Alright Sup Forums, what's got you up tonight?

alright Sup Forums, what's got you up tonight?

Its 8 am here. Heading off to work soon

stress about new Job

nice, what type of industry are you in?

what about it in particular has you stressed?

Im a locksmith. Usually start at 7 am. But i made an appointment with a customer at 9 am today. So ive been laying in bed and browsing /b for an hour now

that's pretty cool, how'd you get into that?

Started in high school. I did vocational studies because i was fed up with regular school. First day the teacher asks everyone what they wanted to be. Everyone said car mechanic. Except for one guy who said locksmith. And i thought: " that's a cool title" so i applied for an apprenticeship when i finished school at a local locksmith . I was 18 then. Turning 28 on monday and still loving it

i can't even find a girl to let me give her money on skype to talk to me

shit fucking sucks

good shit user, glad you found something that makes you happy. i'm currently at that point in my 20's where i don't know what the hell to do with my life so hopefully i have a similar revelation

tell me about yourself user, what are your likes/dislikes, when was the last time you hung out with friends, when was the last time you had a relationship?

Stressing about life. Drinking to try and fall asleep

whats got you stressed dude? lay it on me

i haven't hung out with friends in a very very long time, 10 years or more. last time i had a relationship was never.

what keeps you from going out?

Missing a girl who dated my best friend and played me hard. We never dated but we acted like we did, held hands, all that shit. We talked about dating in the future right after she broke up with my homie. (Few months ago now) Stopped talking a month or so ago to get over her. Pretty much worked until this last week, now for no reason she stuck on my mind. Made plans with her to hang out and reconnect in the morning, wants to bring a mutual friend because she thinks we shouldn't be alone, because last time we did stuff.

Starting my MSc in two weeks...thinking about the mountain of work that lays ahead.

i'm in a similar boat, there's a girl i can't seem to get out of my head despite the fact that i'm currently in a relationship. pretty shitty too since i've been with my gf for going on 3 years now. women have a way of fucking your shit up
what do you think the outcome of hanging out with her will be?

sorry, i'm your typical internet dumbass so idk what an MSc is. care to explain?

I was hoping to just reconnect as friends at least. Knowing me it would probably mean falling for her again. Shes talking to some other guy to, but I don't really care. She claims she thought about leaving my friend for me during their relationship, so this other guy who she isn't dating doesn't seem to be a big obstacle.

It's cool man. It's a master's program, essentially the next step after finishing a bachelor's degree (BSc) in university. My field of study is in groundwater resources engineering.

Sometimes I just want to give up everything and play bass in a metal bass in a metal band for the rest of my life.

well best of luck to you man, hopefully things work out

Probably won't. But thanks. So whats up with your situation. Friend of hers or just some random girl you met?

Wish you all the best fella but if she's willing to leave your friend for another guy then, by the sound of things, she could do the same to you. Be careful.

Easiest is to just stay single IMHO

>this thread

oh shit, sounds dope dude. good luck with that program. i want to go back to school but tbh i have no idea what the hell to go back for. i got my bachelor's in something totally fuckin useless that i liked and, to no ones surprise, i can't find a job lol wish i could just write or something

just got off work. listening to an album that popped into my head during my shift

pic related

an ex actually. tbh i dont even know why i still think about her. if i had to guess its cuz she was the one i lost my virginity to and also the first girl to break up with me for no good reason (she said she "lost the feels") so i'm thinking its more just infatuation and not actual romance.
i just have to learn to appreciate the woman i have but for some reason i'm still hung up

tldr: i'm a bitch

not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but either way you're welcome here user

very true, but at the same time there is the possibility that she recognizes her current relationship as being a wrong one and one she needs to get out of

what do you do for a living user? also, never heard of that particular group but anyone willing to call themself turbo negro probably deserves a listen

She's changed a lot to be honest. Lot more reserved. Plus we've always just had a really good connection, even before they were dating.

I would stay single, but like, I just love the idea of romance I guess? Like I ain't even trying to fuck.

I've turned down girls for her too. So like FML.

i know what you mean by loving the idea of romance. there's something about sharing yourself with someone that just seems so appealing to me

Nothing. Just like literally always we're sitting here waiting to get baited so we can go back to lurking. Or fapping.

I feel it my guy. Like I think I'm in a similar situation. She was like, my first kiss and everything (I'm in last year of high school). Made out and shit at her house. We almost had sex but I stopped it ,because like, we weren't in a relationship, and I want to lose my virginity to someone special that will actually stay by my side. So yeah.

TLDR: also a bitch, and in a similar boat.

currently fapping while responding to bait

i'm an order picker for pepsi currently, but it's a summer gig that got me through uni. i'm gonna be done at the end of the month and itll be time to find a new job

if you like oldschool rock / light metal give it a listen. it's some good shit, and pretty funny at times

on the bright side, at least you're not currently in a relationship while still thinking about this other girl. any chance you could make her your gf though? maybe take her out or something

This nigga get me.

oh right on, summer gigs aren't too bad, they pay the bills. what are you studying? also, any idea what your next job would be?

thank you Mr. President.

btw, we miss your black ass in the white house

Well, we hadn't officially called it a date, but I took her to dinner and a movie. Between dinner and a movie we went to the park and laid down to watch the stars, arm in arm basically.

Not sure about it. She knows how I feel about her, or at least about how I felt a few months ago. I think she kinda feels the same way, but like in her core, since she dated my friend for a year, so she tried to suppress the feelings. (she told me that a few months back)

So yeah, no fucking clue what she would do if I asked her on a date.

TFW I'm republican. But lets not get into politics.

only one thing to do then: ask her out. like, tomorrow. take her out and see what happens

i just finished a BSc. in civil engineering, went back to the summer job to pay off my maxed credit card and get some running money saved up

it's gonna be tough to break into the industry, i'm in a big city with two civeng schools pumping out new competition every year. i'll probably end up driving forklift or working in contracting, as fits my experience

i'll probably have to move out of the city to find work, but i just signed a year lease on an apartment ~4 months ago with my girlfriend. so there's that.

speaking of, she's feeling sick and the album's over; imma go. thanks for listening user :) hope all's well on your end

I get that. In my current stage in life it's easier for me to be single and focus of school/life. However, I do agree with you guys that the idea of romance is appealing but I'd want it to be with someone who gets me, someone I can see a future with. I'm not about dating every girl I meet.

tryin to fap but...this. dammit.

Yeah, I'm kind of a lil bitch, and also, I don't really know how....

Yeah I get that too. Come September I have school from 6am-3pm then work from 4pm-12am. So not much time for relationships, even though I really crave one.

Good luck with the job hunt mate!


Regret over dropping out of highschool last year. My friends go back for senior year soon. And stressing about being trans, thinking that even if I come out and want to see a gender therapist, my family is just gonna see me as this huge disappointment and not take me seriously.