make estrogen and are emotional, passive, more concerned with their appearance. they shouldnt mix in a group bathroom setting, it's a non issue with single toilet bathrooms. It's a discussion because MtF trans were given an inch and they want to take a mile. Whatever, I don't care, I'm not concerned with bulldykes with a hotdog sewn on wanting to try a urinal. It's women being intimidated by men who wish they were women. Women women women!

Maybe they thought he's a diversity comissar in disguise?

>spiritually identify as chosen

the ABSOLUTE madmen

>if it doesn't really affect anybody...

I wonder what these retards are thinking when they say stuff like this, but at the same time claim that microaggressions in daily life reinforce racism.

>if I say that I am a man, what would you say?
You must not want to be taken seriously.