>It's a "Charls ruins the show with his unfunny conspiracy theories" episode
It's a "Charls ruins the show with his unfunny conspiracy theories" episode
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I thought the Zuck skit was p good, a kind of power fantasy a lot of people can relate to.
The last skit was pure garbage though. Worst thing that's been on this show yet.
>The last skit was pure garbage though. Worst thing that's been on this show yet.
Wrong, it was great
I'm hearing this a lot but nobody can really articulate why other than it superficially appears deep.
This show blows
sorry m8, but it's quite literally, 2 deep 4 you
accept injustice, pretend like it doesn't bother you, suffer in the end
white people pretending like they they don't care that their countries are being destroyed
>Random white guy minding his business has a full head of hair, smoking a pipe in front of his lovely home and picket fence. Noticeable "Dindu nuffin".
Man noticeably indifferent to his own persecution and earnest belief that he has done nothing wrong.
>Cops randomly arrest him, 10 years Federal Maximum Security
Sentenced to 10 years for a nameless crime.
>10 years, 40 years, 200 years how about...
He ignores the imposing of his sentence as he a) dindu nuffin and b) chooses not to acknowledge his own persecution
>(Man screaming) Not me, not never. Ain't happening.
Again, he exerts stoicism in the face of his persecution refusing to believe he is (or ever will be) affected by it personally
>Snake eyes... You got a 5 and a 1. Hell yeah.
He rolls the dice, plays the game, already knowing he will lose (calling snake eyes before the dice land). He is starting to accept, however obtusely that the game is stacked against him.
>Quit messing around guys (stab) I'll be done in a second. (Head is now shaved).
Physical manifestation of his own awakening before his psyche has caught up. His weightlifting also belies his subconscious acceptance of his predicament.
>20 years hard time. How does it feel? Hmm? Bye.
His ordeal is over and he still maintains his outward stoicism despite his having endured 20 years of hell. If I ignore that it happened, did it?
>Home destroyed.
He survived his ordeal but his world did not. What was the point of denying his persecution, remaining stoic, only to return to ashes?
>Muted screaming and rage.
His mind finally opens to the realization that his life was destroyed and can never be repaired.
>"To go to bed forever"
He kills himself.
honestly i really like the show and i though the dice scene was really funny but youre reaching
what show is this.
BWC lust-anna foxxx
and its a series not a "show" you fucking pleb
>BWC lust-anna foxxx
wtf are you even saying
I have seen you post before. charles is awesome.
World Peace
if you have to insult someone on the internet, it really does say more about you and your own insecurities than it ever could about the person you're insulting
how can it be conspiracy if its true?
t. armchair psychologist
nah m8 it was kino
not a fan of black porn stars but I do like me some ana foxxx
>t. armchair psychologist
can you not handle something that is a little off putting?
Anyone got a link there's too many fakes about?
Thank you.
World Peace
White Power
don't pozz me bro
He might be wrong about some of the details, but that is the general gist of it.
It's clearly about Westerners pretending nothing is wrong while every good and decent in the world is destroyed.
if they don't like facebook why don't they just not use it instead of making whiney passive agressive commentary on it
because people use facebook and arent aware of the shit fuck u think
but the people complaining about it use facebook?
fuck off back /r/mde teenbro-kun, stop wasting hiro's bandwith your subhuman rambling
what was the point of this scene?
I want to get off sam hyde's wild ride
hot off the presses
improves the ep a lot
The show is hilarious, probably the best thing I've ever seen, it's also redpilled as fuck and I felt enlightened by the vision of it.
i actually prefer the hey moon edition desu
not just because i ADORE that song and it made me so happy to see it in this show
but because the lyrics and sound feel way more appropriate for the situation
and also the fact that Maus is very obviously not singing the song that is playing, confirms that the skit itself was effectively censored which itself adds something to the melancholic hopeless as fuck feel at the end
sorry thats a bit incoherent but im extremely hungover
This, Cop Killer is the superficial political meaning of the skit but Hey Moon captures the absolute core of it which is the feeling of having lost the only the only existence you've ever had.
I understand it's trendy to assume everything in this show is a racist dogwhistle but I read this is as a criticism of the expectation that a prison sentence can produce a totally reformed convict. The idea that you could make it through a stint in max security prison and not be affected is pretty ridiculous. Makes more sense with Cop Killer I think.