Hello Trump supporters...

Hello Trump supporters. I'd like to take some time today to talk about why your glorious leader was very stupid to say that he would “rain fire and fury” down on North Korea. Now I know your tiny, little peenees got all aroused when he said it, and threatening someone who threatens you appeals to the uneducated, Budweiser guzzling bumpkin deep inside you, but it was actually bad politics and bad strategy. Here's why. There will be no war with North Korea. They don't need a buffoon like Trump to remind them that any direct military action will be met with direct military action. An expensive ground invasion of US troops or any prolonged military action might be popular right up until the economy starts to tank. Vietnam round 2. Air or drone strikes would only serve to dock Kim's allowance for a few weeks, and risk meaningless escalation of the situation. Did you really think solving the problem would be as easy as sending a few B-52s to Pyongyang? Of course you did. Even a retaliatory nuclear strike would inflict fallout on South Korea and Japan. You know, our only two allies in the region. So what do we have left? Two bullies who know they arn't going to do shit playing 'who can sound the scariest' with the world's deadliest weapons. Which has the added benefit of backing Trump into a corner, because now he has to rain fire and fury down on them the next time they threaten us or look like a total pussy, all the while unnerving America and the rest of the free world by reminding everyone that he might be a little unhinged and has no idea what he's doing. Oh, and now China gets another excuse to dangle help in our face in exchange for more economic kickbacks. Bad policy. Bad strategy. Now tell me again why you think off-the-cuff comments about obliterating millions of people in nuclear fire is a good thing.

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Nice blog post, however

> > Sup Forums


You have just been awarded - "not understanding asian cultures/10." Good job!

Hillary lost. Get over it.

yawn. who cares. wont affect me.

Yeah, apart from the whole nuclear war part. Hope to die quickly in a bomb blast, not slowly in a dead world.





implying that there will be nuclear war





implying it's not a possibility.



because wars are cool and we're long overdue for one

Trump threatened to attack in response to further threats.
The DPRK confidently replied by announcing they will test (not attack) more missiles firing them into the waters by Guam, not bomb Guam.
As per usual, americans and their propaganda are distorting the truth and are losing their shit while the DPRK reacts level headed and confident announcing concrete steps to defend themself and assert their will to fight any aggressions against them.

The only reason the Norks even HAVE nukes is because the dumb-o-crats actually believed the little fat bastard's dad when he said he just wanted to build power plants. And you wanna talk about how stupid Trumpers are? Clinton -literally- gave the Norks 2 (two) nuclear plants to play with and left them unsupervised. Obama -could- have done something different, but he was too busy taking it up the ass from his muslim husband, aka Michelle.

Now we have another cowboy in the oval office, another gunslinger. Somebody who will cross whatever line the little fat kid draws and fuck his shit up. The Chinese have even told the fat kid, "You pick a fight, you're on your own..."

And I almost wish a ninja WOULD! I'm 52 years old and an Army Veteran. I served in S. Korea in the 80s. Lovely place, would sign-up to go back in a HEARTBEAT.

But you Lil' Lefties are all gonna cry about how we shouldn't make the little fat kid mad... Well fuck that. The lil' bitch wants to rattle the Big Dog's cage, he's gonna get et'

No, please, make him mad. Be retarded, that's not a challenge for you, no question about that.
The DPRK wont be another one of your regime change victims that end as a "faile state". You have no power over a souvereign people that takes arms and throws everything into staying independent.
I will celebrate the day americans out of their idiotism try their shit again and get their ass handed to them.
I want to see Japan, South Korea puppet regime and the US burn.



I'm fairly certain we could wipe N. Korea off the map without nuclear force, and really if we did who would care? America is a war-faring nation, we like it and were good at it. What economical purpose do they serve? What are there chief exports? South Korea is already an ally, at most wed be consolidating the Korean peninsula

>And you wanna talk about how stupid Trumpers are? Clinton -literally- gave the Norks 2 (two) nuclear plants to play with and left them unsupervised.

Fake news


Why don't you do something about it then OP? Instead of stringing together a bunch of insults to make a pathetic rant. You're no better than
the "uneducated, Budweiser guzzling bumpkin."

>I'm fairly certain we could wipe N. Korea off the map without nuclear force.

If we just wanted to fuck them up, not go in and try to restructure their shit or nation build, it would only take about a week.

Where we fuck up on military campaigns is when we try to do the "Hearts and Minds" shit and turn enemies into friends, Vietnam being a perfect example.

Treat'em the same way we did the Germans and the Japs, teach them to respect the Big Dog, and we never have another problem with them.

We helped Japan quite a bid after

Looks like you haven't studied our nuclear arsenal very deeply. Airborne nukes drive themselves into the ground using physics and weight prior to detonation, thereby bypassing great deals of radiation in the delicate atmosphere. Study our missiles and bombs a little deeper, and you will understand what is in our arsenal, and what can logically be deployed at any time.

Do you normally talk out of you ass? You must since call everyone around you that does not agree stupid and racist..

Kim Jung spouts shit, and everyone runs away scared, trump just called him on his bullshit, it actually smart and it was an Alpa does , unlike betas like Obama who did nothing, or Clinton who gave them fucking nuclear power plants a thus, needed shit to make nukes

Kims a killer and seems bats shit crazy, but he cant show weakness, being a dictator and all. This forces him to back off...

So what if he fires something ever herd of missile defense systems? that you know shoot down enemy misses....

great policy , great strategy, kim either backs off appears weak , and gets his ass killed by his people. Or he does something stupid get his shit blown up, get killed,

most likely to turn into talks and actual fucking progress, or kim shutting the fuck up

Google "Neutron bomb"

I'm not an American, but the old presidents had to deal with them but they treated North Korea gently and why Trump does not complete the same path, anyway it's like all president was on the same path until trump won, and fuck it

He accepted the easier solution, namely war

Also, most countries engineer their icbm's and testing well underground for the purpose of stealth as well as protection of each country's land and air. Therefore, knowing your enemy's exact sites of arsenal is key to successful warfare outcome when using "bunker busters" and the like.

the only think op studies is how his wife's boyfriend moans when a real man takes her then he eats out the mess

when in reality
>he could've prevented north korea

did you even read the post?

We are all going to die thanks to an idiot elected by idiots.


a threat is a threat, emperor trump replied by backing down

The US literally rebuilt Japan, helped them form a new government etc. It's why the Japs don't despise the Americans for what they did, probably due to honor or some shit.

no one that hates trump is "an American" they actually hate america

gently does work, go up to the school bully and act like a bitch, and be surprised when treated like a little bitch,

stand up to him like a man and watch him back the fuck down, or at least get some fucking respect, its called having a backbone

thta term alpha was first used to describe god emperor on rt.com

the firt person to back down was trump. they threatened and you said, do it again, we're locked and loaded.

maybe he should thank them for testing their missiles.

you think little north korea is a bully? you just started following this? it began well before the thaad system. it began with taiwan

Trump is a homo!

But 40 years on scandals least of which is her emails, i would school you but I do not teach special ed classes

Also, she wanted war with Russia, the only idiots voted for her, especially after the fixed primary, Sanders was the real winner of the primaries

>"just" called him out
>What an alpha would do
>Betas like Obama

Don't get me wrong dude, I agree with you completely that Kim is fuckin crazy and needs to be wiped out, but don't such Trump's dick so much just to make a point. Both of these leaders are in a dick-measuring contest that could ruin the earth. This isn't about being the big boy on the playground, this is about keeping the planet intact

on RT? right your so full of shit, fucking fake news reading cuck, and likely share blue employee

i would school you but I [attended] special ed classes

they have be dealt with now not when they have 2000 nukes ask our fucking generals , regardless of mess,

they have only a few small nukes which shit delivery capabilities, likely blow up on launch or fail, hes not developing missiles to reach the USA while his people starve for the hell of it..


I know you did, if you missed all the other scandals surrounding her, your not paying attention of living in liberal echo chambers

actual content of the emails leaks/hacks if you fuck took the time to read them, would blow your fucking mind, keep in mind both podesta and Hillary confirmed the emails are legit , and not a single email from Wikileaks has ever been proven fake

just need to nuke the blue states and kill the liberal hot spots before they destroy this country

Who cares? It's never been about her.The only people going on about Hilary's loss at this point are Trump supporter. It's about Trump and his decisions now. Lots of people think they're bad decisions. That matters.
Nuke the bastard's what?