Weird social ability thread:

Weird social ability thread:
It's gonna look like I'm bragging, but I can make any person I date fall in love with me in about 2 weeks.
It's weird because I've never been in love, and my emotions are a bit off, but I can mimic any type of emotion and mold myself into the ideal person for anyone.


Make me fall in love right now then.

>says 2 weeks
>"make me fall in love right now"

Same here. Emotionally distant, good at manipulation.

If I'm talking to you, face to face, I can steer the conversation towards anything naturally, without it seeming forced or weird. I've had people stop in the middle of a conversation about crocodile dicks and say "wait weren't we talking about the new payroll schedule?" without being able to tell exactly when everything went off the rails.

Crocodile dicks are weird as fuck, though.

Please don't start about crocodile dicks here. You've made your point.

I can befriend anyone who hates me over a period of 1-3 weeks. My best-friend for instance used to hate me for being a "condescending asshole" (apparently I still am, INTJ-A personality is a hassle).

>I can make any person I date fall in love with me in about 2 weeks.
>It's weird because I've never been in love, and my emotions are a bit off, but I can mimic any type of emotion and mold myself into the ideal person for anyone.
Are you me?

Does confusing a group of people counts as a weird social ability?
I'd make a good infiltrator then.

I doubt it

Yeah, that's a weird one.
In highschool that's called being the weird kid.

I know at least a thing on what everyone's talking about, but only to those who I always see (i.e classmates, roommates)
And everyone gets so intimidated when I talk to them, either it's because I look like a chad or it's just the way I talk

I'm not in high school though.
In high school I had no idea how to do that.

Yeah, the fact that I am short and have a calm voice helps me a lot at being liked

I can fix at least 99% of the problems in others relationships or situations if given enough information. Plus, im amazing at damage control, like on a whole other level

people seem to enjoy my company a lot, as they're always very happy to see me when i show up at parties etc, but the very fewest people actually want to meet up or see me on other occasions.

its always like "wow, thats so awesome that you could make it!", then we sit down we have some beers and talk about shit for hours and have a great time, but if i call someone up or message someone a few days later and ask what they up to or if they wanna do something i always just get lazy excuses.

dont know if people in their mid twenties are really just busy all the fucking time or if they just dont want to see me.

that sounds kinda sad

dude you are either a sociopath or a narcissist. both are personality disorders. i cant tell which one you are, with so little information given. i suggest you to check out the website sociopathworld dot com, which is a blog run by a sociopath. you can see there how much do you see yourself in the descriptions there. if you happen to have fear at times, and you are prone to negative emotions like depression, and you think you are normal, then the chances are you are just a narcissist (i am one, and after 10 years of leaving a bunch of heart broken people behind me, i started asking myself wtf is my problem). anyway, if you happen to be intelligent it helps to get to know yourself, otherwise, eventually your "weird social" skill will get you into trouble.

OP here
I know I am a sociopath
Confirmed by a therapist
It's still a cool skill

oh ok then, cheers

I can't tell jokes but I still can bring people to tears by laughing because I can drop funny spontaneous lines that match every situation

do you stare into people eyes until they have to look away out of politeness? that shit always creeps me out

I cant understand emotions past, sad and happy

It got me into a lot of trouble since I couldn't understand some emotions and got into relationships with people prone to becoming obsessed

no, that shit would make me look weird
If I want someone gone I simply remove them from the circles I frequent

ITT: people with high opinions of themselves and unrealistic views of how others perceive them.

prove it

you seem like an insufferable naive faggot with extreme overconfidence issues

Meet me in person and I will

My brain seems to be wired completely differently and I say shit in a weird and roundaboutly way, but not quite like Yoda or anything, but still puzzles the fuck out of everyone I tall to.

I am also puzzled by most things others say because I'm trying to think about it sideways like usual and end up mid interpreting it.

I also stare into others eyes till they go away or just look at the ground without me realising what I'm doing. I seem to offend everyone if I talk normally, even though i think I'm talking fine? So I make sure to talk clearly with minimal slang and such but then people just think I'm a stickup rich bastard or something.

You sound like me on acid

It's called autism