Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums
I have a job for you.
This lovely girl who most i would assume know is laci green. I've been wondering for a while if there are any genuine nudes of her leaked. Do any of you have a clue? If so post them or post a link to them. Much obliged if this thread bares fruit.


Also curious

I know there was a guy who had screenshots of her from Omegle don't know where to find those tho

Yeah i found one screencap of that event but im not sure if there are more. Will post it if requested for those who haven't seen it

She is a SJW I don't think someone of her high intellect would be dumb enough to take naked pictures of themselves and send them on the internet or save them on the cloud

yea i remember this, some guy from /fit/ if i remember right.

Is that her?

Havent seen it
