Trump's rhetoric won't affect spo-
Trump's rhetoric won't affect spo-
people got Nazis on the brain these days.
the bitch at the drivethru fucked up my order! She's a nazi!
>Germans can't handle the banter
They were all singing along.
They fucking love it.
The United States accidentally played the version with the Mussolini guest verse.
Deutschlandlied is not a Nazi song, and singing the original first verse is not the Nazi national anthem.
Will kikes ever stop spewing lies in the media?
>a few lines proclaiming Germany above all is Nazi-tier stuff
When does the jew killing chorus start?
Part of the German anthem being banned over "nazi association" isn't new you dipshits. It's also a German perception.
they could fix the problem by not playing anthems at sporting events at all.
it's sports. you don't need songs.
>germans describe another country accidentally using an outdated version of their of anthem at a tennis match as the "epitome of ignorance"
huh. i'd describe the epitome of ignorance as something more like the german people's ignorance to the crimes their country committed during the holocaust, but that's just me
So some intern was told to play the German national anthem and pulled up something on Youtube. Stupid, but I do not see the big deal.
I wonder how many worldwide actually know you only use the third verse?
>75 years later and the kikes are still shook as fuck by this man
How is Trump related to playing an outdated version of Germany's national anthem?
How the fuck do you even get the national anthem wrong? It's like that time when they played the Borat version of the Kazakhstan national anthem at some shooting championship in Kuwait. You could kind of understand Kuwait making the mistake because they probably weren't that experienced when it came to holding sporting events but this is the USA.
That shit happens constantly in tennis, many times have been played old spanish anthems or the anthem of another country instead. It is just an anecdote unless you're a retarded american or canadian, then it's a conspiracy.
This thread is absolutely ridiculous.
Tennis isn't a sport.
It's about ignorance ...Vietnam
>So some intern was told to play the German national anthem and pulled up something on Youtube.
nah, they actually had a guy sing it
>I wonder how many worldwide actually know you only use the third verse?
it's something one could just look up on wikipedia
Was there supposed to be a thought behind this post?
>yahoo """"""""""""""""""sports"""""""""""""""""
Don't you remember when the germans played some fascist Spanish anthem to fucking Guardiola?
Why the fuck would we need to know that? Send a fucking memo ahead of time if there's potential for a fuck up.
>Trump supports nazis
Kek, these people are desperate.
right now, you are learning World History from German women's tennis players
and don't you ever forget it m8
What part of the Third Reich are you lads from?
Reminder that we got fucked out of both World Wars by our allies.
In WWI, Austia-Hungary were fucking useless.
In WWII, Italy turned their back on us and the Japs made the Kikelovers from across the Ocean mad enough to join the war.
>allying with Italy in a World War
The fault, dear Krauts, lies not within your stars, but within yourselves.
>how can I spin this to make it look like Trump's fault?
And this is how journalism dies.
The famous German sentiment and soft-heartedness once again undermines you.
We keep all our Italians Italians sequestered in New Jersey running minor criminal syndicates. Should have learned from us.
Why do you fascist have to try to force your shit in everything? I just want to enjoy my sports and my freedom without any fascist political bullshit.
In the japs' defense America was going to kick your ass sooner or later, nobody fights Britain without eventually fighting the United States to some degree or another.
>nazi anthem
objectively false
Don't you have some Palestinian hovels to firebomb Bibi?
The famous Nazi anthem written in 1840 by some guy who went to prison/sent into exile multiple times because he was a radical democrat.
Yeah well, the salute was used by Romans 2000 years ago.
Ireland got away with bombing the shit out of the brits without the americans getting involved
But it was reintroduced specifically by the fascists, meanwwhile the German anthem was used before and just continued to be used by the Nazis ... cause it was the national anthem.
That's because they all think they're Irish too.
I genuinely did not know that. Why'd the Russians get to keep their anthem after the USSR split?
>Why'd the Russians get to keep their anthem after the USSR split?
They had a different one at first, Putin then reintroduced the USSR one but with a different text, just the same music.
Americans were stupid way before Trump, so it's really not fair to blame this on him.
You can blame him for being about as stupid as the rest of the country tho. Which means he's terrifyingly stupid.
Isnt that guy from Malcolm in the Middle?
>self loathing cucks triggered by slip up in a match no one gives a shit about
The ride never ends.
Petkovic literally called this the "worst thing that ever happened to her in her whole life".
What a hypersensitive brat... when a piece of nationalistic music is the worst thing you could possibly imagine it just shows how deep anti-nationalism is planted into our minds. Sad!
>tfw we will never be too intelligent for something again
Let's start with the fact that Petkovic is not really German herself.
Or, you know, she got pissed because her grandparents were hunted by deathsquads of the SS. Might have something to do with that. Faggot.
The only one on the German team who was butthurt was some girl born in Serbia.
What is an "intelligent" head of state, Vlad?
Let's start with someone who doesn't tell judges and courts that he will "SEE YOU IN COURT"
Her parents were Serbians living in Bosnia before they fled to Germany after the Yugoslav war started.
I doubt any of her ancestors got hurt by the nazis.
yeah, sure they were
Someone please invade us and put us in death camps, I can't handle it anymore.
because everything bad that happens nowadays in th US is Trumps fault. its like the "Thanks Obama" meme but people are taking it seriously.
Weirdly, Vlad himself. I wouldn't say good, but definitely intelligent. Vaclav Havel.
Lech Walesa. Tito. Deng Xiaoping. Lee Kuan Yew. Many others.
>plays for Germany so apparently identifies as German
>Gets triggered by a part of the anthem which simply isn't common anymore
Yeah I'm sure she had flashbacks and is now traumatized for life.
You are ignorant
You can fuck off back to that shithole of a board you call home.
Additionally, it's not even the NS Germany anthem.
Angela Merkel is unironically intelligent, yet she still fucked up "bigly" during the refugee crisis in 2015
Intelligence alone doesn't make you a good leader 2bh
>Petkovic literally called this the "worst thing that ever happened to her in her whole life".
she didn't though
Trump say big league btw. Not bigly. But bigly is actually a real word.
>why would a German-Slav be offended by an anthem associated with the NSDAP
>why would an Ukrainian be offended by Stalin
>why would an Indian be offended by indoor plumbing
She did, but is now retracting after realizing how overdramatic she was.
Now this is just confusing. Post her ass.
>Starting 2 World Wars
>Not learning from the mistakes you made in the first World War
>Not having the opportunity to start a third because the rest of the world will use your own tactics against you and never trust you again
>If you have another crack your only allies would be North Korea and Russia and you would be better of having the rest of the world hate and not trust you than be allies with North Korea and Russia
You'll always have Bra7i1
germany didn't start WWI though
>>Starting 2 World Wars
What kind of shitty meme is that anyway? Countries invaded it each other all the time back then, but only when we did it others went apeshit and declared war and invaded others as a reaction as well. Not our fault they did it and made it a world war. Also in WW1 our invasions were defensive moves and in WW2 thousands of German got slaughtered in Poland which made an invasion necessary, us invading Poland was even more justifiable than Britain invading the Falkland Islands.
To be fair, germany made themselves the bad guys real easily in ww1. First ones to get vile and start using cholrine gas, among other war crimes.
WW2 literally started the day WW1 ended though, they should have dissolved Germany or make them allies like after WW2. Treaty of Versailles was a mistake.
>among other war crime
like Britain and France making up lies about Belgian kids getting their hands chopped off
>our invasions were defensive moves
>us invading Poland was even more justifiable than Britain invading the Falkland Islands.
You mean you were kicking invaders out of Poland and returning rule to the people?
yes, your two major neighbors France and Russia mobilising their armies before you did is something to be totally calm about
The regressive left is becoming more embarrassing by the day.
>still defending that crazy failed Austrian artist
Hitler was an idiot and we lost the war that he started in our name, fucking deal with it already
>inb4 "hurr leftist cuck, history gets written by the victors, we dindu nuffin xDDDDDDDDDDDD"
Exactly. The land given to Poland after WW1 were areas which did not undergo a popular vote.
Yeah, I'm sure Belgium really cares about that shit you sperging fuck
>Also in WW1 our invasions were defensive moves
golly, they really must have whitewashed the rest of your country's history in the textbooks to compensate for the whole holocaust bit
>gypsies commenting on the intelligence of the citizens in foreign countries
srbe na vrbe
>krauts can't handle the bantz
t. spicnigger
>Most well known food is bratwurst and sauerkraut
>Sauerkraut is made with kosher salt instead of regular salt
>Jews can only eat kosher food
>Your country had this big thing where they tried to eat all the Jews but couldn't cook them right and they ended up as ashes
So did Hitler hate Jews or did he hate that Jews were using all the Kosher salt and he was worried he couldn't make sauerkraut so he tried to eat them to digest all the kosher salt? Did he think Jews would make the ultimate bratwurst? Why can't Hitler cook, did he have the wrong salt?
>new zealand
the maori should've just kept that land
I feel this one krautist will eternally spoil Germany's reputation on /spee/.
>caring about your country's reputation on Sup Forums
lel, how fucking pathetic
better worry about the reputation of your country in real life
protip: it's embarrassingly awful
You just keep at it user. I have no qualms with feeding your sperging fits, go on.