Arsene Wenger's team are on the verge of three successive Premier League defeats. Can Marco Silva's newly inspired Hull City record their second ever league win against the Gunners?

Kick-off is at 12:30pm UK time with coverage from 11:30am on Sky Sports 1.

Arselel: Cech, Bellerlin, Mustafi, Koscielny, Gibbs, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Coquelin, Walcott, Ozil, Iwobi, Alexis.
>Subs: Ospina, Monreal, Gabriel, Elneny, Lucas, Welbeck, Giroud.

JUST City: Jakupovic, Elabdellaoui, Maguire, Ranocchia, Robertson, Huddlestone, N'Diaye, Clucas, Grosicki, Markovic, Niasse.
>Subs: Marshall, Meyler, Maloney, Diomande, Elmohamady, Tymon, Evandro.

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4 points already from Man Utd and Liverpool, today is even more of a free hit.


>tfw get to go at gibbo

>Wenger won't ever be your granddad

>all this advertising for Arsenal Fan TV

>8 and a half years later, Arsenal fans are still triggered by this moment

Arsenal fans
>nu males
>american nu males

Really makes you think.

We go tigers

Can't stand the cunts. Even more precious than scousers and Newcastle fans.

How did Curtis Davies meme his way into punditry? He's gone from MOTD Extra to Sky Sports 1.

Lampard when?

>How did Curtis Davies meme his way into punditry?
He's injured.

He will rape Arsenal


He's from Hull City. Is it that easy?

He's injured and he's a top bloke.

Who's the player of the season?

>that programme

what is it about the north east that make so many clubs unlikeable?
it's not like Newcastle have matchday revenue problems
could it be that everyone is so dirt poor in the North east that they can't afford to be customers and buy every bedsheet & lunchbox the souvenir shops spaff out?

whats the point of this? Arsenal doesnt have goals anymore this season,


what's up my fellow black men?


What would it take for Ozil and Cech to be dropped?

Top kek

Literally have 0 recollection of this happening. Must be sad coming from a miserable hovel of a town and deluding yourself into thinking big teams care about results against pleb teams from a decade ago.

>still mad

So fucking mad

guys lets pick this thread up

1) score?

2) which arsenal player will embarrass us most?

3) at what minute will our most in form player, Welbeck, come on?


Yeah you're definitely not mad blud fám blud.

That's understandable when you only got into football in 2013 tbf

Why does Wenger continue to pick the same fucking team that has continuously been exposed?

Perez > Iwobi
Ospina > Cech

I'm more triggered by the absolutely horseshit quality of that .gif

It's an imageboard lad, this isn't considered going outside.

So basically you're saying that you get BTFO by crappy teams so much you can't remember specific examples.

Really sad to see Cech struggle, he seems to be a top bloke.

That being said, I won't mind his struggles as long as he plays for Arselel, wouldn't mind seeing Huddlestone bloot one past him.

We're gonna do Arsenal today

>managing to cross-quote to an entirely different thread
u wot m8

Imagine Koscielny being that little pussy destroyed by Grosicki's huge cock.

Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

2-1 City

Hull will win 2 mill, photograph this

>iwobi starts ninth successive prem game
sorry for being ignorant, but what does he do?

in the lottery?

Are they going to win the lottery mate?

It's as close as you're gonna get to it.

Anyone got snow settled where they are?
>tfw the ground is already wet whenever it starts to snow here, every time

Is Arsenal the biggest >JUST team in the league?

Ozil looks like an invertebrate, tbph blud.

>decent amount of snow
>it's too warm so it all melts

Seriously fuck this.

Grosicki will score a great goal. Screencap this
t. God


>all those empty seats
awful plastic club

Hull is so shit

The fuck was that

Fuck off Hull, you better put up a fight.

Iwoobi de booby



Arsenal are damned if they do and damned if they don't today, aren't they?

>Hull tripfag

you can't make this up

Hope you get relegated.

Who H/u/ll here

>All those sunday epl fans that have no idea how Hull is winning their games.
Literally Poland of EPL.

The commentator jut said Arsenal have won every single game Coquelin didn't start this season. Is that true? fucking lol

haha i cant type properly lelelelelele

He runs like a gay


Who Sup Forumsein sports here

Poles are brilliant.

>that play

Fucking Christ Hudds wake up

>not giving it to walcott

Jfc iwogbi

Just checked. Not this season, just for 2017.

>World Class

what the fuck was that arsenal



Lol. The team's confidence has been killed by the reaction of the fans.

>this is the best england's got to offer


Oh fuck off Hull

>this match
>end product
Pick none


>hull go forward once
>walk past the defense easily and should have scored


This is fucking pathetic

>outpaced by markovic while he's dribbling

what the fuck is this game

>world class
Who even started that meme?

Is Arselel the most shook team in the history of football?

fucking optus


>This Hyundai A-League quality football

fucking sad lads

Hull making tons of mistakes early on, looking shakier than usual but Niasse should've buried that chance just then

>Arsenal defence
Grosicki will tear them apart just wait.

Hull are going to win this

Please suck my dick once correct

Kind regards

Mr Shelopopodus

>don't want to play video games
>finished tv series
>too hungover to read
>decide to turn this game on

what the fuck am i watching. arsenal confirmed for not top 4

Is there a more consistent club than Arsenal?

Wow, that negro is so bad at positioning.

Thanks Alan

I have no fucking clue. He was wank until mertesacker, yet everybody is always like mertesacker is slow hahahhahaa

Why isnt mertesacker playing again?