How do you deal with severe anxiety? My body feels like a warzone to the point of disability...

How do you deal with severe anxiety? My body feels like a warzone to the point of disability. Then there's the non-stop panic attacks. This started two weeks ago and I have no idea why.

I went to a GP and he told me that I needed to see a therapist for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. All of them charge an asinine amount of money that I can't afford and I don't have insurance. I already regret going to the GP because that costs a lot of money too.

Do any of you deal with anxiety to the point where you can't even function normally? How do you deal with it?

Just some of the symptoms
>Blurry vision, can't even read the text on my screen
>Weak arms/legs and it feels like I'm walking for the first time, people think I'm drunk
>Every tiny bodily sensation rapidly sets off anxiety and panic in my head, it can be a gust of air hitting me, a noise outside or any kind of sensation like even a little heart palpitation

I know there's nothing wrong with me physically. I've tried deep breathing, exercise and yoga. Nothing is working.


Lol anxiety can't do that. Get a new doctor.

Just why?

Actually yes. Yes it can.

>leg was cramping hard last night for no reason ALL fuckin night
>got up out of bed to relax cuz i couldnt sleep
>head started to hurt really bad
>sudden chest pains
>immediate heart palpatation
>leg still twitching

i thought i was gonna die of a blood clot last night. Though, i think you're having more than just generalized anxiety. you need to see a psychotherapist, because you might be suffering from some type of schizoid behavior issue. You could also have fibromyalgia, or even some kind of nerve disorder.

You arent assburgers are you? People on the "spectrum" have these kinds of ailments. So dont think im trying to single you out with these disorders i stated, im experienced with all those things to certain degrees.

>How do you deal with severe anxiety?

Fuck it. Smoke some weed. Take a deep breath. Relax.

That's the thing though, you need therapy and a medication regimen. But seeing as though you can't, you're kinda fucked m8. Try going to a free clinic if possible, that might help. Good luck.

No, not on the assburger spectrum. He said I suffer from a very severe version of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

When I get symptoms like that, it's usually in my chest, I start fixating on it which creates a laundry list of other symptoms and makes it hard to do anything. If I get any head symptoms, I start doing some rotations until my neck pops or cracks and it goes away.

I haven't figured out any kind of system yet to make chest symptoms go away.

You rotate your head?

dont focus on the symptoms when it occurs, they only self-perpetuate the panic attacks

This is how i currently treat, befote it was mass consumption of alcohol

Im trying to just master my EXTREME anxiety and make it work for me, the aggression of thoughts only serves to analyze situations faster

Im looking to cut weed out too until i can smoke responsibly and don't use it as treatment, it's stifling my productivity, smoking is bad for the career im working towards, and edibles are just KO fuel, on top of not really giving you great mental telief, more a physical experience

I know they do. My chest felt this burning sensation today which I focused on and triggered a really panic attack. I almost thought I was having a seizure.

It's hard not to focus on them. I even fired up a game and tried playing that to not fixate on it but for some reason my mind won't stop fixating on every little sensation I experience even though I know it's nothing.

Oh fuck user, turning to alcohol is the worst. That shit should be regulated because trying to detox from it can actually kill you. I honestly cannot fathom why weed is a jailable offense but alcohol is legal to purchase. The worst thing I've seen anyone do on weed is empty a snack drawer. Alcohol will make your anxiety 10x worse and will create a dependence on it which is hard to break from.

A little tip that helped me. Breathe in and feel your heartbeat. Does it increase? Now exhale and does it decrease? This means you have a normal and healthy heart. Everyone finds a way to cope and the expensive bullshit like Xanax that destroys your liver doesn't help everyone.

American health care is so fucked up.

Any and all shit can be cured by spending time in nature. A hike. A walk. A bike ride. And healthy eating diet.

I bet you gorge on shit food and spend entire days in the house.

Literally me two years ago, just learn to deal with it. Took me like a year to accept that i probably wasnt dying.

Your brain can actually make you think you're having a heart attack. If you've never had a panic attack then I understand why you're skeptical. Imagine your chest gets stabbing pains, your entire body feels numb , your chest feels like it's sinking to the floor and you have trouble breathing with a weird tingling sensation going throughout your body. I used to get those. They're terrifying.

Focusing on things going on in your body really dosnt help.

I'm just saying that it helped me. I tried a lot of things and spent thousands on medications over years which never worked. I found my own workable methods to help me get over it. The first thing doctors do is push meds on you and recommend you spend thousands on rehabilitation.

i would suggest going to therapy. i've been going my whole life and its prevented me from killing myself many times. you can also get proper medication which should help.

Honestly, i smoke weed everyday. And hope that lung cáncer kills me ASAP.

I feel like there's something OP isn't telling us. Alcohol withdraw can create a crippling amount of anxiety to a stage of being disabled. Generalized anxiety alone doesn't do the shit you're saying. Anxiety from alcohol withdraw though does do all of that. Come clean OP. How much are you drinking?

I haggled my therapist down from 150 to 80, and opted to go half as often as she recommended. I also went on SSRIs which were fucking awful, and then I switched to Wellbutrin, and life got so much better. good luck user.

>be swedish
>go to free doctor, tests blood pressure/ekg
>"Nothings wrong with you go home"

Yep. When you live in America, an ER visit can cost you over a thousand dollars just for blood tests and the doctor alone. Also, if you don't have insurance, they get you out in a hurry.

Rehab can cost up to six figures and therapy can cost hundreds an hour


what country are you live in?

Well OP mentioned they didn't have insurance and couldn't afford to get professional help so probably the land of the free. Kek
