I make a comfortable living playing/coaching/boosting league of legends. AMA

I make a comfortable living playing/coaching/boosting league of legends. AMA.
also: post your server, rank, top3, and pref role.
>NA mainly
> Masters/challenger
>Twitch,Vayne, Teemo

I will self bump with some nudies bc why not

also inb4 "shit game" yeah I fucking know but free money. k



when will you grow up and actually start making some good money?

You are literally on slave wage.

How much do you make a month and how many hours/week does that take on average?

>riven fiora janna
>top sup

picked up janna recently since coin/adrent stuff, support is fucking braindead role I love it.

I clear 2500 a week actually.

just under 10k and I play probably 40-50 hours a week. maybe more.


I just could not be fucked to play top. It just feels so boring and detatched

>Currently Rumble,Jayce and Kennen
>Toplane duh

how much can you make a day?

Most I have ever made in a day was 1000 but it was just two bulk boosting/coaching orders. Like they booked for several sessions in advance.

D3 Hardstuck

Is rumble good rn? NA isnt really playing him.

Stop playing rengar=gain elo

What do you think of Alderiate

NA, D3
Diana, Evelyn, jhin

Thresh, Sona, Janna

>deranking to bronze 3~ for fun games while high
>Jhin is the shit

couldnt be fucked.


You sound like every faggot shitlord whos LP I steal on a daily basis. Get good

EUW - dia5 - Lulu support.

Teemo is for faggots, period.

Alright. How's silver going bruh

Error or true
>watches at $ 0?

I wouldn't know, I'm not in it.

What would be your tips for an early starter that didn't even play ranked yet? Anything to keep in mind? Since there are so many people who started playing the game before me, and with so much, for a lack of a better word, "stuff" in the game such as various buffs, plants etc. I find it all a bit overwhelming.

Heroes of the storm is better faggot

do you make cash or declare tax

also i main jg and i used to play rengar, but now i play ww and kayn
What are the best jglers to climb? (i'm p2)

malphite, jinx
mid, top

"Just under 10k"
Let's say 9.9k for benefit of doubt.
9.9kx12 is £118,800.
£20 for a elo boost.
£67.20 for coaching

So you on average do 9.9k worth of elo boosts equating too £20 and coaching which equates to 67?

Aka you coach literally over 1000 times a month?

Fuck out of here you stupid cunt.
Why do you make up stories to justify your self worth on the internet?
Fuck off.

Where did you get 20 for a boost? And the coaching is per hour.


eh. i feel like he really fell off a cliff once his q got changed to a longer cooldown so you cant stack heat with it anymore

>making a living
>playing league of legends

choose one

are you at least lvl 30?


>playing lol
>having a life at all

Pick one from these two OP


Illaoi, Nasus, Annie. I actually don't mind farming for 20 minutes.



Idk who's rates youre using but they arent mine. Thanks for trolling yourself though.

I would just focus on learning the basics/macrogame. That will carry you further than reading super specific patch notes. At least for now.

Na silver 3
Fizz, Malzahar, Kennen
Mid(main) top jungle and support are my off. can adc but not the best just enough to get by

imo a good tip i learned focus on getting a lead and using it to win dont just focus on kills. also every 10 seconds look at mini map and have map awareness. its so annoying dealing with people who dont have map awareness