Why the fuck was Hannibal get so triggered by Sam Harris about an hour in?

Why the fuck was Hannibal get so triggered by Sam Harris about an hour in?


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I don't know, why does anyone care that Sam Harris exists?

Hello Mudslime.

the truth


More than anyone does about you.

Hannibal is the kid in school who would rat you out loudly to the teacher when he saw you had a gameboy in your backpack.

It's ok, no one cares about your religion either

shit son, i've been waiting for this thnx for linking
do you know anything else about him besides "gross and racist" ben affleck memes?

Trips of truth but I could actually see that.

Because he's a smart guy with interesting things to say.

he and rogan where drunk as shit supposedly

and ive been searchin for this a few times, thanks op

My god these people are fucking idiots.

Hannibal Buress is such a dumb cunt, in last JRE he tried to unsubtlety plug that shitty sports company stock he plunged all his money into. Prob thought he was doing a smart move.
>Hurr durr JRE has large amount of listeners if I plug this stock I put all my money in maybe some listeners will invest and I make bank.

>hurr I bought an apartment building in Chicago
great investment

Why do 4channers dislike Sam Harris?

Go tell Sam, he can write a "thought experiment" about it.

The ego-tripping is starting to set in.

actually it can be if you invest in the right neighborhoods

Austin is shit though, but koreans are taking that over

Lol, his unsubtle stock plug pissed me off so much.
>Hurr it worked for 50 cent on twitter.

>le I speak slowly therefore I'm le funny guy

Fucking hack

But he'd do it in a way that'd make the whole class laugh at your stupid ass.

Damn. I like Hannibal as a comedian but this made him sound like a retard. He should stick to comedy.

I'm sure Hannibal will be rolling in it in no time.
He's a retard.

Hannibal is funny on Eric Andre Show. Otherwise I have no interest in him.

>He was named after the Carthaginian military commander Hannibal Barca.

>Listening to "celebrities" blab on and on and on.

Switch to audiobooks if you can't stand the sound of your own mind ffs.

He's only funny because they shoot hours and hours and hours of interviews and snip out the 39 seconds that Hannibal accidentally stumbles into something funny.

>religious debate no. 50 gorillion

>laughing senate.jpg

Why even bother, Sam?


He's describing a stereotypical hypothetical. There are multiple instances of cops not being faced with threatening situations where innocent black people end up dead, despite doing everything they're told they should be. Cops are supposed to serve and protect society, not themselves.

T. Cenk Uyger

i hope hannibal was drunk the interruption was disgusting

>Cops are supposed to serve and protect society, not themselves.
Ye that's gr8 in theory but if you think your life is in danger you will always protect yourself first


This stupid nigger has nothing smart to do especially when he opposes the superior white atheist master. This Burress ape should know his limits and consider killing himself when he realizes that white atheism is unstoppable. The enlightenment of man.

Kudos, Harris.

Why would someone with an active white suburb fanbase engage in BLM? Have Tyler and MC Ride expressed their BLM support yet?

Unacceptable attitude for a law enforcement officer, but regardless, lethal force is not required to protect yourself, nor is primarily targeting a specific demographic.

>Unacceptable attitude for a law enforcement officer
then we'll have to replace all human cops with androids

>nor is primarily targeting a specific demographic.
they're just policing areas with high crime heavier than areas with low crime

>I'm just as smart, if not smarter than you, Sam.



Isn't Harris a yellow fever cuck?


wtf i hate hannibal now

Both Rogan and Buress were drunk as fuck during this interview. Joe tells the story in his latest podcast.

>lethal force is not required to protect yourself

That's the queerest thing said in this thread.

> nor is primarily targeting a specific demographic

Maybe they should stop committing all the crime in their ghettos.

how does anyone have time to listen to nearly 2 hours of podcasts?

>trying to do my job is racist
Man I sure do hate niggers.

Listened to the whole thing, this was so great

It's like Mos Def vs Christopher Hitchens all over again, except funnier

>innocent black people end up dead,

There is no such thing. Most blacks dying at the hands of police were engaging in illegal activities that brought the police to them.

Michael Brown
>robs a store, grabs a police officers gun

Sanda Lane
>speeding, freaked out, killed herself

Eric Garner
>selling loose cigarettes in Jew York City ran by Democrats, refuses arrest and forces officers to take him down, his own fat ass killed himself

Baton Rouge black man
>Had a gun, pointed it at people before police arrived

St. Paul black man
>Had a gun, no license to carry, he matched the description of a bank robber, broken taillight on car

Tamr Rice
>little nigglet was running around pointing a toy gun with the orange cap removed and then pointed it at officers instead of dropping it like any normal faggot would

Any more you want to say were innocent?

> stopping niggers from committing crimes is now racist

Oh good. So letting niggers just rob and rape is to let them be in their "natural state?"

I can't tell if liberals are just mocking their own mental gymnastics by now.

Yeah, that never ever happens with white people

There are a lot of garbage tier cops in the US, no one is denying this. It is also perfectly normal for cops to be wary around niggers, since any given black person is like 10 times more likely to attempt to murder you than any given white person

Moved away a few years ago...
wtf is the white building on the right and why does it have a roll cage?still under construction?

Because white cucks who listen exclusively to rap music already support BLM?

do you even have to explain this?

Those niggers were shot in the middle of committing crimes.

They DESERVE to be shot. period. And if they died? Too fucking bad.

Shit happens when you fucking commit violent crimes all your life. You don't get to blame others for the path you niggers choose.

Why not? You do other things meanwhile obviously

>There are multiple instances of cops not being faced with threatening situations where innocent black people end up dead, despite doing everything they're told they should be.
Except this is more likely to happen to white people than black people.

This. He's exactly that fucking nigga.

>Unacceptable attitude
Funny how this doesn't apply to the blacks who chimp out every time they have a slight run-in with the law.

Blacks make up around a 1/3 of all violent confrontations with police.

Blacks make up around a 1/3 of all people killed by police.

Hmm what a strange coincidence that they are killed in the same proportion that they assault police officers. Nah must be that good ol white racism.

That's not true. I live in the south and I know lots of white people who love rap music but hate niggers.

I doubt those are "suburban white kids"

Just started watching Joe Rogan, why is his podcast so good? I rarely get into podcasts of people I don't know, but with him I just slid right in and got comfy. The ones with Bill Burr and Duncan Trussel are my favorites.

White person
>license and registration please
Here you go sir
>sir you didn't stop at that stop sign
I'm sorry I guess I didn't see it
>gonna let you off with a warning be more careful
Yes sir thank you.

>license and registration
Man fuck his man why you fucking with me I ain't do nuffin this is racist bullshit I ain't gotta give you nothing
>sir please step out of the car
Fuck that this some bullshit man I ain't gotta get out the car man this is bullshit racist ass mufucka
>sir get out of the car right now
Hell nah man dis some bullshit fuck that

You see where this is going right? How retarded do you have to be to turn a routine traffic stop into a bullet in your face

>Duncan trussel

its like a mini-chimpout

He's weird, but I like him. He can be really funny. And they have great chemistry together.

This is true. Dindus have no impulse control at all when dealing with the cops. And despite that whites are still more likely to be killed by the police.

I don't know man. My black friend who is about as clean as they get (he votes Republican) got pulled over the other day. He has always been against the dindu's case such as Mike Brown and Trayvon but he said the second the cop yelled at him to get out of the car (for no reason apparently, according to our other friend who was with him), he felt like he was going to die. He couldn't stop his hands shaking or his keep his voice stable. Cop found nothing on him and let him go but he now claims he gets it a little when it comes to treatment towards blacks from cops.

Sounds like most black people have a bogeyman view on cops.

blacks seem to be bred into and raised upon things that are built on lies.

If you try to red pill them at all it's like you are personally attacking them.

>yo I like feel dis so dis da way it gon b

Is Sam Harris the most patrician podcast on the interbutts?

Wouldn't anyone be a little frightened scared after having that happen to them, or see that happen to a friend or on the internet?

I'm not watching this. Harris probably "won" against a comedian but he's still a cowardly ratfink jew who isn't a fraction as smart as he thinks he is.

Why are they all on the same podcast? What is this

They had just done the Joe Rogan Experience podcast right before this I think. Got drunk as fuck during it. Perfect recipe to get massacred by a guy like Harris when actually talking about serious shit.

>lethal force is not required to protect yourself
stop b8ing faggit

He thought he was going to die. In his own words, he thought he was going to be another "tragic" news story and he didn't know why. Like the other user said, maybe the fear is just ingrained into them no matter what the upbringing, as stupid as that sounds.

hello mudslime

Well look at the guy from SC. I live right down the street from where it happened and he got shot in the leg for reaching for his wallet ( I think that was the story, its been a while). That its terrifying to think that anyone could have been that guy. What if he aimed a couple of inches higher? A couple of inches from rallies, and marches, and a hashtag after the news story. I'm not afraid of cops, but I sure as hell would be if some guy in those shades starts barking orders at me, because that's how these stories start.

I just don't understand how anyone who understands Sam can hate him in any way. He is probably the nicest guy ever.

There have certainly been a few innocent black people who were shot and killed by police in instances of police brutality.

In most cases, the police are summoned because the person in question had initiated force upon someone. Initiating force is morally and ethically wrong.

When you initiate force, you are treating your fellow human being without moral or ethical regard.

When you treat your fellow human being without moral or ethical regard, you thereby lose the privilege of being treated with moral and ethical regard yourself. You have voided a contract. Ethics is not absolute like physics: ethics are contextual. Ethics are a reciprocal relationship.

Therefore, when someone of any color initiates force against someone of any color, and the person initiating force is using a firearm, and the person they are initiating force against is a cop, and the only reason the cop is there to begin with is because the person initiated force against yet another person earlier, guess what?

Shoot him dead. He wishes to unjustly impose lethal force upon you and others. Therefore, lethal force is justified.

I'm tired of seeing instances of justifiable defense of others and of the self being labeled as institutionalized racism, when it's just a sack of shit getting what he deserves.

You should take a course in logic.

>404: argument not found

>now you doin your smarty guy shit

I love listening to Sam, he always keeps so fucking calm if anything thats the most impressive thing he does. Remember Ben "lets behead sam harris in the middle of paris" Al-Afleqi

What the fuck is a Hannibal?
Fucking americans and their nigger celebs.

Sam Harris, pff

>hillary supporter
>appears on joe rogan



Who give a fuck what Hannibal Buress is triggered by?

Which makes him a complete faggot.

That woman they are playing clips of are the women who control society now. Hilary loves them.


They finally fucking released this?


>Ben Affleck

Who's next on Sam's list?

Man Ièm usually a fan of Hannibal but he comes off like a complete retard here. He should stick to comedy if all hes gonna say in reply to statistics is "I AINT TALKIN BOUT STATS IM TALKIN BOUT MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. YOU DIDNT HAVE FRIENDS THAT WERE MURDERED MAN"

>since any given black person is like 10 times more likely to attempt to murder you than any given white person.
This is what pisses me off. There are numerous records showing black people are statistically more violent than any other type of person in America but whenever one of them gets killed they just pretend like they're needless victims.

Hannibal is the type of guy who would snitch on his older brother's homie and then while in protective custody get shot in the face by a renegade cop

>Hannibal snitched out a blind old man to further his career
>With Cosby in jail, someone will have to rape him for the story and because he's weak and can't see
>Someone who loves Bill Cosby will have to kill the guy who raped him
>That man will serve a life sentence

So far Hannibal has destroyed a beloved icon, sentenced a blind man to rot in prison, caused a rape, caused a murder, and caused a man to serve a life sentence in prison, all so he could get attention on stage for two nights at the Laugh Factory in Vegas.

What a nigger. Good job nigger nerd.

>why was an unfunny black sjw triggered by an unfunny white conservative