Is he the most promising young actor from Stranger Things cast? Or will his career fall flat? There is no doubt that Millie Bobby Brown will make it big time, but what about him?
Is he the most promising young actor from Stranger Things cast? Or will his career fall flat...
Better actor
I have no doubt that Millie will be a huge star. But Finn? I'm just not seeing. I don't see anything special here, just another cookie-cutter child actor.
He'll be too funny looking.
Why is there no doubt that Millie will make it big?
One of these kids is gonna end up like Cory Haines
These STF are thinly veiled pedo threads. You guys are not fooling anyone
Yes. Better question, what does he keep in his arm pocket?
>He'll be too funny looking.
When has that been a problem for actors? This ain't the 1950's anymore.
nothing, it's just there to make the jacket look more interesting
>There is no doubt that Millie Bobby Brown will make it big time
Sure there is. She's allegedly the most popular actress to come out of the show and yet she's been offered not one single role since it wrapped. I don't know if you're aware, but usually industry buzz happens a lot sooner than public buzz. People have known this was going to be a sleeper hit for a while, and Millie has been on the scene for several years now, but she has yet to book anything major beyond this. Honestly, and don't get me wrong, I hope for the best for he, but it seems to me like she's in a bit of a bubble at the moment. She'll have steady employment as long as ST keeps getting renewed, but she doesn't have the most marketable look from a casting perspective. She's great on Stranger Things, but I wouldn't know where to put her in other projects. She doesn't have that Disney Star vibe, and she doesn't look like a horror kid like Finn, either. She was kind of made to play this one particular role. She could in theory rise above type and become a prestige actor at a young age like Jacob Tremblay or pre-star wars Natalie Portman, but Stranger Things is very much a genre piece. I would struggle to place her in a prestige project simply because the world knows her as Eleven.
Millie Bobby Brown already looks fucking weird, puberty is not going to be kind. Very few child actors ever really make it
The fact that she has the acting skill of a 20ish actress while being only 12 is what amaze most people including the people in the industry, because its anormal, a 12 years old girl shouldn't be able to act that way, she's basically 10 years ahead of any other actress of her age which make it easy mode for her to land a role against other child actors of her age
Its just genetic man nothing they can do about that
>this looks """"weird"""" to user
You people have skewed vision.
>The fact that she has the acting skill of a 20ish actress while being only 12 is what amaze most people including the people in the industry
Well yeah she's British. Best actors in the world.
Honestly it all depends on if he's tall or not.
If he's short, he'll be too awkward looking to get any real pull.
If he's tall, he can be the next Lucas Haas or Adam Driver. Height, plus that kind of quirky charisma and depth (which he has for his age, obviously quite intelligent) can go a long way if you have a large physical presense backing up your unconventional appearance.
If he maxes out at 5'7" he'll be too weird. If he's 6'2" or above he'll be that quirky hot sensitive nerdy man material. Especially if he's a bit broad shouldered and puts on a little weight.
Basically if he grows up to have Adom Driver's physique he can be a legit movie star.
Oh, but he can't be a fag. If he's openly gay he's fucked. Maybe television or theatre will take him in but definitely no movie career or anything.
Canadian Classics
> including the people in the industry
Not really. CD's are looking for people they can cast in either a wide array of projects, or a laser-focused set of circumstances in which the talent can be the go to character actor for a very specific role. Millie really isn't either, and her track record indicates it.
Because shes a cute little girl who is already sassy and more intellectual than any of her peers.
I don't know. Just a guess.
>tfw learning that the actress that plays 11 can't stand this kid has ruined the show for me
I can't watch any of their scenes anymore. You fucking ruined it Sup Forums you fucking assholes
>Well yeah she's British. Best actors in the world
Factually untrue. Ever watch English television? But go ahead and keep thinking that, it's the entire reason the trend persists.
Well, considering he is the only actor to get work outside of Stranger Things, I'm going to say probably.
Well they can't all be good, but they churn out a disproportionate number of high quality actors.
How does Sup Forums even fucking know that Millie doesn't like Finn?
But yeah. TV shows get ruined for me when I realise that real life relationship between actors and actresses are fucked.
At least Charlie Heaton is cool with everyone. He's mah boi! I want him to come back second season to hunt more monsters with Steve's waifu.
Again, they really don't. It just looks that way to the average person because the only actors you are exposed to are famous ones. Oddly, being British has become a very marketable asset in the modern entertainment landscape. I can't tell you how many times I've seen upstart agents sign someone with literally no credits or meaningful training simply because they were English, only to get burned by the fact that their new client has no fucking marketable skills beyond their accent.
This though. He needs a large stature.
>she doesn't have the most marketable look from a casting perspective
Of course she has, she is pretty in a conventional way. There are always roles for girls like Millie. She will probably be next Saorise.
Finn's chances look even slimmer, he doesn't do any publicity, and he is recently distancing himself from his fanbase too. His only procject besides ST is IT, and IT can be at best mediocre. Milly however has huge fanbase and presence in media.
>Of course she has, she is pretty in a conventional way
Biggest fallacy young actors buy into. Here's the thing, everyone in Los Angeles is pretty. The market is saturated. From a marketing perspective, it is much better to be unique looking and have the ability to play roles no one else can. You will work MUCH more consistently. With Millie everything will be depend on the moves her team makes right now. Her reps are top notch, but it's still a crapshoot because in five years she will look like a completely different person.
>Finn's chances look even slimmer, he doesn't do any publicity
A) that's factually incorrect as Finn is getting high profile work outside of ST, and B) the reason he isn't doing publicity atm is because he's getting high profile work outside of ST.
And I'm not pulling shit out of my ass here, I work in the industry. If I was going to sign one of the two, I'd go Finn simply to hedge my bets. I don't see him being the next Tom Cruise, but I know that I would be collecting my 10% unquestionably more frequently. He'll be a terrific character actor, and honestly, that's what you want to be.
If his face slims out he's going to look like Australian musician Rowland S. Howard.
The future of stoner comedies.
>He'll be a terrific character actor
So he will play creepy dudes from horrors till the day he dies? Looks like shitty career prospects. Also like I said, he cares less about his fanbase than Millie does. In the end actors who are popular and loves get cast more often because they bring bigger profits.
he's so disgusting to look at.
>In the end actors who are popular and loves get cast more often because they bring bigger profits.
Gonna have to ask you to show your work on this one. Where are you getting your numbers, ace? If you're talking about twitter and con appearances, that's lovely, but then Tom Hanks and RDJ are still earning a lot more than Wil Wheaton. And being a character actor is not as glamorous as being a movie star, but it is a much more stable career path. And not for nothing, but have you ever spent time with a movie star? Nine times out of ten they are deeply unhappy people.
Kek look at that massive nu male "sensitive" piece of shit faggot. So frail and deep!
Post your headshot, champ. Show us your muscles.
ayy lmao
...He's literally, unironically, factually a little boy.
Tom Hanks or RDJ are in the business long time now, and they both are well established actors. However young actors who are just starting need to build and take care of their fanbase and yes, promote themselves by attending cons and events. Finn will grow up to be a loopy looking weirdo who gets roles in D class flicks.
nikka he posts on snapchat and instagram everyday(or did, apparently he doesnt post for 2 days because someone said something that hurt him)
>someone said something that hurt him)
That proves my point, actors and celebs get shit all the time but they don't act like special snowflakes. He didn't attend ST premiere event. Don't tell me it was because he was filming IT, I'm sure he could have taken one evening off. Also his castmates don't like him. This guy is not fit to be an actor, or at least not a ''famous'' one.
>all these degenerates
Get off my board cucks
> However young actors who are just starting need to build and take care of their fanbase and yes, promote themselves by attending cons and events.
Nope. Incorrect again. Young actors should have a marketing strategy, but it is much, much, much more important to build credits, for both young actors and new actors of any age, than it is to do what you're suggesting. In fact, unless it's SDCC, NYCC, or to a lesser extent Dragoncon (and even then you need to be promoting something current, and, ideally, doing a one day appearance), too many con appearances is a surefire way to look desperate and hard up for cash. Most working actors I know avoid them like the plague.
She's a good actress I think
Cool. But you agree with me that
>Finn will grow up to be a loopy looking weirdo who gets roles in D class flicks
The guy who plays Dustin has better potential to be a character actor btw
>Don't tell me it was because he was filming IT, I'm sure he could have taken one evening off.
And you know this how? You are aware that Netflix premiers aren't exactly media circuses, right? But, no. Honestly you probably don't realize that because you have consistently proved throughout this thread that you don't have even a cursory knowledge of how the film industry operates. All of your opinions seem to be based on speculation and the way you think things ought to be.
>Oh, but he can't be a fag. If he's openly gay he's fucked. Maybe television or theatre will take him in but definitely no movie career or anything.
Ian McKellen, Neil Patrick Harris, Raymond Burr, the list goes on and on. Being gay doesn't fuck you up in Hollywood.
It's actually an asset in the new media landscape. CD's and producers love to look progressive. Hasn't gained much traction yet with A List projects yet but it will. I read the dailies, well, daily, and more and more often I'm seeing roles that say "openly gay preferred". Everything starts from the ground up.
So is he really a fag?
>And you know this how? You are aware that Netflix premiers aren't exactly media circuses, right?
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I just wanted to chime in and say that's correct. I showed up to the Daredevil premier in jeans and a T-Shirt and no one batted an eye. They held it at a regular movie theater that I go to weekly. Very laid back informal stuff. Conversely, they were turning away ticket holders from the Suicide Squad premier for not having formal attire.
I would have no idea, but it doesn't really seem that way to me. You never know though. Bran didn't seem all that femmy at Finn's age but look at him now.
but bran guy has girlfriends, doesn't he?
>Cool. But you agree with me that Finn will grow up to be a loopy looking weirdo who gets roles in D class flicks
Sure, he's got a look. I don't know about "d-list", but he'll likely be a genre player.
Allegedly, but have you seen him in press spots? He looks like he farts rainbows.
Then he can just as well find normal job and stop trying to make it in hollywood.
>Gary Oldman
>Christian Bale
>Alan Rickman
>Michael Caine
Literally the first few I could think of and there are tons more. This isn't even a debate. No other nation comes close.
he looks like picture related
>Froggo bully thread
>he looks like picture related
no, he doesn't
>these dark shadows under his eyes
wtf, I thought it happens only to older people?
I got fucking gross dark circles under my eyes too. Didn't stop me from getting a gf.
>Didn't stop me from getting a gf.
are you 9 year old too, retard? children shouldn't look like that unless they are ill
Mmm, you're kind of right honestly.
My dark circles are my own fault for staying up late and not eating enough spinach.
Sometimes it's genetics. Also it doesnt help the fact that hes pale as cum.
I think in his case he's just too white but there is genetic too
t. half my family has it
Far from it, user. Take a look at:
among others. Froggo's future looks bright.
Sometimes dark circles can make a guy look sexy as fuck.
For example, CHARLIE HEATON!
What did she mean by this?
>you'll never be bros and have a homoerotic but totally straight relationship with him
Face blindness strikes Sup Forums once again. Autism reigns on this site.
>you'll never go monster hunting with Charlie and establish an unbreakable bromance ;_;
your husbando is dating miss skelly
why are you guys doing this to me...
No, again, you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. You named four actors. Unfortunately there are more than twenty actors in show business. People have a skewed notion about this because they treat A List actors as if they are the only actors. From that perspective, it would appear that Great Britain churns out a disproportionate number of talented actors, but that perspective is flawed. For every Gary Oldman there are a thousand talentless hacks. And for every Michael Caine, there are a thousand equally talented actors from any nation you could possibly think of that you have never ever heard of, not because they aren't talented, but because they aren't famous. And in the acting industry, talent does not guarantee employment or fame.
Whether or not you as a member of the general public get to see an actor is determined by a casting director, and whether or not a CD is willing to take a chance on an unknown talent is based on a huge number of circumstances, most of which are completely outside of an actor's control. And right now, precisely because people like you are under the impression that English actors are innately superior, many many casting directors, when presented with an English actor and an American actor that are identical in terms of talent and look, are going to go with the English actor because of it.
Now where I will give England props is that they put a tremendous emphasis on acting training. Most famous english actors spent years honing their technique at prestigious schools before the ever set foot in front of a camera. Now that is not to say that there aren't plenty of American actors who have training that is just as good, the problem is in casting. American agents and casting directors put more emphasis on experience than training. Oftentimes training can be a hinderance, as if you were working on you masters until age 27, there are going to be a lot of 27 year old with more credits than you who decided to jump in at 18
I want to sit on Charlie's lap desu
Who's this cutie?
Delete this
Finn Wolfhard, the best actor of his generation
MODS MODS MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you trolling? That is true of everyone in the entire world. Finn has more potential than nearly every actor in the industry. 90% of all SAG-AFTRA members make less than $1,000 a year acting. Steady employment is almost impossible to come by.
No, rat face
She?? has a bikini on, it's fine
>you'll never set camp midhunt and have to snuggle together to keep each other warm at night and joke about it the next morning
>you'll never have to manage your time between him and steve because you dont wanna hurt none of your bros
This guy is the only cast member that actually looks 80's if that makes sense.
I think the clean image of the how kinda fucked with the perception and took me out I the fact that it's the 80's, a bit of grain and fuzz might have been cool, like the filter on the intro.
>Finn has more potential than nearly every actor in the industry
Why? Because he looks ugly or weird at best or because he gets casted and pointless horror flicks? he isn't very talented, just mediocre. So where this potential comes from??
Imagine that's an image for season 2 and jonny boy becomes a chad.
Which country does produce the best actors then? Because it sure isn't America. It's obviously Britain.
Charlie deserves better than Skelly lady desu senpai
He IS talented, and he isn't ugly. He has a unique look and he has three agents and a manager from some of the most powerful firms on the planet. That is where potential comes from. Not from some literal nobody on Sup Forums that likes Millie better.
He always seem slightly greasy. Like he smells off warm air and leather.
why do people pretend this show had good acting?
Part of that has to be because theatre is still taken seriously in Britain. And young men who consider acting aren't immediately thought of as being gay or wasting their time in Britain. Shit don't fly in the US.
>Which country does produce the best actors then
That is a stupid question.
> it sure isn't America. It's obviously Britain.
Why is that? I just gave you a lengthy breakdown on how the industry works and explained the exact reason why it falsely looks that way. Now the burden of proof is on you, man on the Internet that does not work in show business. Convince me why your armchair speculation on the industry that I work in is correct.
What's wrong, you don't like Millie? She is probably the most talked about young actress this year.
Ummmm...why do people think we give a f*** about ur opinion lmao kthnxbai
He doesn't always look greasy, but always look like he could use a good cuddle or two
To trigger your autism
My 25+ years of watching films has led me to the conclusion that the United Kingdom produces the best actors. There are up and down periods, but overall I'd say this is the case.
i didn't post an opinion
> Is he the most promising young
> actor from Stranger Things cast?
> Or will his career fall flat?
> There is no doubt that Millie
> Bobby Brown will make it big
> time, but what about him?
they will panic and cast millie into crappy films and just like that her career will be over.