>he's a manlet
>he's a terrible actor
You can't be both. How did this midget get so lucky? I mean, he's horrible, like highschool play awful. Why do they continue to give him roles?
YFW you realize Daniel Radcliffe ruins all mlvies
Holy shit, please tell me this is a real picture
He's got a pretty face.
She's probably around 6'0
Big girls have a huge submissive streak. If you're strong enough to conquer them, you got yourself an amazon waifu for laifu
It's real, I didn't shoop it.
That's Kate Middleton you retard.
It's shopped, here's the original
>hes standing on his toes in that pic
>Why do they continue to give him roles?
He's Harry fucking Potter
For a manlet, he is pretty alpha and non-caring
I mean, it's better than nothing, I guess
>manlet detected
Underage, reported. Enjoy your ban.
This doggu based as fuck
Would pet and sneak leftovers to him under the table
Says the other user manlet....
I don't care about Manlets in Hollywood; he's just an awful actor and I don't know why he continues to get roles.
>tfw 6 foot 2
king of the manlets reporting
He did good in that nazi movie
I'm 6'3, faggit
He gets roles because he was Harry Potter, are you dense?
Left: Tall, decent looking, arguably the best actor alive
Right: Manlet, ugly as fuck, couldn't act to save his life.
>tfw 6'
i even see younger girls at my height now
Who is the guy on the left?
>lowest tier of ideal height
>Harry Potter fans are hardcore movie-goers
I doubt it brother.
>somehow both jewish
He's actually a pretty good actor. He requires a good role though.
Its a dead, horribly mismanaged miniseries, but check out A Young Doctors Notebook.
He's great in it. Ham isn't bad, either.
Charles Bronson
This. 5'8" or so is the absolute minimum to not be seen as a dwarf.
Like it or not but that is literally the reason. Maybe the British accent
Daniel Day-Lewis, ya pleb.
Kit is hot as fuck. Hotter than every user here.
t. virgin who's never talked to a girl over 5'6"
>that guy gave your waifu the BWC
>being this new
I know tall girls who'd break up with their BF to be with Kit.
he isnt getting any big roles
pun honestly not intended
I'm more attractive than that manlet trying SO HARD to grow a "beard".
daily reminder that 6' is the average height for a male and 6'2 is the cut off point for manlets
no hes kind of stiff, naturally Sup Forums thinks hes good
trips of trickery
name one bad performance by Rads (aside from Harry Potter which was a shit that no one could save to begin with)
>tfw 6'3
James McAvoy is 5'7. Five foot seven.
That's why you're spending all your time on Sup Forums. Even Peter Dinklage is probably hotter than you.
king of the manlets
>6 foot 2 prince reporting
he is honestly one of the weirdest people i've ever seen in terms of voice, expression, and mannerisms.
lmao what the fuck
>6'2 is the cutoff for manlets
its 6'4, manlet
Post a pic ? Or your GF
>shorter than me
>somehow I am the manlet
What are you doing
>tfw 6' exactly
hopefully i can still grow a bit, if not i guess i'll have to buy some of them special height shoes
Pete is, Kit isnt. At least Peter has a fucking excuse.
For instance, I would rather have an autistic son than a gay son. At least I can explain the autism
u forgot
descendant of charles ii and his mistress. as is the bint he's shagging
Henry Winkler's great, but the greatest actor alive?
Maybe move to Hollywood. With 6' you'll be towering above everyone else
If you are a white man from a first world country you have no excuse to not be at least 6'0/183cm. If you failed to reach this mark it is because you had African tier prenatal care.
>there are people in this thread that are under 7'
fucking manlets
Well it seems like he's deliberately going for indie films and it seems to be working for him
I've seen him in new movies almost every year since Harry Potter ended
And he's done remarkably well compared to his HP co-stars, the full time feminist and the ice cream truck man
> 6'3
> 6'0
> 5'8
Why americans so fucking retarded?
>5'8.532 (174cm)
Just made it ..
It's the smell in the Wallmarts
They keep Sharting in Marts; it affects the brain
>tfw remember my biological parents giving me alcohol when i was really little
So I was right Kit is way hotter than you. What's the point in being a giant if you're ugly ? That's the argument girls have regarding Kit Harington.
BTW I'm 5ft10
>stopped growing at 5'8 while in my third world country
>moved to America 2 years ago
>now 5'9
>euro-bongistan arab doesn't understand the white mans complex counting methods specifically made to keep out lower degenerated races from ever rising above the glass ceiling.
tb.h i'll probably end up moving to london or some other city where everyone's indian or middle eastern and about 5'5
no you honestly are retarded. emma is leading a tom hanks film and singing in batb while doing the exact same thing as radcliffe. shes mostly been in indie films save noah
radcliffes films have been shit except swiss army man
That works too.
Then again, you'll be living in fucking London
Add 3" to those too short lines
It's all the carcinogens in the grass. Keep it up my man!
Hollywood isnt offering him leads in anything
You're probably one of those who believe that men stop growing at 18 ?
good luck.
how do i increase height after 20 and get a late growth spurt? vitamin d?
Most women i know would drop anything for Kitt.
>for a manlet
Don't know about you but most alphas ive seen were manlets.
>like it and dislike it
>overall neutral
I knew Daniels 5'5 listing was too generous
>emma is leading a tom hanks film and singing in batb while doing the exact same thing as radcliffe. shes mostly been in indie films save noah
She's also left acting
>radcliffes films have been shit except swiss army man
Kill Your Darling is way better than anything Watson's been in
Why did you reiterate?
He's above capeshit
>that filename
well memed
Hell, I would drop anything for Kitt
James might be taller. Sophie is clearly a strong 5ft9.
nice meme, i dont know why im even bothering to respond. 2016 is literally been a shit year, Emma filmed three films in 2015 and took off 2016 filming, yet she has two of the arguably best roles an actress could get coming up. any actress would kill for those roles. and she got them while mainly doing what radcliffes been doing
kill your darlings was nothing good, the bling ring was even better. watson has been doing the same thing as radcliffe. her filmography is better, thats why she can afford to do what she wants unlike radcliffe who has to take a role in now you see me 2 because hes a full time actor.
His head is so fucking tiny, what the hell
kek radcliffe is almost irrelevant
>6' is the average male height
Haha, good thing to know this is just a meme and not real at all.
What are mlvies ?
not as irrelevant as watson
>yet she has two of the arguably best roles an actress could get coming up. any actress would kill for those roles.
kek ur waifu a shit
She can't even do an American accent properly, she's Sam Worthlesston tier
>copola, film, aronofsky film, gallenberger, disney
>acting with russel crowe, ethan hawk, up staging daniel bruhl, acting with tom hanks, singing in beauty and the beast
yea sure, shes doing terribly. radcliffes doing much better
>So Emma had already filmed a scene last week at “James Franco’s party” and was coming back Wednesday and Thursday to film another scene with Channing Tatum, Danny McBride, Seth Rogan, Franco and Jay Baruchel.
>The scene was as raunchy as it could be. Seth, Franco and Kay are kneeling on the ground with a few “cannibals” over them (that’s me) waiting to eat them as McBride comes out of an RV as our “king” with Channing Tatum on a leash in only a thong.
>Emma knew he was going to be in a thong and everyone knows he used to be a stripper. So things were starting to get raunchy. Emma steps on set and looks at the scene and all of us in it and kind of has a freak out moment. Before we started to film she stormed off set with her publicist and Seth was saying what happened what’s wrong with Emma? Then she came back and filmed about 3 minutes of the scene.
>During the scene Channing decided to do some of his breakdancing in front of her but alas he was in nothing but a thong.
>So Emma storms off set. Everyone’s like WTF where is she going? She walks all the way down the street. So we wrapped the night 5 minutes later.
>Came back last night and found out she quit because she the scene was too raunchy and she was really pissed that Channing was drinking while filming. He was obviously smoking weed as well.
>But who can blame her right? She has a good image to uphold. But her quitting made last night filled with Emma jokes.
>The ground was wet and muddy and Channing said we were stepping in Emma’s tears.
I've lived in London, I'm American her accent is very good, cant detect her natural accent. Colonia was good who gives a shit about RT? Do you realize you posting that automatically means i disregard your opinion?
Terrible actors do terrible movies, and he's only in awful movies
But Radcliffe is the one who starred opposite a classic movie star
> shes doing terribly
yes, just like her acting
>having pasta ready
she filmed everything in the script including rape jokes
>believing press for a dude seth rogan movie
he was great in imperium
Not even him, shes leading a tom hanks produced and starring film off yourself