It's 2018

It's 2018


What is the first thing you do with your newly bought slave nigger?

Teach him how to swim and have him win race bets with other slave owners

Free them in the forests and have a good ol' nigger hunting season.

Buy Halley Berry and have her fuck me all night long

Also have my slave wipe my ass and pick my moms vegetables in her garden. I hate doing that

And throw the trash on Tuesdays

niggers, of course

Absolute first thing? Castration and branding

Republicans were never slave owners nor for slavery, I could see this if Hillary Clinton won but your logic of Trump making Slavery legal is just idiocy......

Kidnap and enslave some white girls.

You know why.

Hey you said slavery is legal, not who gets to benefit.

You wouldn't have a slave. You're not even a land owner.

Help me climb up in League because I'm a scrub.

The Dems owned slaves Repblicans never own slaves....

The south was Dem when slaves were owned

I'll get some white slaves and sell them to the Nigerians and the Moslems. Some I'll keep and breed because the Moslems will pay big bucks for little white girls.

treat them nicely and respectfully while having idle chats and asking that they do small chores around the house. If they are down for it we fuck.

What does that have to do with this?

Comparing the old parties to their modern counterparts is a little ridiculous, for any discussion. The parties have changed, and even swapped ideals numerous times over the past 150 years. Hell, the democratic party now is more closely aligned with how the Republicans were in the 80s and vice versa.

Execute them. Our ancestors fucked up by letting them live.

Kill him. I mean humanely euthanize him.

checked and /thread

But then you wouldn't have a slave.

That would require genocide (in Africa) and a greater army than you could muster.

First thing? Get a cute one, get it spayed, then I'd enjoy my new fucktoy. You know what? Forget spaying, I will use the litter as fucktoys as well.

Be bros, play vidia, and chill.

Ask if they mind if I call them "my nigga," or if they think that's racist.
Ask to touch their hair.
Ask them if they think black people can be racist.
Ask them why black people are scared of dogs.
Ask them what black people twitter is all about.

Have you literally never met a black person?

Get me some decent good slave.

Wouldn't they just kill us the moment we let our guard down? Ignoring that, I guess pick up some negresses and John Hancock myself a chocolate brood.

finally have a friend

You mean, like, in the wild?

Wistful as fuck

Yes, they would. Because they're not as submissive and broken as their ancestors (who were likely born slaves well before anyone took them to America).

Do you suspect you would just lie down and accept it if you were forced into slavery after being free so long?

I see your point. Few generations of legally sanctioned torture and deliberately keeping them ignorant might turn that around though.

They can't fight back with a gun to their head. We are stronger, they literally cannot resist if we'll simply wipe them out if they resist.

Hopefully they do resist, slaves are bad for the economy.

>Enslave millions of Anglo-Saxons, Celts, and Baltics
>Put to work on my farm
>Go out and raid for more slaves
>Die and go to Valhalla

It would certainly take a while, and it would unlikely be limited to the black community. I'm quite sure plenty of white people will be forced into servitude as well, among the other races.

Slavery isn't really a racial thing. It is a form of classism.

>teaching niggers how to swim

>slaves are bad for the economy.
You just went full retard.

finally lose my virginity

That's not how it works, user. Only subhumans can be slaves in the new America.

Fuck off kike

One of, if not THE, most intellectually dishonest statements that republicucks everywhere make.

>only subhumans

So... anglos, celts, baltics..

Fuck him in the butt. Duh, like there was any other acceptable answer

Historically speaking absolutely. But in this border-line retarded hypothetical scenario, aren't we subjugating black people on the basis that they're just "different" from us?

Found the faggot

Historically, less than 1% of white people in America owned slaves. They were considered very expensive and most white families couldn't afford one.

You win the prize

Gr8 B8 m8

>anglo-saxons not subhumans

>Not taking a 2nd mortgage on the house to buy as many as you can to send back to the set of the lion king.

Sex slaves obviously

I would purchase a Sup Forumstard

Castrate him, then fuck him in the ass. Breed his wife and make a bunch of mixed slave babies.

Get your ass kicked

I'd enslave whites

Make it fuck my wife.

Celts make the best sex slaves but anglo-saxons are pretty much useless and are only good for target practice, baltics could make decent sex slaves as well

All races are subhuman to Nordics, Doric Greeks, Mongolians, and Romans

Historically speaking?

Not even. This would be a modern model. In america, there may be more black slaves, simply because there are more poor blacks in comparison to well off blacks, but enslavement would not come from your old world ideas like conquering a race, it would come through corporate enslavement. It's already happening as it is, it just hasn't grown to where the individual could force someone else into their debt. Those who have to contract supplies through their employer will find themselves owing the company after "renting" their tools to do the job, will then be indebted to endless servitude. White, black, Asian, it won't matter.

And realistically, corporations would be the only entities allowed to do this, if slavery were to become legal. You would not see individuals with slaves, rather a company would just own large swathes of the population.

You're all fucking retarded. Send them back to the homeland. Don't make the same mistake twice.

Start up a gym, train him to use slash, tackle, punch, screech. Then get other like minded people into it. Start gyms throughout America, find wild niggas in the wild from hunting season. Capture them. Have them fight each other, create niggadex, create tournaments.

make him do all the menial stupid shit. Enjoy my elite neet life.

You're welcome to lead by example and get the fuck back home.

Castration .
If that's what the slave owners of old would have done then we wouldn't be watching the US circle the drain now .

While we're at it send all the white people back to Europe too.

Maybe the Spaniards could unfuck the Mexicans too.

There are so many levels of stupidity behind this statement

Stay mad faggots hahaha

Dude, i was just talking about antiquity like with Romans and shit; slaves whose only shared common attribute was "they conqurered us." I like this dystopian flavor your pitching though.

America was a paradise before Europeans started migrating here. Make America great again.

Conquest in that sense wouldn't be feasible in these days.

We're more a scorched earth sort of society anyways. It's easier to bomb and dissolve a country than to occupy and enslave one.

Free him and defend freedom versus tyrants. The way America is meant to be. Free.

Watching the alt-right yelling CSA is disgusting. the most traitorous thing I ever seen.

.....whelp, in that case, fuck this thread I guess.

>be me 20 moon, sit on green hill smoke many great firesmoke
>father come say, "Little Bear, herd ox come many thunders, much meat for furry bear clan!"
>Little Bear run many thunder, for hope of catching herd ox!
>Little bear make big victory! much meat and fur for furry bear family.
>girl come see Little Bear, 12 moon but very big cantelope and cousin to Little Bear, give kiss and smoke together many great firesmoke with tomahawk pipe!
>girl and Little Bear sleep for many moon, many cub of Little Bear born long winter.

Modern Republicans are what the conservative south used to be, though they weren't called that then. It's cute that a name change tricked you so thoroughly.