>make 20 million for a film
>39% to income tax
>10% to agent
>10% to manager
>8.2 million left
truly the american dream
>make 20 million for a film
>39% to income tax
>10% to agent
>10% to manager
>8.2 million left
truly the american dream
You mean 9.76 million left
I can live with that arrangement.
its almost like he made 10 milion dollars for acting.
I'd say that's pretty much the american dream, what, would you rather he did it jewing you out of your money in an investment bank?
well he can come here, and pay our 10% flat tax and participate in our multi billion film industry... oh wait
you see OP having less than half of 20 million dollars is preferable than having 90 % of 500 euros.
I guarantee he makes more in advertisements and shit than he does for his acting fee
that and embezzling malaysian government money
You're kidding yourself if you think he only pays 39% in income tax. It's probably more like 50 or higher.
I think it's cool that he vapes. The legacy of nicotine one of the greatest hobbies and vegetables ever. Continues
All any actor needs to do is make one hit movie and invest. Then they are set for life and never have to work again.
Fuck him. He shouldn't be making films any way. They contribute to global warming. He needs to live in a grass hut in Canada.
Only 8.2 million
Oh that poor baby.
I just feel so, so bad for him.
Quick, let's all donate our money to him so he'll feel better!
>still think you pay full taxes when you have a lot of money
Leo doesnt need an agent or a manager
He 100% does. He has multiple agents reading scripts all day for him and gives him the best ones. You think Leo is wasting his time reading shitty scripts
Yes people come to him
What kind is shitty math are you using?
8.2 million is still a truckload of money that will allow you to live in luxury.
It's better to tax the rich more than tax the poor more, when the poor don't have much to begin with.
Yes, $8,200,000 is a fucking dream for most
Take 39% off of 20M, now you have 12.2M.
Take 20% off of 12.2M, now yo have 9.76.
8.2 mil is more than I'll make in my entire lifetime.
I'm not even mad about it, I never considered making money a priority. But it's foolish to say that it isn't a lot for one (!) job. I'm sure he also has a dozen advertisement gigs going on, which may more than that.
depends on why and how they're rich. taxing traditional employment income or investment is stupid and just steals the wealth from the people who are building the country.
taxing income made from vice industries, such as alcohol, television, gambling, music, etc makes complete sense.
in east asia they have different tax brackets accordng to profession. if you're a doctor you get put in a low bracket. if you're an actor you get put in a very high bracket. if you're part of an idiot profession that just temporarily makes very high amounts because of shortages, you get put in a high bracket.
>faggonardo dicocksucko is a vapist
I'm not surprised, he is a pretentious self-absorbed douche bag after all.
poor him. Only 8 million.
most likely claims heaps of back with his accountants. need higher taxes
Poor Leo, I really pity the guy. Making big budget movie after big budget movie, don't even get to keep half of his multi-million paychecks, spends his free time meaninglessly drifting from yacht parties to beach parties on a sea of attractive women half his age probably all desperate to suck on his ballsack. And how many years did he have to wait for that oscar?
His life is pure suffering. I feel so bad
he finally gets an oscar and it's in a film where
>he survives a mauling and kills the grizzly
>survives the wounds
>rides a horse without all his wounds reopening
>survives falling down a cliff
>casually swim in freezing waters on various occasions
it's just so damn absurd from beginning to end
freezing water with open wounds might I had
Heh. Canadians, right?!
>10% to agent
>10% to manager>
Professionals getting paid for providing services that their client wants. What's wrong with that? Do you do your work at Walmart for free?
Reminder that the latest Mel movie is BASED as fuck.
A great metaphor for his whole career in Hollywood.
But it's all real tho m8
Are you an american?
8.2m for easy work that takes a few months.
>loads of money
>crappy mod
You don't need both an agent and a manager
>join scientology
>give them all your secrets
>no more taxes
I'd be happy to give 11 million of my pay check to the government, as long as it wasn't a retarded gov't that spent money like retards and actually invested it back into the country
>implying thats not $8.19 million more than you will ever see in your bank account
remember to sage shit threads
That sounds perfectly reasonable. Western countries should adopt that.
The agent and manager don't take a chunk AFTER taxes, retard. What kind of logic is that?
It's also the main reason why most actors eats at expensive places, travels first class and stayed at VIP suite; those expenses are tax deductible.
Don't forget the 12.5% California state tax
Poor guy. Is he eating alright? Should I send him some money?
It's 9.882 million guys.
20 million *0.61 *0.9 *0.9
That doesn't even make any difference you retard.
It's 20 million x 0,41 = 8,2
Which is why if Shillary gets in and taxes get any fucking worse for the middle class in favor for poor niggers, I'm just going to quit my job, go on welfare, and make you dumb faggots pay for all my shit. Works for Cletus and Jamal, guess it'll work for me too.
I have no idea why anyone works in urrp. I'd go NEET in a heartbeat in that socialistic paradise.
Which I suppose is why their economies are currently imploding...
back to Sup Forums
your inner Fredo is showing
>back to Sup Forums
This whole thread is discussing taxes and I was 100% on topic.
You need to calm down with your Sup Forums accusations. This isn't your hugbox. You will encounter different opinions.
I thought that agents and managers get paid by provision fee; not by being a tenpercenter.
ONLY 8.2 million dollars? For months and months of work?
Let's start scheduling the Leo Aid benefit concert now.
>I have no idea why anyone works in urrp. I'd go NEET in a heartbeat in that socialistic paradise.
Since being a NEET sucks, that's why. Don't forget, once a NEET always a NEET. Getting decent jobs with NEET background is well nigh impossible.
Also, you get shit for free, but only if you play ball. If you show up at jobseekers, or whatever shit they like to push your way.. I once worked it out and where I live fags on benefits "work" for around 25 euro/hour but never more than 700/month. Some counties it is more, some less.
he also has to pay someone to clean his houses and to make him meals
actors should be taxed at 99%
common core everyone
>10% to agent
>10% to manager
Er, no.
But this is America that we're talking about here.
>can't into order of operations
>talks about how to math
Obama go back to bed
% to income tax
Doubtful considering he probably pays corporate tax instead of personal tax on that 20 million