Am i the only person in the world who hate and haven't watched Game of Thrones yet?

Am i the only person in the world who hate and haven't watched Game of Thrones yet?

No you are not buddy.I don't get what is so amazing about it.

congratulations, you are both very unique and special

>I hate something I've never seen
No, I'm sure there's a ton of retarded people you can fit in with.

No, and nobody cares what you do or don't like.

I want to point out that you "hate" something before you've seen it is silly. I'm inclined to say you hate it for no other reason then because it's popular.

You should start watching

>haven't watched

Then how do you know you hate it dipshit


You hate something you haven't watched. I'm guessing you tell everyone this to get attention, that kind of thing works well when you are 15?

I just dislike all the hype revolving it.

I'm never gonna watch it because all the normies won't shut up about it. Checked out the nude scenes and all the girls have sad or fake tits. I'll go play real D&D if I want an adventure in that type of setting. All the names sound gay as hell in it too.

I watched some reaction videos on Youtube. Because of fans i know nearly everything about script and characters. I tried to watch first season and after Ned Stark's death i stopped watching.

It's really good user. I used to shit on my siblings for watching it, telling them I don't care about it.

Then I started watching it. It's the best TV show ever. I've forced myself to stop watching it until all the episodes from the current season have been released. I can't handle waiting in-between episodes.

Yes, how does it feel being edgy and special at the same time?

You say you "hate" it, but you haven't watched it... prime logic bruh.

You're missing out but you're also lucky because you have so many episodes to binge watch.

Don't get everthing directly. Try to understand complaints. This show is boring and not attracts me.

calm down edgelord

the simple are bored by things they don't understand. don't worry, it's normal.

>I'll go play D&D

You could literally watch every season of got before that one game of D&D ended faggot.

No i have understood. Everybody is trying to fuck each other.

I dont hate it, because I've not watched it. that would be stupid.

but the books 1-5 were rather dull, and I have no desire to watch it.

Trump voter detected.

>All the names sound gay as hell in it too

ikr i fuckin gagged when someone told me there's a guy called Little Finger

what fucking faggot shit is that

Watched through the first season and a few epidodes of season 2. Hated it - it was boring as fuck. Is it always so fucking boring or should I give it another chance and try to power through the 2nd season?

you clearly didn't get anything about the show if you think it's basically just porn. as i said, sometimes idiots just don't understand things, and that's fine. the world has room for idiots. for now.

ask the 8 ball faggot

>what fucking faggot shit is that

The guy own every brothel and try to fuck a minor cause she the daugther of a hoe he wanted to fuck when he was young. He fuck her ugly ass sister tho.


I don't talk about sex scenes. Fuck means throne wars.

If you didn't like it there is no reason to continue. There isn't some secret deep meaning behind it all.

Starting to think it may be a bit overrated but I'm going to read the books as well to make up my own mind

This show is becoming more feminist with every fucking season.I might just stop watching it,it's getting a bit too much for me

Show sucks, books are good.

Who got a link to S7E5

I liked it upto last season. Liked it in descending order, the seasons. This one, I stopped watching after first episode. Reason : over the head arrogancy of that dragon whore and that little north 12 year old bitch who just never stops barking but will piss on seeing an arrow coming to cut her head in warfield. So, yeah now I hate that feminist of a cunt series and will resume after that dragon slut gets murdered. ( feels better ). This sucks.

never seen it either
I dont have a TV and dont dl/stream TV shows or movies except some documentary stuff. obviously because I dont like TV in general but I cant specifically hate something Ive never seen

My rommate didnt.
He hates the hype.
I didnt as well, just uninterested.

Thats basically how Sup Forums functions tho, just being the antagonist of the internet


Trump voters are alphas. Not a bunch of feminist shit.


I haven't and don't plan to.

Did not watch and hate ?! From were comes your opinoin ?