How do i explore music without becoming an insufferable poseur?

How do i explore music without becoming an insufferable poseur?

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You don't

you don't listen to car seat headrest, for starters

You already sound like an insufferable poseur

Listen to music because you like how it sounds, not because you want to be recognized by a certain group or subculture, and you'll be fine.

Ignore anyone who calls you a poseur. They're poptimists.

learn to transcribe and analyze music in order to find the exact sounds that provoke a positive reaction in you, then seek out music or create music that has these sounds in them
don't listen to music you don't like
there's effectively infinite music to listen to when looking at it from the perspective of a human lifespan. ruthlessly disregard the chaff, don't waste your time being bored

Get off Sup Forums.

>worried about his image
>not a poser

Really delve deep into a genre instead of skimming the surface and if you don't want to hear anymore from a genre don't act like you know more than you do because I can tell

why this nigga look like a rule 63 bayonetta

no wonder this board discusses the same 7 artists day in, day out
stop worrying about becoming a "poseur"

Heres how

You find shit you like and you listen to it without worrying about what people think of your taste.


You don't worry about becoming an insufferable poseur. If you like it, who cares what other people think?

Based montie

stop using the word poseur

>set no musical standards for yourself
Do you eat shit for breakfast?

>disregarding the word poseur
So you're a poseur, poseur?

>implying everything needs a set-standard
I guess you find a good standard of communication otherwise you'll just walk around in the air farting while saying "DOOBIE DEEDOO"

Stop taking seriously. Do you know why? It's because he started the the "poseur" meme. And don't take Sup Forums so seriously in general.

By listening to what you want, and liking what you want and not worrying about something so stupid.

>taking the bait this hard while virtue signaling, having a tripcode and samefagging your own post

Why do you hate yourself so much?


This OP

Listen to what you like and dont rag on others because they listen to different things

but then people say I have bad taste :c
there's no winning

Don't talk about it with anyone other than people that are just as into it as you.

When people ask what I listen to I literally tell them "Basically everything" and then turn it back on them. Ill make suggestions on what they should check out based on their taste but thats as far as ill go.


I can't unsee

I started the poseur meme to make fun of people on /chart/ and a guy who I knew from my Skype group who intentionally pretended to have deep level taste to get more attention.

He didint like the music he had on his chart, it was simply an image thing so people would flip shit at how deep he was.

I know a lot of people like avant music here-I do too-but its not like I am bumping Merzbow every singe day. I don't think anyone except people who make harsh noise do.

I just want people to stop being so elitist, enjoy music for what it is, and form opinions about it. I don't want it to be a rat race towards who has the deepest, strangest, and most absurd taste in music.

So what? If people say if you have bad taste they are projecting. Like what you like and don't hide behind shit you don't like.

If you hung out with people who ate literal shit and were called weird because you didint like shit so you started eating shit and you still didint like it how would that make you feel?

you would get cred in the shiteating community but at the end of the day thats not you and you are in the bathroom throwing up because of it

>I started the poseur meme

The term poseur existed way before you were even born. I think you have a narcissistic personality disorder or something. I guess I'm not helping by replying.

What if there is people who really bump the band you mentioned and you make them sound forced?

+1 for good argument
-1 for trips

Half of your post was reasonable.
>I just want people to stop being so elitist, enjoy music for what it is, and form opinions about it. I don't want it to be a rat race towards who has the deepest, strangest, and most absurd taste in music.
Sure, and do you realize that some people are musicians, often classically trained and perhaps composers? Are they in a rat race and too much into music for you? How do opinions of anonymous people matter so much to you? And you even admitted you were making fun of a person posting in a /chart/ thread. We all know that's where people who treat music like trading cards gather. And yes, I would draw the line at Merzbow too. At that level, it's all too easy to make something similar.

Your post is so hypocritical I can't even tell if you're trolling for attention or not at this point.

He means he made the chart

Mandatory listening genres:

-Western Art Music
-The Art Music equivalent of any number of non-European countries you choose

Supplement with any visceral pop music genre of your choice:

-Hip Hop
-Electronic (both edm and idm work, but no memebient)

Everything else is inferior music that has no qualities at all that it's the best at. Traditional folk music is good for historical contexts, but that's it.

You seriously think everyone using the term poseur do because they saw a chart he made?

OP, music is something beautiful. Don't get bogged down in how you look. Just listen and explore what you like, and don't mock others. That's all there is to it.

The whole point of the thread was for Montie to show up and prove he is the savior Sup Forums needs. Everyone knows what the answer to this fake question was.

Oh you are that guy that thinks The Velvet Underground and Radiohead tried to be classical music.

>I started the poseur meme

No, you hijacked the poseurcore chart meme.

Hey, genius, do you realize that there are genres of electronic music other than EDM, IDM and other popular music electronic subgenres?
And let me guess, ambient music is not worth listening to because it's music for housekeepers, right?