Seriously considering taking my own life/b/

Seriously considering taking my own life/b/
I have a few questions though
>can you livestream from a smartphone?
>what is the likelihood of someone (white knight, normie, passerby) seeing it online and calling the police?
>are livestreams permanently recorded or do they vanish once the stream has stopped?

>inb4 don't do it

2.Unless it gets big no
3.If someone has it recorded no, if not yes

Don't do it(don't want any charges of manslaughter and it is a pussy way to go)

Can people watching it record without permission? Unless of course they just record their computer screen with their phone.

Yea on twitch you can take vods of the video

they can just screen capture it lol

What would be the most ideal platform to use in order to avoid people recording it (don't want family to see it)? And decrease chances of normies stumbling upon it

Well yeah, that's what I was asking.

Its not like a livestreaming service can deny what people having running on their computer

How do you plan on doing it OP?

Op are you me?

If you don't want family seeing why you recording it?

Either why kill yourself?

>can you livestream from a smartphone?
of course

>what is the likelihood of someone (white knight, normie, passerby) seeing it online and calling the police?
very high, not because anyone wants to help you, but because the webs are filled with people that think they are trolls so will do whatever they can to deny you from getting/doing whatever it is you want.

>are livestreams permanently recorded or do they vanish once the stream has stopped?
wtf does that even mean. you know every single sick fuck watching will record the video and it will be saved for the future of all human race to see forever and ever in rekt threads in whatever shit forums replace Sup Forums 1000 years from now

>I'm going to kill myself!
>I know! I'll be a total attention whore and broadcast it, because the people who didn't give a fuck about me in life will magically care about my death!
>It's not like they will be mildly entertained and use me as topic fodder for about a week and then forget!
>I-I'll be memorable and they'll all get the message I've been pathetically trying to express in my death!

Fuck off OP. You're free to check out of life, but don't be a giant fag about it. Die in peace and tranquility--on your own.

Shoot like 12 bags of heroin after getting hammered.

Well that's why I was asking those questions...

Op don't bring trauma to your family, die in peace where your face wont be rekt threads for years

What? Fucking 12 bags of heroin? Like in one dose? Or one at a time? I dont use heroin sorry im lost.

I'm a firm believer that if you're going to an hero, you should let be watch because OP never delivers.

Fuck off faggot, it's not for my family. Read my posts, i dont want them seeing it

Do u use heroin now? How much a day?

12 all at once or whatever I can fit in a needle

I dont, Ive been clean for almost 2 years



I never implied that you're doing it for family, you're doing it for validation. Whether it's for our validation or your own self-validation, you're still reaching out for approval, even in death.

Grow a pair of fucking balls and accomplish something on your own for once and go out on your own. I'm telling you the truth when I say this: All you'll be is topic-fodder. A talking point for a few threads and within a matter of days no one will care.

Grow up and realize that not even death, or suicide for that matter, is remotely special. Niggas an hero all the time, just don't be the one dude who is a fag about it.

no they won't. they'll just post in forums like this. if his fucking mom comes to Sup Forums then yeah i guess you're right otherwise you're a crying faggot

do a crime then suicide by cops, then it'll appear in rekt threads

I think you forgot where you are friend. This isn't Tumblr.

>NOT wanting to watch some guy kill himself for it amusement cause that's what he wants

Way to let op down by not wanting him to fulfill his dream faggot

Why not just eat junk food for the rest of your life and slowly die of heart disease while enjoying yourself and not giving a fuck the entire time?

Livestream yourself eating cheetos while saying "this is the beginning of the end" without the whole killing yourself part. Then just make a series of videos of you eating things like burgers and taco bell and bags of reese's peanut butter cups and M&Ms. That's way more fun to me.

But don't kill yourself.

Would he be able to beat the legend?

Did he died?

I wouldn't give police the satisfaction