A thread dedicated to the greatest ever quarterback who changed the game forever
Eternal /brady/ Thread
>throwing interceptions in the super bowl
>tfw to smart to lose a superb owl
niggah hasnt made it in 7 years
Eli hasnt even won a playoff game in 6 years
washed up faggot lmao
Still cucked Dork Brady twice lmao
Everyone would've thought Brady was GOAT if he won either of those Super Bowls, now his past two victories look absolutely fixed
What a cuck
>5 rings
pick one
Hillary cucks please stay out of Patriots threads. K thanks.
3 rings plus two Hollywood scripts
The entire New England area voted for Hillary.
Gisele told his wife, Tom, that they were specifically NOT voting for drumpf
TWO New England Patriots are not showing up to Drumpf's Super Bowl celebration party
>The entire New England area voted for Hillary.
Only because they've been brainwashed by years of propaganda in a calculated effort to undermine Boston sports teams.
i need iggles, panthers, rams
Why are the Texans in there?
but that's not Brett Favre
no idea lol
saved woah nice
really? what has he done to change the game?
As far as I know the game is exactly the same as it was 17 years ago, the only thing he managed to change was the PSI of some footballs.
>your son will never be like tom brady
Handegg season is over, how are there still so many threads circlejerking over brady
please someone make this