no fights today
no fights today
mcgregor bless
1st for Tiffany
Schaub is God
Guys wth happened to Ragin Al?
hes fighting Diego Sanchez
a literal who
never coming back
literal company man
only good fighter
broken man with a broken body
lmao this group..
Ragin Al"coholic" iaquinta
On the sidelines getting sloshed and tweeting.
4(four) Black UFC champions
Romero next
Ngannou next
Leaving you with 6(six) Black UFC champions. Honestly I fear some of you might just stop watching cause of this.
Literally retired to sell houses IIRC
He's fighting Diego Sanchez
Heem is an orthodox christian general.
both of these guys were monsters
Is Arlovski's chin completely formatted?
Will he get CTE?
GDR did nothing wrong the first time!
in what way? they were both great fighters, cro cop did nothing wrong.
someone post the cro cop documentary that all those screen caps are from
no I just meant in the ring/octagon
they were both really awesome fighters to watch
why can't dutch people do their fucking subtitles right
anyone know how to get this in english
>Ref doesn't give 10 second warning
>Ref doesn't step in immediately
>No warning for GDR
>No point deduction for the 2nd time
GDR was warned and couldn't have been docked a point for a second time because she only fouled once.
In her post-fight interview, she said that the ref told her that the first incident wasn't a foul. That's why she only warned for the second one!
how is this possible?
bad luck
if something happens for his next fight, he should retire
also he should probably stop trying to cut to flyweight.
>*hits vape*
im the best in the division
muhfukas alwayz trynna bring a brotha down, g
Thanks, lads
The game ain't in him no mo
McCall needs to retire or move up to 135
>basing your life of (You)'s
sad !
usually if you get a (You) it's because you posted something retarded
keep it up retard !
Is this a rhetorical question? Arlovski is the p4p number 1 of deleted fighters.
Was is it Stipe who deleted him?
Imagine sticking a red hot fire poker in schaubs dick hole haha his dick would probably split open like an over-cooked hot dog
Fresh Cro Crop coming through
Well shit, I guess that means I should give you a (You), too
Can Whittaker realistically beat Rockhold?
the average h8er, ladies and gentleman!
well shit, heem is dead
208 literally killed the UFC
>1 am on a Monday
Or /heem/ isn't full of NEETs
Reminder that DC hasn't defended the LHW belt in 16 months
/heem/ also is 100% american. im on night heem every night friendo, there's usually 20-30 shitposters
heem is also orthodox christian
not like he hasnt tried tho
Yuros are asleep you goof
That's the thing. When these AKA memers win the belt the best you can hope for is 1 title defense every 18 months.
real heem hours, post iconic heems
acted like a jackass and got punished financially by the ufc, got injured for 18 months
thought he wasn't getting paid enough so he tried renegotiating after signing on to 205
after some shit he is fighting deigo sanchez
funny enough him and Francisco rivera need to be much higher ranked
fransisco trinaldo i meant
Are we in late night comfy hours yet?
The UFC has valued star power over talent, copied mandrama, aired filler cards, and put on a stale show with shitty production values for many years now. But they also put on a lot of entertaining fights and made great matchups and WME doesn't appear to have any idea how to walk that tightrope.
It kinda makes me think of the last Star Wars movie...they pulled Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher out of cryogenic freezing, had some lightsaber battles and spaceships and shit, and hit on all the things that made the originals popular. But despite all that they seemed to forget abut trying to actually make a good movie.
make it stop he's already dead
Patrician tier:
Emelianenko brothers
Pleb tier:
Diaz brothers
Shit tier:
Hughes brothers
yeah shawbposter is sleep by now
Artem vs. Cub is literally the worst booked fight in a long time.
they are literally trying to get views on an entire card with trickle down mcgoobs money, this is why they suck
>4 billion
Agreed. The Nogs are solid, too.
Enjoying the Pride heems, keep it rolling.
>ywn tee up someones head for a soccer kick while a crowd cheers you on
heem me
>tfw made all these pride webms
Got tears in my eyes, it's like watching your kids grow up and be successful
Nogs are patrician tier as well as the Hua's
WME/IMG-UFC Investment down $1Billion on Valuation
>Sources close to the company have stated that growth has stagnated with the absence and departure of high profile fighters and employees; notably Joe Silva, Mike Goldberg, and Lorenzo Fertita. Coupled with the fact they are without a TV deal secured and contract signed, the company has lost 25% of the initial investment in less than 6 months and advertisers/sponsors are in a stand still with the uncertainty of the Ali Act and rise of rival promotions.
make some more breh
I expect either cub to either completely wreck Artem or get wrecked. No in between
1) Artem's record is 13-12
2) He is currently 2-2 in the UFC
3) There are tons of prospects who'd benefit from fighting Cub instead of him
4) He's getting to fight a ranked guy by beating Chris Avila and Ishihara
5) He's done nothing to earn that fight
6) He's going to get completely schooled
7) It makes no monetary sense for anyone involved
8) Cub gains nothing by beating him up
9) Being Magiga's friend earns you unwarranted favors
10) The best fights are usually the ones where the skill gap is close, this is a literal mismatch
aside from freak injury I really don't see how Artem beats Cub ever
kek, this is the end
Ferttitas are geniuses. They knew to get the fuck out. Conor McGregor has destroyed MMA. It will never recover. Ronda is finished, Brock is 40, Anderson is 42, GSP is playing hardball, Jones is a fuck-up, too many irrelevant meme divisions.
>tfw you let a Trump supporter get /heem/'d twice
Honestly they fired those guys themselves.
And on top of that the sponsors and everything used to pay the fighters directly sort of. In order for a company to sponsor a fighter for 5 grand and get on his trunks they would habe to pay Dana 100k.
They skipped that process and just got rebook to pay them all the money and keep the octagon advertising.
They fucked the ufc
Martial arts is not an art xD
>yfw its gonna be fight of the year and artem is gonna win
>49-46 Caceres
>30-27 Silva
Maybe if Cub breaks his foot or arm in the first exchange can Artem win.
Finish fights
What happened to that gangster dude? didn't he get his tatts removed or something?
The UFC company will do fine. As long as they keep selling out arenas and making free money on the PPV they'll do fine.
But now the WME has to make mortgage payments on a 4billion company every month. Don't kbow how that will be done.
The Ali act literally does nothing. All it does is give fighters more power to not be held hostage by a single promotion. They can take fights in any other promotion like a true independent contracter without exclusivity clauses.
Jacare via whatever he wanted lel
>Cheeky tenner on Boetsch by KO lads
Pretty shameless. Not too far removed from some of the Bellator main events Uncle Dana loves to shit on.
Valuation by who? I mean their debt hasn't changed and they were always going to need to score a TV deal. It's looking like a poor investment but I don't think things are really much worse.
Boestch has a better chance winning a rematch against Jacare than Artem does against Cub
he got the shoulder stars inked over, fell off the map in MMA fighting, don't know if he's still a drunken mess or if he's found god.
Jokes aside, the UFC got behind Trump in a very public way and now all the super liberal Hollywood types that WME represents are pissed. It's an odd situation.
It has nothing to do with that at all.
>The Ali act literally does nothing.
Don't you think this could be the shot in the arm that MMA needs? Having an objective ranking system and multiple titles like boxing?
The UFC holds everyone hostage at the moment and its killing the sport because its been basically WWE for the last couple of years. For the old fans there is basically the Khabib/Ferguson fight and Bisping for the memes. No division is really that interesting although Garbrandt actually looked really good and to be fair to the little fucker McMeem looked really good in the Alvarez fight, fixed a lot of the holes in his game so he might actually turn into something that's not just a joke.
>yfw Artem heems Cub stiff, begins a meteoric rise to the featherweight title and fights for the 155 belt against Gooby
>Kharitonov responded by calling Aleks a hopeless. homeless drunk with Hep C
Artem isn't leaving that octagon on his own two legs.
Thanks for explaining.
Wme couldn't give less of a fuck about the political views of fighters
Ah, the good old days when even the prelim undercard guys were running Olympic-level gas.