I stumbled upon a concrete, repeatable example of FB screening private messages for hate speech and spam. Will post more evidence in thread, but here's the story:

> inna group chat on mobile
> someone posts a meemay
> I respond "I can't believe what I'm seeing"
> chat proceeds as normal until somebody notices my message is censored on laptop (but not on mobile)
> my response is censored as "blocked or harmful content"
> proceed to test further in the group chat and other private messages
> I can no longer send the phrase "I can't believe what I'm seeing"
> when other people send the phrase, it gets blocked on laptop (not on mobile)

You guys can test it out yourselves and see if it still works. Let me know if you want more testing, screenshots, etc.

What I want to know is if this screening system can be played for lulz, i.e. if a group of users can get the FB algorithm to inadvertently ban a targeted phrase.

Chats in screenshots are color-coded.

Other urls found in this thread:


Magenta tries to post the banned phrase. It is visible on mobile, as in this screenshot.

From this laptop screencap, magenta's message has been blocked.

In this private message screencapped by yellow, my message is blocked.

>using FB messenger
There's your problem

I try sending the banned phrase to red, but I can't even send it anymore.

waiting for more raports user

Well shit

Seems like the phrase is screened as spam, meaning that users can potentially abuse the screening system to block a targeted phrase.

yea that's what i got

A friend got a 3 days ban because he posted a video of a kid having an erection while playing with a vibrating doll, in a conversation

Red tried to use the phrase. Got blocked on laptop

>buhuu i agreed to facebooks terms and conditions after registration but i cry out when they delete my posts that violate their terms and conditions i agreed with

Same shot of red's blocked message, taken from my phone.

wew it actually happened. well that's fucking weird.

are you disabled?

>Look at me, I have the attention span and reading comprehension of a toddler!

Bruh, it looks like it's only hitting those who are being monitored... but that is just an assumption as of now.

Meant for

I can't believe what I'm seeing

Nothing yet,,,

Do you think it's a blanket ban of the phrase or it's only happening to users on a blacklist like is saying?

Someone take this to Sup Forums. I wanna see those chucklefucks mess with (((Zuckerberg)))

gotta be a blanket ban. no way I'm being monitored. actually it's extremely plausible that I'm being monitored but hasn't it happened to everyone here? well we aren't the best choice of character

Fucking madness will be unleashed!

get. off. fb.

I don't even know why people still want to use it

try being active in uni without a facebook. Hardly any organizations use email for day to day intraorg communication.

also I use it for work all the time. not that user but Idk how you can't have one these days.

I've been banned for saying faggot numerous times. I sense I have a fucking snitch among the shit

Usually other people are lazy to get on other methods of messaging/chat relays.

my sister also can't use it

facebook shouldn't be a fucking requirement this is ridiculous

on messenger? I've been postblocked a dozen times but it was for shit I said on the website not on messenger

I didn't say it was a requirement. it's just everyone uses it so conference calls/texts take place through there a lot and most certainly did when I was still in Uni. you can really dig and choose to opt out of most of their gestapo type information collecting and other sketchy shit

found something

No, Post bans from Wall posts only.

Apparently, if you use "i can't believe what i'm seeing" without caps, it works fine. Capitalizing the "I" gets it blocked?

nope, doesnt work for me

ya. my buddy has an iPhone and he could send it to me but I can't. Idk if that has anything to do with it or I really am being watched. mind you I own and operate "meme pages" with over a million total likes. probably am being watched by multiple intelligence agencies lel


This hurts my soul(whats left of it)... my brain, and my penis...

why the loving fuck would "i can't believe what i'm seeing" be a "harmful" statement.

Facebook AI is shit.

Only an autist would force all his family, friends, and coworkers to get off FB.

It's not physically difficult for people to switch from FB to an alternative form of communication, but normalfags are far too entrenched in FB. They're never going to switch: FB has all their photos, all their contacts, all their celebrity pages, all their favorite clickbait buzzfeed articles and shitty cat memes, all rolled into one convenient package.

I'm fine using IRC but when it comes down to uni and coworkers, I just have to deal with FB until everybody else gets off it into the next social media shithole.


What Intelligence?

This article pertains to wall posts, as in I can understand monitoring wall posts, which are available to the public, but private messages is something I've never seen.

Based on the article, it seems like the AI system can be tricked by spamming a phrase...

Well I can't send it, my sister can't, my friend also but her friend can send it to her. Fuck my anxiety is kicking in.

oh word. I'll check that out. didn't even see it

why's your anxiety kicking in? it's really not that big of a deal man

that I'm under surveillance

dude we all are anyway. as in everyone. you use Sup Forums on top of that. yeah you're def under surveillance mang. same with all of us lel.

they probably reported it

Shall we try and block another phrase?

read the thread first

maybe that's and ISIS thing or something

There is no "being monitored" you fucking children, social networks are hiring a small amount of people to design filters that are applied to the entire site at once. Anything else would be a waste of resources.


>there is no being monitored
Edward Snowden would disagree

> block a common phrase and all the normies who use the phrase freak out about censorship
> block an uncommon phrase and people start spamming the phrase to see if it's actually blocked, thereby spreading the message of the phrase
Things could be interesting

Scripts designed to collect metadata and shit...

It is automated monitoring! Okay.. Dad!


Well I hope they're not screening shit.. I'm 23 and might have gotten some shit from somebody who's not..

Uhhh... heh.. yeah, good luck buddy...

What phrase though?

you think the FBI wants anything close to do with your 23 year old ass? unless you're a kingpin, completely fucking retarded (getting child porn on facebook, bro, are you stupid? don't even answer)



Not blocked for me check fags

smh. White people.


What's wrong with you? I want to know so I can know to kill myself if I ever get diagnosed with it.

ask the good people at area 519 dash 455 dash 4007 how long they are going to allow that unemployed loser to live there.

It's this disgusting old bag who sneaks around at night peeking in people's windows and damaging their homes and cars.

so what phrase are we going to get
>b l o c c e d


That's why people should look for alternatives to facebook

How about
> It's not gay if it's a feminine benis

Its facebooks weird spam filter.
Say, if lots of people, specially those with lots of unaccepted requests for friends and little activity, or multiple accounts, sent to lots of people the phrase "Zuckerberg isn't a jew, is he?" chances are it will get blocked too. Supposedly. Just an idea.

You think facebook is a place where you won't be censored?

Oh fuck do I have news for you.

I remember when facebook used to be half-decent. Now it's a mess. Most people in my circle don't trust it enough to fill in likes or work info or put up more than a few pics.


>Facebook used to be half decent
No, it's always been a complete mess written in php, based off a stolen idea, and kept afloat by state sponsored unparalleled violations of privacy.

kek wills it