So, I'm tired of being poor and I'm considering some ways to make bank off of stupidity. I'm an anarchist...

So, I'm tired of being poor and I'm considering some ways to make bank off of stupidity. I'm an anarchist, a radical unionist, and I ran with ARA in the 80s (and put a lot of boneheads in the hospital) but with the stupids firmly in control, I've decided it's time to cut me a slice.

Give me some suggestions for making money off idiot GG fedoralords, mouth-breathing Trumplorable bigots, and the rest of the subnormals, since they're the only people being rewarded these days. It can't be too hard to take their money; they're morons. Everyone and her or his uncle is making t-shirts with stupid slogans and hats with some variation of MAGA on them. I need something which is cheap, will stand out, and which imbecile right-wingers will lap up like Trump spunk.


Oh great, someone who is only slightly less retarded than Communists.

Sell them tee shirts and hats.
Jesus was that so hard?
No wonder you are poor.

Start a health insurance company. Tell them you don't insure anything obamacare does.
They would eat that up.
Then you literally just collect free money, and reject all their insurance claims... since you already told them you don't insure anything that obama does.

Everyone else is already doing that. I'm a lot smarter than them, and I'm pretty sure I can come up with something that'll make me a lot more money with a lot less work.

Sure, all I need is a few spare million lying around for that. Maybe Drumpf's dad can make me a small loan of $50 million.


>Using drumpf unironically
How can someone be this big a faggot?

And yet you have not.

If you are so fucking smart, how come you are reduced to begging for money making ideas on Sup Forums?

>I'm a lot smarter than them
And yet here you are on Sup Forums begging for ideas while being poor.

Jesus Eric I know your dad's the president and all but grow a fucking brain.

>unironic Anarchist
Pick one

I bought a shitty vinyl cutter years ago. I sell car decals, shirts and hats. Go to a county fair, sell "dat rebel flag" and I make around $1,500 per day. Shit isn't hard.

How's about getting a job? Didn't think of that now did ya.

You know mr Im so smart, there are many banks.
Come up with some catchy in-bred sayings and in like flynn.
Here - I will give you one for free "I came here with my wife and sister. Here she comes now."

I've spent my entire life working for peanuts to help my community, and have developed a lot of skills around using tiny amounts of money to do as much as possible. After a lifetime of sacrifice and living in destitution, I've decided to spend some time harvesting the low-hanging fruit. Unfortunately, decades spent setting up unions, developing legal strategies, doing advocacy, and organizing protests and direct actions doesn't really give me much insight into turning a quick buck. I'm looking for some brainstorming ideas here I can maybe modify to make bank.

Are you OP?


Well shit you should have started off with this sounds like a stand up guy.

This makes you sound faggy and yer shits all fucked up.

these are me

I apologize for my faggotry. Let us consider together then.

I had an idea for putting together something on eBay like a "ass-soothing liberal butthurt kit" out of a small wooden box with a glass lidand putting some talcum powder, Preparation H, chapped bum ointment, and so on in it. Think it would sell?

Do you have any skills? What about people skills? You must certainly be proficient at writing.

I'm a professionally published writer. I actually made a small living writing custom erotica for a few years. Sadly, we're living in post-literate times and there just isn't any money in writing fiction any more. Even the erotica market is dying.

Probably a few, but not worth the effort.

Can you blog? Do you have opinions out of the mainstream? Get a following and sell that kit.

Make 2 exactly the same one for dems and one for reps

So, you are saying that after all those years, you've developed no skills of real worth and produced nothing of any real value. So now you want someone else to hand you the means to be successful on a plate because even though you didn't earn it, by golly you deserve it. Yep, you are a Leftist alright.

yes, understand how a job works. You have to do it yourself, if you want money for it. If you are so much smarter than the average american, i'm sure you can come up with something creative yourself, you fucking old punk.

>old punk
You say that like it's a bad thing. You can take the man out of the revolution, but you can't take the revolution out of the man. Mother Jones was still facing down riot cops and capitalist goon squads into her 90s. I hope I'm still kicking back tear gas cannisters when I'm wrinkly and grey.


I do have an idea. You have to pay roylties on it tho

email me at [email protected]

No, I don't want to do any work. If I'm going to expend effort, I'll use it doing valuable work. I'm looking to take advantage of the fact that the people with money these days are dumb as a sack of Trumps. I'd like to come up with something that will get me some quick cash by taking advantage of their stupidity -- something which isn't already being exploited by someone else.

Of course it's a bad thing. you are old and obviously never reached your goals. Instead you developed some stupid-ass mentality to excuse your childish behavior.... or what doy you think you are doing?

A wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age.

So sayeth that wise old sage, Meat Loaf.

so what do you think op?
In the current climate should sell a bunch.

Move to Canada you welcome there with all of Americas wetbacks and sand monkey terrorist.

Rather ironic don't you think, that the sort of people that usually say shit such as "money isn't everything", are those who already have comfortable lifestyles and don't have to worry about finances?


that doesnt make sense, no matter how you look at it. If you waste something it can't be better than something productive. You should stop taking shit heroin addicts say seriously. Meat Loaf is not a wise man.Platon, Kant, Schoppenhauer, Descartes, etc. are wise man.

Community organizer and anarchist shit-disturber is generally a young man's game for a reason; it's nearly impossible to survive any appreciable length of time. I've managed to reach middle age without burning out by living a life of voluntary simplicity: I have no fridge, no stove, no vehicle, no savings, no insurance, no cellphone, not even access to a shower -- I take sponge baths in the sink. Everything I own can fit in a single backpack. As long as I have a pouch of tobacco and my pipes, I can keep myself reasonably comfortable.

Still, it would be nice not to have to patch my clothes with duct tape when they wear out. Hence my interest in cutting me a slice of the Trumplorable pie while the getting is good.

your trying to make money off the wrong people
this is why uve always been poor

And who are these old farts going to call when some gang banger robs their old asses on their way home from bingo some night? Not Mother fucking Jones.

Bitch, Mother Jones could and would kick your lily ass, then bake you a lovely pie because she was a wonderful woman.

I'm callin it. This guy has got to be a troll. I mean, i know that Libs are clueless but come on

Nope. Can verify OP is not a troll.

so you are homeless and have no cellphone, but still somehow manage to post here....

You're an idiot. First, I'm not a "lib," I'm an anarchist. Secondly, I'm also a mutualist, which is generally regarded as RIGHT of centre. I've read Burke, Oakeshott, and Sobran. Have you? Do you even have a clue who they are? Didn't think so. You're the kind of subnormal I'm trying to exploit.

Anarchists aren't libs user, "Liberals" are just right wingers with control issues. OP is an actual leftist and follows the second most retarded system: a classless society.

what did she do?

Is google down?

Eat a dick, faggot. I'm sure that MJ was a very nice person and could make a mean pie. But her ideals (while well meaning) were completely unrealistic. Had you not had your head lodged up your ass, you'd have seen that the bigger point is the hypocrisy of all these anti-cop groups/activists who bitch and protest the police, but when they then become victims of crime, what do they do? Cry foul and demand more police protection.

Among other things, she fought for and won your right to a weekend. They used to call her the most dangerous woman in America. She was one of the original organizers with the United Mine Workers -- the most militant union in North America. That is, until the IWW... which she helped to found. She was an absolute juggernaut and she's a large part of the reason you're not choking to death in a coal mine right now or being mangled to death in a textile factory.

I'm not homeless (although I have been, many times). I live in an unheated, cement and cinder block basement in an old hundred year old factory which had been abandoned for a decade. I'm renovating it at the moment to turn it into a community centre to celebrate the hobo arts.

No, but im not interested in using google right now, thank you nigger.

Well I'm not from the US, so i dont think she had that much influence on my working conditions.... In europe we had weekends since the rise of christianity. Also i dont think how founding a worldwar helps the working class.
And wtf is this I'm illegally occupying an abandoned basement, so im not homeless shit? Is this your serious opinion as a grown man?

The IWW is the Industrial Workers of the World, the "Wobblies." I'm a card-carrying member. And incidentally, the IWW formally opposes all war as a war of bosses, fought for the benefit of bosses at the expense of workers on all sides.

And I'm not here illegally. I rent this building with my own money. It's why the building is in such rough shape, and why my living conditions are so poor; it's the best I could afford. I'm renovating it slowly with my own hands, using salvaged supplies, to turn it into a cultural and community centre.

>I'm an anarchist
Here's a suggestion: go fuck yourself.

>I'm a lot smarter than them
How's high school?

Thirty-two years in the past and not getting any closer.

I thought getting older meant getting wiser, not stupider.

"This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun, and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence towards the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men; go freely with the powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and mothers, of families: read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life: re-examine all you have been told at school or church, or in any books, and dismiss whatever insults your soul." -- Walt Whitman

Suck Dicks for money ; )