Sup Sup Forums I just found out my gf blew my roommate while I was at work, because she told me...

Sup Sup Forums I just found out my gf blew my roommate while I was at work, because she told me. We proceeded to talk for a while and then we had sex. I assured her that everything's okay, but to be honest I feel so totally betrayed I didn't even feel anything when we had sex. The situation is strange, I can't just move out right now since I have nowhere else to stay and it'll take me some time to get a new place. What the fuck do Sup Forums?

Whose place is it? If it's yours, kick her ass out.

an hero

If you legit have nowhere to go then start making plans to get your own place. It's better to live in a shit studio than where your at now, bra.

Hoes is gunna hoe

Sell everything and move, also fuck up your roommate, bitch ass should know better.

No not my place, we actually moved in here after moving back to the city and had nowhere to live.

That's kinda where I'm at now. But should I stay with her? Wait until I move out and play it cool until then? Or just totally trash it right now?

Honestly I thought about it but he teaches martial arts and I'm not about getting my ass kicked kung fu style

>I can't just move out right now since I have nowhere else to stay and it'll take me some time to get a new place. What the fuck do Sup Forums?

Keep fucking her while it is convenient to do so. Then when you can get a new place, dump her ass.

Pack and leave.
Don't say a word, don't respond to texts.

Wish you luck, user

Maybe the best is to post nudes of her. I will there for you and if she is hot - i will fap

Your welcome

Smart and don't be a fucking cuck and keep her when u find a new place

Honestly I like sleeping in a bed more than I like being a drama queen. She already hates herself right now. Me breaking up with her and moving out will fuck her up enough to satisfy me. She'll probably commit suicide tbh

She ain't your gf any more. It's done.

It's going to be weird, but act as cool as you can until you find a place to live.

Why did she even tell you? What purpose could that server anyone except to hurt you?
(don't even try to tell me she's being honest)

Basically. My plan was along the lines of only fucking her dominantly and brutally. I probably make her do anal a few times too.

In her eyes she doesn't want to lie to me. She's dumb for telling me but I'm glad she did because this kinda snapped me back to reality of how shitty she is as a person sometimes.

Did she swallow his jizz?

Just wait until you've been married 13 years and you find out your wife blew a dude...

Kick her out, kick the roommate out.

>She already hates herself right now. Me breaking up with her and moving out will fuck her up enough to satisfy me. She'll probably commit suicide tbh

OP's very young. He's new to manipulation. None of her actions after you leave are your concern. Play it cool, when you have the $$, get out.

btw, have you yet considered that the next time they're together, he\ll hit on her again. Maybe she will fuck him again (she did, there's no "just head") or maybe...just maybe, she'll tell him that you know about it, and you're cool.

Things are about it get very weird at your place.


why the fuck would you even fuck her after she told you she cheated on you? If id live together with my bf and he'd tell me that.. I'd or kick his ass, trash his room or just do nothing and leave asap and sleep at a friends house and find my own place asap.

Respect yourself a little because she doesn't and leave. No reason to stay with that hoe.

These stories always piss me off when people cheat.

They fucked, and not just once. She down played it to a blowjob.

>In her eyes she doesn't want to lie to me

No, that's a victim test. You've let her cheating slide. Next time you will again.

OP, get the fuck away from her. Oldfag here, you could lose years of your life to this kind of manipulation. It's done, she cheated. She's not your wife, you have no children together. Move on.

Maybe. I've thought about it. I wouldn't say I'm new to manipulation either. Not like I would need to be, she's pretty easy to push off the edge. I honestly don't give a fuck if she fucks him again, I've completely checked out at this point. I know she'll tell me if they do fuck. She's too emotional to hold it in, and if they do I will fucking destroy her. I've been with this woman for a long time, I know all the things she hates about herself and how suicidal she already is.

yes, and she's worried karate-kid (or someone) is going to tip OP off.

Honesty did not tell you, fear of being caught did.

It's called admitting to the lesser evil.

She definitely fucked him and probably more than once.

You got cucked.

And then you told her everything was fine and had sex with her?!

Dude she's probably laughing her ass off right now about how much of a faggot you are with your room mates dick in hand.


Move on. You're in a horrible headspace. Away from her madness, you'll see differently.

If you can destroy her, you can convince her to leave, even if it's not 100% your place.

this.he probably destroyed her ass too and told her he will fuck you up if you confront him about it.

If he teaches boxing, muay Thai, or MMA then probably just let it go. If it's some McDojo bullshit like karate, just run up and use throws/wrestling takedowns. McDojo shitters can barely fight as is, let alone avoid a ground-and-pound

yeah im sorry OP I agree with this guy. If she did it once she'll do it again.
You'll never forget her actions and they'll always stain your feelings if you choose to stay.
There is no life left with her.
There are thousands of many more girls out there that wouldn't cheat and would love you fucking better than this shit monger of a slut.

So OP if you really want to better yourself, GET THE FUCK OUT ASAP!
Either kick her out or do what you're planning and get a new place... or crash at a friends place for the time being.

I realize that. I'm not a moron, I know exactly what needs to happen. I'm more curious as to whether or not I should play it cool for now and get the best out of it until I can move out instead of creating a stressful living environment

totally trash it right now, dont become a cuck bro


sorta this, I would have used different language.

But yes, she definitely cheated on you more than once and it wasn't a blowjob man. Sorry to break it to ya. Get out now before you waste years of your life, I mean that... she is definitely not going to be your wife.

Stand for yourself OP, don't bow down to the bitch


This kind of thing will happen again and again if you let it (which you already have). It's over buddy, I'm sorry. I know that sucks, but it's time to move on.

You can't build a life with someone who acts like this, so you're wasting your time by being with her. Time to start looking for a girl who won't fuck your roomate just cause you were at work and he made a move.

Time to find a roomate who won't fuck your girl just cause you weren't around.

You are the company you keep user, it's time to put some better people in your life.

I would like to, but the truth is I'm not sure where I could crash. The only two steady places I know of are having issues.

what type of issues?

Yeah, it truly fucking blows, no pun intended. I'm very stressed out right now

Fuckin' get over it, dude. Its a blow job. Big deal. Is your relationship really worth throwing out over that? yeah, she wronged you, but it is hardly the worst thing in the world. Get to the bottom of why she did it at all and fix that issue first.

Honestly I'd rather rent a van and shower at the gym for a month and leech wifi from a restaurant while I apartment shop than to act like everything is fine with a cheating girl and a guy who doesn't respect boundaries. Because your life is about to get worse by the minute, and she's going to try to convince you it's normal.

But you do you man. There's got to be another way, there's always another way.

Both of them are on their way out. Best friend is moving into a random attic to save up to get a place since he and his gf broke up, the other is behind on rent by like two months.

she will be sucking lots of dick. You'll get used to it.

Im just being provocative to rile OP up into seeing what's really happening and having a rational angry reaction to it.

You need both of them out of your life immediately and then moving on will be sweet. Dont let it fester and still be around them

You said you've been with her long enough that you can manipulate her, right? Use that to get her to move out. As for the other person that betrayed you, maybe she can convince him to leave. Is your other roommate easy enough to intimidate?

get out Sup Forumsro.
Cut ties as much as possible and eventually it will be okay. Just next time instead of going for a girl just because she likes you make sure you go for personality. Make sure you both like the same things...on the deep level

She's in the same boat as OP, obviously. Nowhere else to crash, not much money. But she's making the most of this time, having some funs, being neighbourly.

>Get to the bottom of why she did it at all and fix that issue first
She was horny and wanted some new cock. Why does there have to be an issue to be fixed?

I'd say talk to your best mate then in the attic. All the more reason for both of you to hang together, that's a recipe for some serious bromance.

If he kicks his ass, he goes to jail and op sues him. Op, just tell someone you trust about her infidelity. Then you have an alibi in court if he does kick your ass. But let's be real here - he's not going to.


I'd recommend that you keep using her for sex while you come up with a gameplan to move out asap.

Move out then send her pics of you fucking other women.

She insulted your masculinity by giving someone else head.


Get a gun and shoot them both for Sup Forums allready you fucking faggot.

Have you considered that this is not the first time or the first other man since you've been with her?

How you can let this slide I don't know...oh, right, you're going to beg her to allow you to do anal on her to make up for it.

Maybe we need to rate OP dick...there might be the problem.

this guy will die alone and will be cucked many times in his life, do not listen to him OP

Get a load of the ego on this fucker. She's not going to kill herself over you. She'll probably just start munching on your mates cock when you fuck off. Not really your concern anyway once you're got.

If she was really willing to cheat without discussing what's wrong first, she either isn't committed to the relationship or has no self restraint. It's best off if he bails out before it gets any worse, which it will.

Virgin detected

Dude you have every right to feel betrayed... In fact, take this as a very important initial step into manhood.... Learn to be a fucking man and "do the hard".... It may not be easy to kick that slut out of your life, but it'll be alot easier to kick that slut out now, rather waking up every morning, see your fuckface of a roommate every morning, see your cheating whore of a girlfriend.... They're undeserving motherfucking undeserving hands on your kitchen ware, dishes, food.... Dirtying your apartment, spending your electricity, and all this other bullshit while you are working hard as an honest guy just trying to be. That shit will eventually make you wanna do extremely illegal things to these individuals and then may fester into you actually doing them. There are many worse motherfuckers out there that will give them their dues, but you, you have to do the hard.... And you have to get rid of them immediately.... And also, be motherfucking firm about it when you do it.... Betrayal is not something felt often, so understand that when it does happen, its pretty fucking serious..... Remember, the goal in life is to be happy, considering there is no true purpose, so, take care of yourself,obviously this bitch won't.

Pic semi-related....... Get jacked and go get a hotter bitch...... Bonus points if later on in life, dis bitch hit you up... Make her choke on that cock and then kick her right back to the curb.... Because like I said earlier... Betrayal is not felt often, so.... Fight some fire with more fire, ey?

Give your room mate a thank you he showed you what a cheating slut she is, grow some balls and put her out on her ass.

No sex bro, she is fucked in the head. She knows she is about to lose you and pregnancy might "trap" you in her opinion. Don't talk to her don't fuck her don't pay for shit. Take your next check and leave.

You need to leave ASAP. You also need to not touch her again at all, pregnancy, rape charges and STD's are all you have to gain.

Hit up parents, hit up rental ads ASAP.

please don't be a cuck. leave her.
I made the mistake of staying after she cheated early in the relationship and after 2 years I still never trusted her, even grew to hate her deep down.
Wasted two years of my life.

I'd say this is okay as long as you keep this endgame in mind. Play it cool, keep getting your dick wet, maybe use it to your advantage ("hey bae, since you're a big ol' slut, I need you to let me do dirty XYZ thing to you - or to me - to regain your trust and commitment")... then once you get your shit together, drop her like a bad fucking habit and move out.

Just don't get complacent. Don't forget she's a fucking cunt. She gave your roommate a BJ for no fucking reason other than her being a cum eating slut. And FFS, don't knock her up.


She will do it again! a hoe is hoe, that bitch even told you what she did! Make plans user and leave these peoples as soon as possible! Don't become a cuck. I wish you luck brother!

I can't wait until it's time to rain fire on the orientals and filthy fucking Arabs.
