Blue or Green, Sup Forums?
Blue or Green, Sup Forums?
Blue Ruin = 7/10
The Green Room = 6/10
So Blue?
Tough call, he had much more $ for green room. I liked Stewart in it but is seemed so incongruous, like cpt picard was playing in the holodeck. The actor from blue ruin's character in green room doesn't get enough exposition so his sudden change of heart is weird and jerky, the story in both is a bit meandering at times but I think overall green room is a better movie. I loved them both for the record.
haven't seen blue but green was alright. I prefer White Material
Blue, but Pinkerton is an extremely close second
Neither. Both are cliche-ridden genre flicks.
What cliches are in Blue Ruin besides that it's a revenge flick?
lmao watch this pleb. That's an album, Pinkerton is a record. Listen to more music
Blue. Both are pretty good though.
>what cliches are in Blue Ruin besides the biggest all encompassing cliche that dictates every beat of the paper-thin plot. Which doesn't count because I say so
I don't think a plot needs to be complicated
Green >>>>>> Blue
You're right. But it doesn't hurt if the characters were at least a little complex.
Just watch Refn's first three movies if you want to see Blue Ruin getting fucked up the ass.
so do you want to actually explain your point or just continue to act like a faggot
Pshh loogatthis dood
blue without a doubt.
Blue ruin was 4/10. What a garbage movie.
I like Refn but he gets a bit avante garde for no reason
Green Room. They're both good though. The director is doing a good job so far.
Blue, but they're both excellent movies. you'd have to be a pleb to dislike them
Blue Ruin is a bad No Country.
Green Room was pretty cool rip Anton
avant garde you pleb
Blue Ruin is the most boring movie I've ever seen.