Why cant atheists define Atheism™?

Why cant atheists define Atheism™?

Tell it to the hole

Talk to the chicken

how is this still amusing to you, its been like 3 years

Why do christians rape so much children?

why can't grenzlinienmullen define grenzlinie™

how is "Not believing in some random ass book" not a definition?

Kill youreself and find out if atheist are right or wrong.

because when you use your head you realize there are no absolute truths like the religious idiots believe in. and reason has many perspectives.

Three days since the never ending sitpost. Almost dead.

i can feel it
it makes me tingle with atheist energy
so this is euphoria

feel what

Not believing in a supernatural God. There ya go mate.

the light of divinity
the touch of god
the power of reason
the holy trinity of shitposting, masturbating to feminine horse penises and vidya quoting

As much as I hate to answer a question with a question. But why is the rate of divorce within roman catholic or christian alliances 6 times higher than those of same sex marriages? In Canada 3 out of 10 traditional marriages end in divorce.


the touch of god makes you tingle with atheist energy??? dude what the fuck are you talking about



Your persistence is truly outstanding, you have transcended mortal levels of shitposting and have become the very essence of the forced meme
...although you've pretty much ruined the Never Ending Story for me, I think of these endless cancer threads whenever Child-like Empress gives a speech :|

but still... very impressive, keep up the good work of the Lord OP




Why can't non-golfers describe their sport?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsy pop?

Where's this image from? Who's that bitch?



I feel like I'm the only one who finds these threads funny af

Girl from The Neverending Story (movie)

Atheism is a belief system based on the absence of any god(s) or other supernatural beings.

Neckbeards get friendzoned while their likeness gets to sleep with her