Why do americans think it's ok to be morbidly obese? do they get taught this in school?

why do americans think it's ok to be morbidly obese? do they get taught this in school?

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Something about the climate in the south that causes conservatism to mutate into morbid obesity.

Their healthcare groups are all sponsorrped by companies who push processed foods. Unhealthy eating is accepted and actually recommended in America as it's a means to future healthcare issues. These issues mean a steady flow on money to the healthcare system and the process feeds its self.

The American people are literally farm animals in pens being used to pump life into the wealthy %

Hillary supporter there......

yes. it's taught in school.

Stop fats haming you shitlord.

you dont have to support killary to think that obese people are disgusting


>fats haming

forty laughters

because the globalists poison their water

Have you ever seen a morbidly orbese conspiracy theorist?

No, of course not, they all bought Alex Jones' water purifier

Have a burger. It will make you feel better

>>Implying that "processed" foods are inherently bad, even though that term is almost meaningless since all food is processed in some way

It's more that, and you can see this in mexico, UK, and other wealthy countries, people with enough money to buy as much food as they want have no self control because they are just stupid fucks.

The dumber the fuck, the fatter, hence why there may always be a portion of the population that is obese in wealthy countries. It's like making cocaine legal, some people can't control themselves.

When my mom was a kid her family was extremely poor. It got to the point where they couldn't eat full meals for days at a time.

Now when my mom had me (and two older brothers) she was making a fair amount of money and wanted to make sure we got food whenever we need/want it.

By the time i was 16 i weighed 360lb but I've lost most of it. What I'm trying to say is, even though most of the times its people being fat beasts, you get people who parents cared for them too much and fed them too much.

sedentary lifestyle
shitty diet
limited access to healthcare

>Their healthcare groups are all sponsorrped by companies who push processed foods

best example for economic players pushing official government health recommendations is the dairy industry.
No other nation promotes drinking milk as much as the US even though there is no evidence that milk is more healthy for adults than water

Every fucking thing we have is filled with corn syrup. Basically they make the shit filled with corn syrup super cheap and tasty and the healthy food is all 3x more expensive.

I think it's the governments way (FDA) of killing off poor people.

I am morbidly obese by choice. If I weren't, I would have no place to hide snacks and cheetos on my person.

What about pockets?

some are ok with being morbidly obese. some are not.

it's not taught in school, you faggot. this is just asinine and shows us how dumb you really are.

most tend to live inactive lifestyles. most tend to celebrate with food. most tend to eat enormous portions at every meal. most tend to eat because they are depressed. it's a vicious cycle.

this is what freedom looks like pal

Their culture keeps reminding them that it's ok to be morbidly obese and they are so lazy that they accept that inestead of trying to do something about it.

Here people will make fun of your fat ass until you burn it off.
I used to be really really fat, people annoyed me so much i just said fuck it, made an effort and lost all that i had in excess.

Basically its a mix between the culture of being ok to be fat, easy acess to unhealthy food and an extreme exageration on their portions in said food

vitamins in milk are not good for adults?


let me guess, you are American

Let me guess, you have never taken courses in biochemistry

I know of a person who is morbidly obese, says she has chronic pain and fibromyalgia from some bullshit car accident like 40 years ago, and has diabetes and all this shit. Basically she is a blob that sucks from society left and right and sits at home doped up on opiates all day.

I wish someone would kill her, or she would just die. I hope fat people understand this is how most people look at them, they make their country, race, gender, and anything associated with them look bad.

What vitamins?
Vitamin D can be obtained from pretty much any vegetable. Too much vitamin D and C can create kidney stones.

Vitamins are a joke, people think they will cure everything, it's kinda hilarious.

this needed sayin'

It's not. There is also no proof that milk makes healthy bones. In fact test have proven that is gives no protection at all

if you have a balanced diet (i.e. follow the official dietary recommendations of the US) then there is no need for consuming milk (even though it is the official food guidelines).

If you only eat potatoes and nothing else, then yes, you need milk.

But since, and that's assuming of my side, you are not a toddler, skip the milk

exception being mother's milk for babies

Milk and other processed foods re in the US recommended diet.

The fucking food pyramid is sponsored by the food groups. That is why dairy and eggs are so high.

B12 too...vitamins aren't a joke. Yes some are easier to come by than others but essential ones like b12 can do terrible things to your body if you don't have them. They don't cure everything and I never said that but they do play an important role in your health

Yes, that has been perfected over millions of years of evolution. It has all the necessary nutrients for children.

Its the uniquely American culture of entitlement. Why should i do anything in moderation? Im American, by God, and i have the right to anything and everything i want.

Not only this, EVERYTHING has ADDED sugar. You can't fucking escape it. I fucking hate it. Even the fucking fruit in america has added sugar. Yes, yes, the solution is to make your own food, cook more vegetables, eat more fruits, consume more beans etc. But for the average person who thinks they don't have time for all this and doesn't realize there's simple foods that taste good and are cheap will continue to fall into the walmart and costco meme. Buy those bags of chips in bulk!

Milk is full of stuff bodies need, hence why babies can live off it. Now do we NEED to drink milk as adults no but that doesn't mean it's unhealthy to drink as an adult

How many times has she turned you down user?

Because the food that makes you fat is the cheapest and most convenient. Then we have a pretty fucked up way of telling who is obese.

The USDA recommended diet? Wew, lad. You clearly dont understand the libbying power of agribusiness.

wait, you are saying that I do not have to supplement my wife's mother's milk with my own father's milk for my baby?

What a shame, I really enjoy masturbating on my little peanut

Vitamin and mineral wise, the only reason we need milk is it's probably the most available source of calcium. Aside from anything else in there that hasn't been strictly proven.

*Mothers* (human) have certain hormones and provide white blood cells to stave off infection and boost the immune system of a child. The milk from cows might have this if you got it from the udder but the shit in the grocery store is boiled and processed to remove most of this.

Most are not bioavailable. You just shit them out.

haha "in light syrup"
as if fruits are not sweet anyway
that's gold

>the average person who thinks they don't have time for all this

this might be the root of the problem. people are fucken lazy.

i cook my meals on the weekends when not at work. i cook enough for the week. everything is made from scratch. whatever i don't eat, i freeze.

i could stand to lose a few pounds...most of my calories come from beer

But not all
Plus we can't make our own b12 and supplements of b12 (vegan ones) are even less bioavailabile.

The actual problem is that many people cannot process milk. But there is lots of pressure to consume milk (for example official food guidelines) even though there are better alternatives.

If you can process milk then everything is fine, I do not try to convince you to stop drinking milk.

I initially only used the example of milk to demonstrate how food companies push their products by labelling them as natural, healthy and most importantly necessary, even though they are not

Obesity isn't a choice in America anymore. If youre fat, you're fat and it's not your fault. So if someone tries to tell you it is then you can cause a huge riot on the internet.

Now gender, that's a choice. You can decide that whenever you want

so you are saying there is no proof vitamins in milk help your body, when the same vitamins not in milk do?

Is also being dumb a choice?

So basically you are saying milk is bad because some people can't digest lactose due to lack of the lactase enzyme?
I bet you think gluten free is health too

I'm fucking glad I'm not alone. Every time I got to the bucket I see this shit and audibly condemn it. Probably look like an autist.
I think it's a combination of laziness and lack of education. The only reason I know much of anything is because I was a health nut for a while. I took a (required)nutrition class and the book is fantastic but the professor and the assignments killed all enthusiasm behind it. On top of that you could search for EVERY single exam question online and find the exact question.

If I had come in there completely blind I might not have gotten anything out of it.

Also, yeah alcohol has 7kcals/gram. Also, it slows down your metabolism and your body starts working strictly on clearing away the alcohol. I don't think 100% stops all other digestion but it definitely slows it down. Therefore, anything you eat while drinking is like giving yourself a buffer of calories.

limited access to healthcare doesn't make you fat

No what I am saying is that it IS the vitamins and minerals contained within milk that help. BUT there are also alternatives. I'm not entirely sure but I don't think the enzymes in *cow's* milk are a necessity and after processing who knows how much you actually get.

What I was trying to convey is that because milk is *very* available it's a good source of calcium and secondary source of fat/protein. It is not a NECESSITY and infants cannot live of strictly homogenized cow's milk alone.

Human mother's milk has a different composition which allows infants to survive off it.

where did you learn to read?
"not beneficial" does not equal "bad"

I bet you think crayons are food

What do you mean?


Well, for the millions of people born in America it's not.

Any vitamins found in milk can be found in an even larger abundance in vegetables. Dairy is 100% irrelevant as far as nutrient goes.
The only reason for someone to eat dairy is because they enjoy it.

It can
- certain medication can lead to weight gain. so if you take the wrong medication because you got them yourself and they were not recommended by the doctor you could gain weight.
- no guidelines by doctors on sport and diet (you would not believe how many people do not know basic things)
-chronic pain that is not addressed by doctors can lead to less sports and less motivation to cook healthy food
- ...

Holy fuck, I lost to this. What fucking establishment? How much you want to bet there's a 1000 calorie burger drenched in sauce and fries that goes along with this.

I am underweight and I enjoy these few times a month

A usable version of B12 that is essential for us i.e. we do not make it ourselves is not in plants

nice try tho

i work with a guy who had this for lunch the other day

>bacon ultimate cheeseburger 910 cals
>large fries 610 cals
>dos tacos 380 cals
>large coke 500 cals

2400 calories in one meal. then he'll go home and eat a huge dinner, too.

Calcium is found in very large amounts in collard greens, broccoli, kale, bok choy, figs, oranges, okra.
Milk is just said to be needed because of the food industry propaganda. There is zero reason to eat dairy other than enjoyment.

I can second this. When I was in the first grade I was diagnosed with depression(jokes on me I got it) and they stuffed me full of Paxil. The antidepressant caused massive weight gain. By the time I was in middle school I was 240 lbs and only 5'5"-5'7"

peer pressure doesnt mean you have to do it either


American and I think any obese person is subhuman. Should be offered to either lose the weight or be euthanized.

How is the bio availability in those greens? Genuinely asking. I know something like Spinach has a shit ton of iron but you don't really absorb a lot of it.

i never said cows milk in humans diets was a necessity but have been arguing against the idea that it is unheathly

>born, raised in NYC
>walk everywhere
>avoid fast food
>not a gym rat, but run 3x week, pickup soccer most weekends. so ok condition, nothing special

2 weeks ago I went to a cousin's wedding in Kansas City. The reception looked like the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade.

Bloated, ruddy faced hambeasts lumbering around; shoving ladles of food into their gaping maws (the food was good though), like there's no tomorrow.

Going back to the buffet a couple of times for the apps, then 3-4 times for main course (the bbq brisket was phenomenal, but still).

I mean, I thought I treated my body like a dumpster - meat and taters, the only green I eat is wasabi - but watching these people around the same age as I am gorge themselves was mind blowing.

It's pretty high. It's actually easier to digest and absorb than dairy. There are many people that just don't process dairy very well.


>Chocolate Oreo Shake
>may contain crustaceans

>bucket o' bepis
>find a cure for die uh beat us

forty laughters



>The iron and zinc from vegetarian diets are generally less bioavailable than from nonvegetarian diets because of reduced meat intake as well as the tendency to consume more phytic acid and other plant-based inhibitors of iron and zinc absorption.

a lot of processed foods use a thickening agent made from parwn shells

well in some schools the default drink in the cateria for students is milk, not water.

Fuck you America is great and best country we killed hitler we have guns and europe worst country in the world

you two faggots ain't gonna give up, are ya

Their (prawn) shells are made from chitin, a sugar polymer

Jesus, this is sad.

in some school water fountains are placed every where. I havent seen any milk fountains


'If you are a fat fuck, don't sit in our chairs'

There is literally no place on Earth other than America that this sign could be seen



Processed meats are considered a carcinogen.

Most obese people are near the poverty line


It's funny because all the conservatives in the North are usually middle or middle upper class and really fit. It really comes down to value system.

they have them in Japan

We, in Europe, have no this kind of fatty girls, in Mediterranean places such as France, Italy, Catalonia or Spain, have a really good food. We usually eat food such as: pasta, boiled vegetables, grilled meat and fish, without sauces and shits. Natural.

Did I say anything about meat?
No I was talking about dairy...

go on goole images and search for "school lunch"
literally all the trays have milk boxes on them, none have water bottles.

I did not say that it is impossible to get water at a school (especially when you go to the hallway to a water fountain).
I specifically said the default drink in the cateria is milk


Agreed, the only thing I was originally addressing was
>Milk is full of stuff bodies need, hence why babies can live off it.

I didn't want some lurker thinking their baby will be fine if they feed it strictly milk

Thanks for the info user. I gotta try and shove more greens in me. Lately it's just been lentils and dried fruits.

Some of the thickeners are made from a type of seaweed and algae as well.

milk is not the problem dumbfuck

Europe is not a country, retarded xDDD

In Europe there are a lot of countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Portugal, Catalonia, Belgium, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, etc.

The white continent.

milk was a selection at my school. You can also google "flat earth" and "Sasquatch" and get photos. It doesnt make it true