Name me a movie with time travel in it that actually makes sense
you can't
Name me a movie with time travel in it that actually makes sense
you can't
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because time traveling BACKWARDS makes no sense.
Time is not stored in some giant VCR where you press rewind and takes you to a specific time. Time just moves forward and every little instant has passed and cannot be reached again.
Harry Potter
That's the worst example
Just watched it and couldn't stop analyzing how awful the time travel was
But it's stored in some kind of overdraft bank account where you can take more than you're supposed to?
Nice stupid fucking analogy for something you don't and can't understand in the slightest
the only way to do time travel is to either have a "BUT THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE" plot or to have a character say "it doesn't matter" when another character brings up logical inconsistencies
You posted it
I was waiting for someone to realize
you can travel forwards idiot. Just keep moving very fast at an incredible high speed and you'll age slower than other people that are not with you. So it kind of is time traveling.
Primer: it's messy, often uneventful (you just play the stock market and sit around drinking beers), unpredictable (you might have to kill someone, or everyone, including yourself) and has consequences (your body starts to decompose)
Back to the Future
I think the biggest reason they don't work is because they go back in time and for some reason they have to go back to their timeline. If they made one movie where everything in the past changed the main characters timeline forever and there wasn't some convoluted way to help them get back it would make perfect sense.
Studios are afraid of movies that don't have a resolution though
Because you're stupid
no more than simply existing is time travel, so no.
12 Monkeys
that's moving backwards, numbnuts.
>made sense
Choose one
it's moving forward less slowly
In the book Timeline they basically travel to a parallel dimension that isn't lined up to our time exactly, I assume the movie is the same.
That one episode of SG1 where they meet young Hammond
I can't believe Sup Forums hasn't mentioned this yet
Not the most accurate, but definitely dives into time travel better than a lot of others
dis nigga gets it, was about to post
Take an electron. In one nanosecond, its probability of being I'm a certain place is X. In that instant, an infinite number of realities are created where X=n, X=n-1, X=n-2, etc. Now 10 nanoseconds from now, those infinite realites have again branches into multiple infinities of realites, and continue into an infinite infinite number of concurrent realites, with variables between some atomic, and others cosmic.
In reality A, we live in the universe we know. I'm reality B, the universe we know is exactly the same with the variable that things that happen here happen 20 years later branching far back in Earth's history.
We don't have to travel back in time, but travel across dimensions (this preserving general relativity) to reach a reality that is essentially ours, but seems to be in our past even though it is that reality's present.
man bill and ted are so fun to watch, is there something similar I could watch
in english Doc!
The ending breaks the entire logic.
I like all dumb 80's-90's comedies
My two other favorites are are weekend at bernies and Summer School
Actually Harry Potter follows the self-consistency interpretation of time travel, and it follows the Novikov self-consistency principle perfectly. The only movie I can think of which does that.
I hate this movie
Donnie Darko
Are you retarded? Time in NOT linear, and the duration of time backwards and forwards is held in higher dimensions.
Jem and the holograms
How would you be able to tell if you were in that universe or just one that seems to be the past?
Makes sense to you? There are plenty that makes sense within their own universe. Only a few that makes sense in ours. The most solid one is Timecrimes wich is flawless.
>asks if I'm retarded
>Talking about "higher dimensions" in an unironic way.
Read a book.
We already live in three of them dumb ass, M-Theory is an interesting concept. You should probably look it up and read up on it.
Do you even know what a dimension is?
Bill and Ted 3 when?
Timecrimes does it perfectly. There are some low budget movies that also gets it, but cant remember titles. Time Lapse might, can't really remember.
time travelling backwards makes more sense than forwards to me. i mean, you can see already see long into the past with the right telescope, but i don't know how you can manipulate the speed of light to see into a time that isn't already occuring.
don't get me wrong though this shit goes well over my head.
I think it's better from a writing point of view. It can be more imaginative whereas any time a movie goes to the past they get bogged down by inaccuracies
Since time travel to the past due to mass displacement (along with other paradoxes) is impossible, process of elimination would lead you to conclude that you had swapped places with an amount of the exact same mass in the "past" universe.
It's really easy. Our three dimensions are just directions you are allowed to move in. X,Y,Z. This gets you everywhere. Time is just another dimension (direction) that you are stuck moving forward in.
Time has nothing to do with our spacial dimensions and light, it's its own dimension totally outside of our control and possibly always will be.
No I'm asking you how would you know all the events happening actually happened in our past? If Abraham Lincoln started breakdancing would you conclude that that happened during the Civil War or that things actually differed in this side universe and therefore wasn't a complete approximation of our past
>people on Sup Forums are now experts on time travel
12 monkeys, primer.
Fun fact
No one is an expert on time travel
>you have to be an expert to talk about theories and opinions
Nobody here is remotely anywhere near interested in film making either if you haven't noticed.
You cant even know that this reality isn't changing. Take a look at the Mandela Effect.
>time travel simply means entering a parallel universe identical to somewhere in the past, and nothing you do there affects the future of your original timeline because they are separate
Literally the easiest, non-bullshit reasoning but it doesn't make for EPIC TWISTS (and I like them as much as anyone really)
>Time is just another dimension (direction) that you are stuck moving forward in.
well i'm more able to accept that idea when it's suggested that we have no power to change our place in time and will always be moving forward. but then if we have no power to control our constant forward movement in time it may as well be a linear dimension right?
Time Cop
If I went back in time to kill Abraham Lincoln and succeed that just means I was the one who "originally" killed Abe, not John Wilkes Booth.
Well, yeah, you are stuck until you can figure out a way to not be stuck. Relative FTL travel around a rotating black hole would move you backwards in time on the same linear dimension.
>Relative FTL travel around a rotating black hole would move you backwards in time
What don't you get? The sentence or the concept?
The concept, it sounds absolutely retarded. What are you basing this on exactly?
I like this picture, and am not even particularly fond of cats.
>movie is advertised as hard science
>lol power of love
The is a universe that exists in the infinite multiverse that is 100% identical to our own down to the history of every electron's spin. The only ONLY difference is that some past event caused our shared history to be delayed by - let's say - 20 years. If you travel to this history (sideways), there is no cognitive difference between travelling back in time with the benefit of preventing paradoxes thus making it much more plausible than traveling backwards in the time vector within our own universe.
What I'm saying is that this universe logically exists, along with one that's shifted 19 years and 11 months, and one where Lincoln breakdances.
It's not that complicated really, and it's certainly not my idea. Time slows down as you approach the speed of light. Go faster than light and time reverses. But you can't go faster than light. So you find a rotating black hole that drags space with its rotation. This is called Framedragging. You fly your spaceship into the moving space, accelerating to just under lightspeed. Now since space is moving, you are moving faster than light from the point of view of anyone outside of the distorted space. And when you leave, you come out before you went in.
It doesn't even have to be an event. Time could be moving slower in that universe.
Time travel is still good
Sure, since the very start of the big bang split an infinite number of universes, there's no reason where on in which gravity or I suppose time and space itself doesn't exist, but I imagine it's a set of branches that we wouldn't be able to travel to even if we could breach the probability-dimension barrier.
But I don't doubt they're out there somewhere.
Congrats you're retarded you can't understand the harry potter film
And this
>go faster than light and time reverses
That doesn't sound right at all. Gravity distorts time, so naturally orbiting a black hole is going to distort time and make it slower, but it's never actually going to cause anyone to travel BACK in time.
Terminator 1 by itself is the perfect time travel movie.
My nigger
Why is this board so dumb
and then cameron went and dicked up his own time travel logic
>Sure, since the very start of the big bang split an infinite number of universes,
[citation needed]
Yeah, you need to read it again or just google frame dragging.
no Back to the future!?
Not a movie, but the LOSTees-in-time season sure made sense.
Why don't you just tell me what theory this is apart of, how about that?
Not fucking really, how does j. Conner even exist in order to send k. Reese back in order to conceive
You can't use google? I'm not your teacher.
Did you watch the fucking movie I'm pretty sure Kyle Reese fucked Sarah Connor.
Are you serious? Next time you pull something from your ass don't defend it unless you can.