Why don't you EDC a knife Sup Forums?

Why don't you EDC a knife Sup Forums?


I edc Either the Kershaw Leek or the Spyderco Tenacious

somsone stole my 3.69" h&k Tanto and I'm too fucking salty to buy a new knife because I'm hoping to find it again

I just got myself a spyderco tenacious only 40 bucks

I want to but I am busy and cant find time to go buy one



Jesus Christ that's the hipster of knife brands.

I rotate between a Opinel, Cold Steel Pocket Bushman and a Böker Turbine.

Opinel is the most socially accepted, but also the most useless out of the three, can't even open a bottle of beer with it.

step it up bro. unless your knife is at least $150 it's probably an EDC compromise

mate i open beers with mine all the time

>not EDCing a K-BAR
user confirmed for living in a shit state

why do you need a fucking k-bar for a normal situation ?

Senior in HS, prefer not being raped by muscular policemman

Don't hate on quality, poorfag

>HST master-race
niiiiice. 147s?

I tend to carry a laptop bag with extra space in it
do you know how fantastic it feels to open a box with a knife designed to kill a man?
overkill, maybe, but god if it isn't worth it to see the look on people's faces

no compromise

hurray a spam thread from a knife seller full of his samefagging.

could you please insert one of your knives in your anus and twist it them bleed out thru your asscrack? thannnnnnnnnnnnks.

do you run around making raptor noises like in Jurassic park?

is that a folding karambit?
where the fuck did you get that

Why do you need to spend $150 to get high carbon steel with fixed tang? I'd spend that much on boots, but it seems like a stretch for a knife.

The compromise is durability for smaller size.


Why have a knife to begin with?

You some sort of 24/7 kitchen bitch or what?

cheers m8, topkek

Just looked up Opinel. Fuckin' classy with that wood handle.

Nice eye, yes standard pressure 147s.

Cheap, but old school

Requires a lot of sharpening and upkeep to be useful, and is oldschool in deployment

nice, that's what i carry in my XDS, good load for any barrel length. Keep my 40 loaded with 180gr.

ontario rat-3, spyderco delica 4, victorinox hunter pro, a handmade damast purdeys with camel bone handle, misc swiss army knives

I carry a bike chain threaded through my belt loops.

It can open up a bottle. It can open up a can.
It can open up a cardboard box. It can open up a man.

can it take out iran?

There's not much it can't get through, user.

I don't wanna fuck up the wood and the steel ring is too rounded to catch the bottle cap.

Nah, the Turbine is ~€240, the Pocket Bushman ~€40 and the Opinel €12.

Tbh, the Pocket Bushman is best for EDC because of it's flat profile.

CUZ a piggy gave me shit threat6ened to arrest me years ago, but i carry a titanium dive knife everyday now cuz the ordnance got fixxed

True, but the blade can be fixatet open and closed, which is a huge step up from other old school folding knives.

>not using glorious tanto knife
>using autistic dinosaur-claw-like knife
explain yourselves

I'm a fan of tantos, personally, but martial autists normally have some trouble dealing with karambits. Not too common to practice with, you know?

Do you dive, user? Why do divers carry knives, anyway? It can't just be "Because sharks." Is it to get loose of gear in an emergency?


ccl thats why


Yep, Benchmade Griptillian

I also have a folding karambit.

ETC seems faggish anyways, oooo urrr look at mi knyfe I nuver use but have to slit my thin rist because >tfw no gf


Dats my EDC knife tbh. Had a green version but a fucking stripper lifted it. Cunt. Carbon is nice though. Benchmade is having QC issues these days, tough to find a good example.



Fucking amateur kill yourself. Way to much cringe.