Help... I think the bitch I fucked yesterday poked holes in the condom she gave me?
I should've used my own rubber, but I wasn't thinking straight and accepted her rubber from her drawer.
Anyway, after I cummed, it felt weird... Like my jizz was leaking out the tip.
She didn't even let me take it off, she took it off herself in the dark and idk where she put it.
After I left she probably emptied out the cum in her pussy
Anyway what do I do
Hunter Allen
There's nothing you can do, if she gets pregnant it's your word against hers and in this society all the government cares about is somebody pays to support the kid
Juan Russell
leave the country, get a new identity
Leo Garcia
Dude you do know the lube in condoms kills the sperm, right?
Caleb Butler
Grow a moustache
Jack Nelson
Me again, you could also stop being a fag and ask her?
Parker Miller
Find a doctor to fake vasectomy documents.
Jaxon Diaz
You ask for a paternity test if she tries to trap you and hope to whatever you find holy that her tadpole didn't come from you.
Levi Long
ITT: things that never happened.
The condom would split during sex you idiot virgin
Ryder Hall
you're lucky waifu pillows with a fleshlight attached can't get pregnant.
Robert Adams
But what can I do... I don't want to pay child support and I feel tricked. My whole life is here and my family is here... Everything is here. Hard to live a new life elsewhere. Condoms didn't have lube and either way you can still get pregnant. I don't think that's true I already have Yeah like I'll straight up ask her " hey did you happen to poke holes in my condoms so that you can cling to me and for child support" What if they ask for a paternity test. I heard it's forced?
Logan Moore
>it felt weird... like my kids was leaking feom the tip
Virgin detected
>after I left, she probably emptied out the cum in her pussy
Autistic virgin detected
Ayden Anderson
get a friend to kick you so hard in the balls you become impotent, then take her to court
Lincoln Stewart
I think you should probably spend a few hours each week for the next couple of months savagely beating her in the stomach. The last thing we need in this world is for someone who uses the term "cummed" procreating...
Hunter Long
>Yeah like I'll straight up ask her " hey did you happen to poke holes in my condoms so that you can cling to me and for child support" Well since you make it seem like you had a one night stand and don't trust this girl; yes. That's exactly what you should do. You seem like a know it all douche anyway so yeah; communicate. Scary, isn't it? Or you live in fear for a couple of months.
Hunter Perry
Oldfag chad Mcthundercock here. Many a condom has broken for me over the years.
Son, don't worry your pencil dick about this. If the condom broke in any way, it would split and would all gather at the base of your cock. This happens in an instant when a tear happens. you feel it, that fine raw wet pussy feel, the second it happens.
Dylan Foster
Nicholas Edwards
7.5 by 6.
Never let that pussy dry out, use lube to maintain that condom.
Ian Sullivan
Enjoy being a father, nigger.
Easton Rogers
Did... did you just post a dickpic? Autismo mcdickfetish detected
Josiah Martin
Some do have spermicidal lubricant, but most do not.
Matthew Taylor
Well yes. I did claim to have broken many condoms in the past. So, there's some proof that this may have actually happened.
Isaiah Lee
U thought u got pussy. but got 18 years of payments. BAMBOOZLED AGAIN
Austin Mitchell
Ask her as other anons have suggested. If she says she did it on purpose, rape her. Easy.