I recently came out to my adult friends and parents and told them I'm a registered Republican and that I voted for...

I recently came out to my adult friends and parents and told them I'm a registered Republican and that I voted for Trump. They were very disappointed and some of them cried. One person reacted very violently and I don't think we can be friends anymore. Where do I go from here?

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thats nice caitlyn

Friends, family, the jedi craves not.

People take politics so personally. I live in California and I voted Trump as a joke, mostly because I know Ca. Always goes blue.

the only reason you or anyone else here likes trump is because he pisses people off.

and because you're a sad little nobody the misery of others gets your dick hard.

You go buy a gun and make sure that fuck stays away


nice pasta

More pics of this girl. Don't give a fuck about your politics.

Nevermind. Found her myself. So fuck your thread.

too bad there are no nudes of her

Can't wait to get rid of Pelosi and Boxer.
No one who pays attention to politics unironically likes those crones.


Politics aside for a sec, pelosi needs medical attention. She can't speak without stroking out like Johnson.

>People take politics so personally.
Why shouldn't they? It affects their lives. You know who sends people to war to die? The government. Now sure they volunteer, but you want someone in office that'll make it worth it and not some wild goose chase.

like it fucking matters who's elected

Now that's the kind of irreverent Ashton kucher style prank joke that I just love. Doing things like voting, but as a joke is just so funny and hilarious. I bet you really cracked up all those people you told. Lol what a funny story

It does.

Why would you so openly tell the people in your lives that you're a cuck?

it only doesn't because of fucks like you who continue to maintain and support this exact status quo and mentality

Serious question, OP. How did you come to support a political party trying to undermine democracy with gerrymandering, profit off unfairly incarcerated people, fill folks full off chemicals in food/medicine that slowly kills but only after they pay for a lifetime of pharma and doctors, and gently finger fuck Russia? Maybe I don't understand the Republican message, but to me it seems like they're intentionally trying to kill us all in the most legal, PR-friendly, profitable way possible. If you're in the top 2% of income or don't care about anyone but yourself, GOP makes sense.. but otherwise... why?

hehehe it worked

Dude. California allways goes blue. So it doesn't matter, as far as the electoral college is concerned I voted Hilary.

Im not saying it is not serious or important, I just dont get the emotional investment in it.

And Texas is always Red but I'm not going to give up and vote Trump because that's what everyone else around me votes.

it does. I have great healthcare because I'm not in a state where Republicans sabotaged Obamacare.

I know of pelosi, and yeah she is a pain. I dont know of Boxer.

Please share your secrets of reading the minds of people you've never even met.

>came out
Fucking hell people take politics seriously..
>my home
>what'ya vote for?
>huh? It's voting time?
>meh don't have time

I would tell you to kill yourself but Trump will do that for you when he starts WW3

Well. Technically we did the same, voting for some one that our vote wont wont go to, I guess the only difference is why we did it. You did it for your own reasons and I did it out of apathy for the system and to piss off my friends.

kill yourself

all it takes is a peripheral observance of the complete inaccuracies and utter bullshit trumptards espouse to come to the conclusion that they are essentially at heart nothing but banal, uninspired trolls.

look at what this user just said:

check and mate.