If evolution is real, how come we didn't evolve into dinosaurs after the ice age? Why only before?

If evolution is real, how come we didn't evolve into dinosaurs after the ice age? Why only before?

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A different climate and environment means a different set of biological traits needed to survive.

you're not a dinosaur ?

I didn't know the sticks evolved into spears too.

This is some weapons grade retardation right here, folks.

OP, just give it up. You're too stupid to amount to anything, other than a parasite on the ballsack of humanity.

Shhhh!! You know the rules! Never let the mammals know.

top kek

Dinosaurs, avian or reptilian type of creatures, humans are mamamals, go read a book or go back to school.

>not being a dinosaur

Then what is this?

After the ice age mammals had the biological traits and advantages needed to survive.

>believing in the evolving Jew

Does anyone else think "villain" when they see that pic?
I feel manipulated.

because dinosaurs are too big. if there isnt enough food there cant be giant creatures

'we' evolved into dinosaurs?

why would dinosaurs be more effective after the ice age?

Sauce on him?

as previous comment states.


As the tectonic shift took place, several rifts were formed and filled with water, forming, what would later become many of today's oceans and seas. These "oceans" were small and shallow giving way to an excellent, warm, tropical climate. Many coral reefs were formed and life, in general, thrived. The warmth and humidity affected the forest life and many large, thick forests began to appear.


dinosaurs had plenty of plant matter and oxygen at their disposal.
The ice age killed most of the primitive animals. Mammals were better at defeating the change in climate and prevailed

>anglo science
Anglo ruins everything: religion, culture, race and nations.

I thought this was r9k for a second

evolution is jew science