What causes people to believe in atheism rather than Christianity...

What causes people to believe in atheism rather than Christianity? It's not like atheists can prove their theories about the big bang or evolution. they just believe it because some liberal science professor told them to

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no one knows dude

sometimes i blame our age

>to believe in atheism
OP proves to be a faggot again.


I really liked this question until I got to the part where you said "liberal science professor told them".
People are atheists outside of the USA too, where this bipolar political lunacy is not mainstream.


Because pretend for a second that you and I are discussing our beliefs. You tell me about your God and how he is almighty and all that good shit, and then you ask me for what I believe in. I begin telling you about how I believe in Zeus and Athena and before I can even get any further you've already decided in your head that I'm completely fucking retarded and am spewing nonsense.

Now, a while back, people actually DID believe in that shit, and now we look back like "what the fuck were they thinking?"

So tell me, whos to say that a few thousand years from now, people won't be looking back on Christianity and saying "what the fuck were they thinking?"

who knows


lack of faith

The people were half correct in the sense that they observed everything around them was created by an intelligent. Not like what atheists believe, that everything came from nothing

I don't believe in talking snakes.

evolution has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, dumbass

Most religious people simply don't understand how science work. There is no proof in science, not in the sense that you can absolutely with 100% prove something exists/works this way/etc.

There is hypothesis, which is scientific theory. That's not just one guy going like "hey what if this and that", it's paper upon paper, publication upon publication, etc. to figure out how its subject PROBABLY works. Again, that probably doesn't mean it's like one scientist going like "I guess it just works like that".

There is no certainty, that is the entire point of science. If tomorrow there's a paper published that makes it very clear we have been wrong about how gravity works, other scientists will do their research on that paper, publish their findings, and either show how that original paper was wrong, OR we were wrong about how it worked and the theory is reworked into how we now think it probably works.

There are no definitive answers. Then again, there aren't any in religion either, unless you can convince yourself God truly exists and you're fine with not looking into it much further.


They do it to be edgy dickwads

Pretty much thi

Yes because out of the uncountable religions that have existed until now and all future made ones, Christianity is the true one. (Even though there's a billion branches of Christianity as well that all think they're the true one)

I know this is bait, but I'll respond anyway. What causes Christians to believe there is some loving, all powerful God when all it takes is one look at the world around you to understand that God is either dead or never existed to begin with? Because you read it in a book that was originally written in another language 2000 years ago and has been edited countless times over the centuries by whomever was in charge of the church at the time to fit current doctrine?

Why do people believe in christianity rather than Hinduism? It's not like christians can prove their theories about jesus or god. they just believe it because some cuck priest told them to

Most christians i see simply were in the right place at the right time. They had dome down swing in life, something happened, etc. And somebody from a church gave them this god will help pep talk.

The church plays a lot at people's emotions and targets them when they are vulnerable and not in a position to make good decisions. Then in turn a lot of the places you normally turn to for help are stocked with christians. Most AA groups are christian based or lead. Lot of summer camps snd retreat centers are teligiously affiliated. Churches run pseudo abortion clinic called "pregnancy support centers" where they try to talk you out of an abortion and into keeping the baby and god.

They keep a niche on the market of preying on people's emotions.

>science is based on researched theory
> faith is based on "believe me it's true" mentality

How hard is it

Because I look around at my fellow Christians and see his works and his love and mercy, but when I look at you atheists... Yeah. But, to each his own, I say. I'm not saying I'm perfect, or even better than you, let me clarify.

crusades, spanish inquisition, republican party

sure kid

And I'm not involved, nor have I ever been, in any of those, coincidently.

"my fellow christians"

They weren't alive for the Spanish inquisition or the crusades. And I'm not American.

>muh crusades
Stop bitching retard. What an annoying cunt.

According to atheists, there is no "nothing". Even an empty box is full of air. Even the vacuum of space has particles. There is no, and there cannot be "nothing"

>see the children's crusade ya revisionist cunt

my point is your religion is just as crap as the others. No athiests have started wars or genocides.

>No athiests have started wars or genocides
Quit lying, bitchboi.

Oh, what religion is Kim Jong Un?


>"There are no known official statistics of religions in North Korea."

Did... did you actually READ the page first?

>What causes people to believe in atheism rather than Christianity?

Gradual changes in atoms, molecules, and biological coding just makes more sense to me than "poof" that's a human.


Something conceived by science. How ironic.

I think his point was: the image of gods was created by man, and warped to fit the man's ideology. In the middle ages, the church said "god allows you to buy your way to heaven" (plenary indulgences). During the crusades, the church said "god wants us to take back the holy land". The KKK says "god wants us to kill the niggers". Republicans said "god condemns all faggots to hell", "abortion is murder in god's eye"

I don't get your point (English not my first language)

No idea, I don't believe in anything anymore.

Atheism stinks to high heavens, it's just not that cool

Scientific method.


>Scientific method.
IF -- the leading 'Scientists' actually used the Scientific method --- and didn't Ignore hugh amounts of physical evidence ---
There would be no Atheism, Evolution taught in public schools ..... so on.
too much contradictory Facts.

Nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about

You don't seem very bright.

The nice thing about science is there is no need for "leading" scientist. In fact, ANYONE can publish their findings if they'd like.

There would also be no modern day medicine, computers, etc.

My father was a damn good science teacher. He was also a devout Catholic. His perspective was that we did evolve but it was god who did that. He put both together in a way where it made sense to him and I am cool with that. Not everyone has to be either or, some people find their way around things and are still decent people.
I don't care either way.

No God means no morals. Means Hitler was most self actualized human along with hand full others (Godwin's law fail)
No God mean no free will. Not arguable to punish people for crime.
God required for civilization of any kind.

>decent people
And that's all that matters.

Explain atheists giving money to charity, please.

Tax offset

> well, we can be sure that 3.99999 billion out of 4 billion times, the result will be predict by this scientific method
> so you're saying you don't really know what is happening?
Hate people like that.

Ultimately, our opinions on either side are severely skewed by the 'Loudest' of each group. Not every god fearing christian is a dick nor is every Atheist a fat beta male who has to prove himself right. Real decent people just want to live in peace with others no matter if science or religion or both drives them. You can be a satanist and still a decent person who contributes to society. Religion was supposed to be a moral blanket to help people become decent men and women, science advances us as a species. Both can co-exist.

> be brilliant physicist
> discover the world
> get to deep
> can't understand/prove/deconstruct what he sees
> must be god
Every time.

This is a common thing when someone doesn't understand something. This is ok, in my opinion, as this is the same thing as calling an material we cannot get through purchase or other means Unobtanium.

Listen Cutie!
Science is build on flowy science.
Science is build on waterproofed researches.
Sciences' ground work is composed by human exertion, only.

Christianity whereas is founded on some waterproofed sandals.

That's true, but you should define god as the aspects of the universe, we do not understand/know about it yet, before making said statement.
Or you know, you could just be honest and explain, that you found surprising similarities and patterns, that do seem to imply some sort of preexisting order or condition that led to the universe as we now know it. Yet you have no idea why, when or where it originated.

I'm not going for either side of science or religion on this subject. I am supporting both which isn't always easy I suppose. I'm starting to get captchas so I been here too long.

Logical people, believe it or not, go with the belief that has all the logic.

No religion has any shred of definitive proof to it.

Science is the process of putting together observable evidence to form the most logical conclusion.

Religion is a fairy tale and a cancer.

Waterproofed sandals are on sale on amazon!
In case of you not beeing able to locate amazon in the internet just use bing.


please ignore these dumb threads.....who am i kidding, enjoy the circle jerk children

> so you're saying you don't really know what is happening?
Know with absolute 100% certainty? Nope, never. That's science, dipshit. In quantum physics, there are lots of experiments that you can replicate with the same outcome 100% of the time, but we don't know what's happening because what's happening shouldn't be possible.

I'm atheist because I was bullied and my uncle died of cancer but praying didn't do shit.

And as you're probably some pedantic asshat that will ask for examples, here you go:

Atheism correlates with IQ because you actually question the religion. The first thing you question is the ridiculousness of all religious books and how they appear to be written for children, that is a childs mind, given that people rarely got an education when religion took hold.

Although I myself am at odds with "Atheism" itself as that is just something that doesn't fit with religions opposite which is science. Its impossible to deny the existence of a god with no proof just as its the same as having blind faith in one without proof.

Oh piss off. You say that to feel superior to others. There's more to religion than children stories, and there are plenty of religious scientists, professors, etc., all with high IQs.

name them, preferably ones that are still alive

My point was, 500 experiments that show to have similar results and provide a good description of nature, are more reliable than some ancient tale.
I was critiquing people that claim science is just as clueless as religion about things, just because they are honest enough to say that the experiment may have a different outcome the 501 time, even though chances are it won't.

Because you know every scientist and professor? kek

Ah, misread. Apologies!

And yeah, I agree.

so you can't name one huh, but you're certainly basing your beliefs on faith, seems that there's a pattern here...hmmmmm

If it comes down to 100% proof, neither side can do so. But at least these is physical evidence for all science based assertions, and experiments that can test the hypothesis. Religion relies on faith so is evidence free

I can name several, but they're friends and colleagues, so I'm not going to.

Also, I consider myself non-religious. So, yeah...

>friends and colleagues

You don't have those? It's nice, you know, some social interaction. Other human beings and stuff?

Not a problem.

Atheism is for faggots in denial and believing in any set religion is for the feeble minded. Agnostic is master race simply because you will accept god given it is proven to exist, but will otherwise continue loving life.

can i borrow your robot? my moms been lonely

Sure dude, you want the backdoor upgrade too?

Atheist propaganda in media and schools.Just like with liberalism and SJW propaganda.
Another thing, when you have a Leftist politicians suppression Christianity but defending faggotry and sodomy then the politics are factor too.

sure why not

Because the world is and has always been a fucked up place. If God exists, he doesn't care, which is more terrifying than a God that never existed at all.

To fuck Catholic school girls

only good thing about religion is that they make sex fiends out of girls, and sexy outfits


Harm noone. Live well.