I hate most Sup Forumscore, but that's just fucking stupid.
I hate most Sup Forumscore, but that's just fucking stupid
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah... nah.
>29. Rapeman, Two Nuns and a Pack Mule
This is on here solely for the name, isn't it?
Awful list, but what did you expect?
Also, someone get an archive link up.
So this is a satire of the 150 best women's albums list? Well alright. Will post thoughts after I read.
>giving them even one view
Someone archive so I can laugh at this b8
come on
>strange days
>metal machine music
>two nuns and a pack mule
>kid a
>yankee hotel foxtrot
>sgt. pepper's
what did they mean by this
>getting mad at this
they win you morons lmao quit being predictable
>no Reznor material on the list
Day 213, it appears women have been fooled into thinking I am one of them.
This list is 1000% right
Lmao. The 150 worst albums made by men are still better than the 150 best albums made by women.
Jesus, this is an irredeemable list. Even the 150 albums made by women is better. Like how can you think Sgt. Pepper's is genuinely bad. Overrated maybe, but no way in hell is it bad.
This article is great.
Here's the biggest truthbomb.
>It’s arguable, in fact, that beyond getting the groceries, lists are fundamentally lies. They reflect unconscious biases and whispered compromises; they solidify beliefs that may seem relevant in the moment, but become incomprehensible to the next generation.
> They are also arguably anti-feminist. As Robin Morgan wrote in the anthology that helped define feminism’s Second Wave, 1970's Sisterhood is Powerful, “The women’s movement is a non-hierarchical one. It does things collectively and experimentally.”
The whole point of this article is to get you to "like" and "share" it on facebook so other morons can see it.
Don't give in to the temptation.
>too dark park
Theyre retarded feminists. What do you expect? Gurl power lul is the whole bs attitude
Why are you even giving this attention user?
It's literal bait designed to give them more fuel for the 'lol male tears' shit.
You gonna prove them right?
Walk away. The last thing these people want is to be ignored.
>lists are anti-feminist
Women btfo'd
MMM, Sufjan, Kid A all belong on there though?
>lists are fundamentally lies. They reflect unconscious biases and whispered compromises; they solidify beliefs that may seem relevant in the moment, but become incomprehensible to the next generation.
Or in other words, lists are based on the opinion of the writer.
I mean, no shit. Is this meant to be a profound statement?
>They are also arguably anti-feminist
Come on now.
metal machine music is a noise masterpiece
illinoise and kid a are pretty boring but far from being the worst albums ever
yes shit head
People have gotten so autistic about lists and will always preface their lists with shit like that now.
I find it very hard to believe that these albums are actually the WORST 150 albums made by men. There've got to be a bunch of albums that aren't currently famous for being good that are worse.
>Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
But there were women involved in that album...
mmm is a pioneering noise album
lol i love that the list is 90% genuinely bad music and 10% acclaimed music
everyone is falling for it lel
>Radiohead - Kid A
>Slint - Spiderland
>Pearl Jam - No Code
> Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
> Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
This has to be either a troll list or a list made by stupid people
Rapeman is below limp bizkit, jesus
there is a lot of shit on this list though, i'll give them that much
>"Taste is always subjective, and it’s 2017; everything is bound to be utterly stupid from here on out."
Literally what plebs here on Sup Forums say, usually those who listen to rap and metal... Just so you know...
>"Taste is proverbially subjective: de gustibus non est disputandum (about taste there is no disputing). On the other hand, we do frequently dispute about matters of taste, and some persons are held up as exemplars of good taste or of tastelessness. Some people's tastes appear vulgar or ostentatious, for example. Some people's taste is too exquisitely refined, while that of others is crude, naive, or non-existent. Taste, that is, appears to be both subjective and objective: that is the antinomy."
>128. Slint, Spiderland
>124. The National, Boxer
>79. Radiohead, Kid A
>60. Sufjan Stevens, Illinois
Almost everything else is trash, though
>Sup Forums discovers jizzbeetle
Why do you like music made my men, user?
This is some pretty good bait honestly. I like how they sprinkled in great and acclaimed albums with genuinely bad albums.
>Skinny Puppy, Too Dark Park
w e w
Steve Albini is an openly admitted pedophile who talked about loving hardcore child porn in his tour diaries which are still available online web.archive.org
>146. Ace Frehley, Ace Frehley
What the fuck did Ace ever do to anyone?
>113. Bon Iver, For Emma, Forever Ago
I agree with this. This is a very privileged male-in-his-20s album.
>109. Neil Young, Are You Passionate?
>97. The Cure, Wild Mood Swings
>49. Miles Davis, Doo Bop
>27. Lou Reed, Metal Machine Music
low-hanging fruit here
>104. The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
>96. The Shins, Oh, Inverted World
>79. Radiohead, Kid A
>60. Sufjan Stevens, Illinois
>16. James Taylor, Greatest Hits
I tried to go to the page but it blocked me, you'll have to link the list or post a greatest hits version
They're Sup Forumscore. They're there to prove a point about how easy it is to upset guys by shitting on the classics, because they know it'll get a reaction. Again, why are we giving this shit the attention that the writer wants?
I want to cum on her qt face
They only hate those albums because they're fully made by men and doesn't fit their ideology.
James Taylor is NOT Sup Forumscore...neither are The Shins for that matter
I disagree with MMM being low-hanging fruit, anyone who actually listens to the whole thing knows its a good album, the meme that its bad is just based on some early review by some dumb publication, same with Self Portrait by Bob Dylan
With common sense, it's easy to hear there's some great stuff there
It's not really upsetting, it's just confusing because there's so little consistency.
can you recommend some particular moments in Metal Machine Music that I might have missed because I just didn't hear any good ones
Is anyone else sick of pop-culture lists in general?
I think that's the joke.
MMM is feel-good music, like Persepolis or something, it's just a rewarding experience, it only gets shit on because it was put out by Lou Reed, anyone else and it'd be regarded as a lost gem
kys yourself at least twice desu famigo
MMM is the musical equivalent of this list, user. It's something made deliberately poorly just to piss people off.
Lou knew what he was doing.
>MMM is feel-good music, like Persepolis or something, it's just a rewarding experience
noisefags are so fucking dumb
itt: you idiots don't realize the list is satire
Noise =/= harsh noise
He made a good album, but knew it would piss people off sure, but all his good albums and bad albums were just as much of a troll move as MMM
Are you retarded that list has nothing to do with poor sounding albums or not, it is a list of anti-feminist or albums that do not fit their ideology, that's it. You can make the greatest album of all time and it is anti-women, it is in the list. Sgt. pepper and slint should already gave you the hint.
It's not, unfortunately. Jezebel exists solely to prove Poe's Law.
>like persepolis
persepolis makes me feel like i have a fever or nausea or something, i like it but it's definitely not feel good music
I know the list has nothing to do with poor sounding albums. I'm saying that the list and MMM were both made with the express intent of annoying people.
Which is apparently working with you.
Jesus Christ, I swear you people are so easily duped into getting mad at dumb shit like this.
>deserving to be on there
It's clearly click bait.
It's not stupid feminists, it's smart woman, exploiting stupid feminists, and idiot 'anti-feminists'.
Why can't these people just go away and/or die. Whoever wrote this is incapable of creating something beautiful so they shit on things that are so people get mad and pay attention to their pointless talentless ass. I really hate these authoritarian "progressives" all they are doing is making the world worse.
So I'm looking at this best albums by women list, and I think it represents what I inherently hate about these sort of pop culture lists is that it mixes true visionaries and inspiring figures like Laurie Anderson, Buffy Sainte-Marie, The Raincoats and Diamanda Galas with fucking Britney Spears, Destiny's Child, Amy Winehouse and The Ronettes and some groups that just have a female member. And then they throw in some garbage like representing Nico with Chelsea Girl instead of literally any of her any other albums Like at that point its not a music or about the women either (and since they had no problem including multiple albums by the same artist, when it wasn't necessary, there were much better or diverse artists to give multiple spots).
>James Taylor, Greatest Hits
Nigga fuck you James Taylor is a goddamn saint
>working with you
Working with what? Read my post again please.
It's easy to write a list when you are not required back it up though.
You think that they chose the albums out of some great feminist/anti-feminist cultural war.
They chose acclaimed albums because they knew it'd piss people off. You're playing right into their image.
Can someone post the list, the ads on that site are killing my phone browser.
These whores better step away from my Rapeman
Probably the funniest thing about feminism is that they pick on relatively harmless mid-grade men. Obviously there are bigger fish to fry, what with overinflated chads roaming the earth, but feminists know they're too weak, ineffective, and intrinsically incapable of ever capturing their attention, so they try pitifully to bully less aggressive men.
who knew you can PUBLISH your bait now
Both of these lists suck by themselves but if you swap albums between them you could probably get a pretty good list. They both forgot Wendy Carlos though.
damn i was hoping they'd REEEAALLY go for the nut in the top 10 with Pet Sounds or something
to be fair anyone who had all 150 albums in his collection (and no other) would be a real piece of shit
>Picture of Kid Rock
Oh, THAT's what this is about?
Liberals getting toasty.
>Wendy Carlos
Obviously written by TERFs
Look, I don't care how big of a Republican, skinhead or neo-Nazi or whatever you are, you can't tell me the idea of Kid Rock as a U.S. Senator isn't scary.
He said later that MMM was something he enjoyed and even founded a three piece improv group playing similar music.
No, no more than anyone else.
Just because he doesn't have an air of sophistication and elitism or "political experience" (which is a meme created by career politicians) like most politicians try to project doesn't mean he isn't going to represent the people that voted for him any less. He might be even better in that regard.
Femi-nazi bitch.
Makes Chanty Binx look approachable
Wendy Carlos isn't a woman.
Sup Forums falls for such obvious bait.
What's great about this list is you diaper-babies are gonna be posting it for the next fucking week. Enjoy the refreshing breeze of jokes sailing over your head until the end of time!