What's a good way to end it Sup Forums? Life's just not what I thought it was and I don't want to stay

What's a good way to end it Sup Forums? Life's just not what I thought it was and I don't want to stay.

Is your name Nick, by any chance?

Ok here is what you do.

1. Get an easily concealed hand gun
2. Score an eightball of heroine...
(If you know the right people you can do one and two at the same time)
3. Charter a small plane. One that doesn't have any security whatsoever.
4. Once in the air hijack the plane and make the pilot fly at 10,000 feet above an elementary school.
5. Prepare your heroine.
6. Take massive fucking hit and roll out of the plane.
7. Skydive without a parachute right through the roof of some fucking class of second graders
9. Profit!

No, it's not I'd rather not say I just want to go away without a peep

Why do you ask? My name is Nick, currently have no will to live. I'm not OP though.
I mean the easiest way would be a bullet, or if you want it to be painless just drink a shit ton of alcohol and jump off a building

But also plz don't kill yourself.

Got a good bud by that name. He's been to that abyss a few times. Gets me worried, y'know?

What's your name friend?


Cherry pits is the easiest method by far

>Walk into supermarket
>Steal like 10 cherries from a bag
>Crack open 5-6 seeds
>Down them

There's enough cyanide in 2-3 to kill a man but 5-6 will guarantee the death. Clean, easy, and cheap

>What's a good way to end it Sup Forums? Life's just not what I thought it was and I don't want to stay.

Die of old age in your sleep when you're 90.

Live a long and happy life.

>>Steal like 10 cherries from a bag
OR, before you kill yourself, maybe not be a garbage human being and actually buy the cherries.

Go to a gas station with a jerrycan, and fill it up. Go somewhere have a glass of gasoline, and pour the rest on you, light a cigar, or something.

Just wait for north korea to kill us

Spend a week in Tijuana.

What do you think it is?

I don't really wanna say one of my best friends names and have it be another best friend, but Robbie?

I'm not your friend buddy

>There's enough cyanide in 2-3 to kill a man but 5-6 will guarantee the death.

liar. i've swallowed many cherry pits by accident.

At once? Or over a certain period. I think it has to be at the same time, I'm no cyanide expert, but most things dissipate from the body quickly.

I'm not your buddy, guy!

if 2 could kill you then you would probably notice the effects of 1. liar.

The effects of cyanide are death you dumb fuck.
>hmmm I think I'm noticing death!

You'd have to eat hundreds of crushed pits to die, crushed up apple seeds from 15-20 apples would achieve the same thing.

don't act like a moron.


that's not sarcasm



Live through.


It makes a crunch sound in the movies.

it's probably more of a "pop"

nigger fucking normies when did things go so wrong, go to mummys room and play with her like her friends do past beddy time, you loose GBP so caution is advised. Overdose on monster and tendie nuggets then take rapidash as a butt plug I promise it feels good


If you want to kill yourself, why not go do something you want to do?

You want to die, right? So quit your job, move to another country. Do whatever you want. Fuck every woman or man who will take your dick. Drink all the booze you can stomach, do whatever drugs you want.

AIDS? Who gives a fuck, you literally want to die. Overdose? Who cares, you literally want to die.

Quit being a fucking coward. If you don't care about life, then go fucking live it. Give up everything and go out with a bang instead of a wimper. Maybe someone will remember you that way.

If you don't have money for food, housing, cloths, even clean water, who cares? You want to die anyway.

You don't want to end your life because it "isn't what you thought it was" you want to because you are a coward. Go live life, you literally have nothing to lose.

>what is ld50 rates
>being this dumb
eating half of the ld50 of Cyanide produces tingling sensation and numbness. Are you actually retarded or did i get baited?

>Not comprehending sarcasm

as the other user said, thats not sarcasm you fucking inbred dumb cunt.

Sorry, Nick. Name's not Robbie. I'm sure he cares for his Nick just as much as I do for mine, though. Keep your chin bud.

ayy xo tour life

>You want to die, right? So quit your job, move to another country. Do whatever you want. Fuck every woman or man who will take your dick. Drink all the booze you can stomach, do whatever drugs you want.

why would anyone want to do that? sounds like a pain in the ass

Go do lots of psychedelics, then come back here and post your changed perspective.

if someone were suicidal the last thing they'd want to do is pack their bags and go for party, contrary to that shitty nicholas cage movie.

find your RL crush, not Inoue or Rias gremory. Buy chocolates and sleeping pills, crush the pills into the chocolate then ring the door bell. Leave them, go hide and wait, once shes knocked out go into her apartment and rape her there, use thing metal wire to hang yourself next to her. You want to leave a legacy behind right?