Sup Forums's fuckin dead. this shit is sad. just another porn board

Sup Forums's fuckin dead. this shit is sad. just another porn board

cry more faggot

Oh look, another basement dwelling sperg who thinks he wants the glory days of Sup Forums that never actually happened back.

neck yourself bitch

b stands for boner, so yeah. fucking summer fag

>neck yourself

The internet is full of internet tough guys now.

You're just going to have to get over it.

Sad but true. And not even half as good as /gif/ nor /hc/.

Basically. The internet as a whole is dead. It's a full of regular idiots and normies.

We all forget because we learned so young to avoid them with the internet that this is just normal people.

>See most posters in this thread

I'm a tinnie of VB, is there any reason not to neck myself? I'm fucking delicious. Also, Bunnings snags.
