Sup Forums, what can I expect tomorrow?
Sup Forums, what can I expect tomorrow?
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the Spanish inquisition
your mom to scream my name
Didn't expect that...
a win for your team. tuchel has been exposed
What's your name? I need to know now.
So has Rui Vitória...
I expect lots of disappointment.. Nothing like watching football game all alone during valentines day..
forgot the aussi proxy. sry
you will score minimum one goal against this weak ass dortmund defense
but dortmund is capable of still raping you if obamayoung, reus, dembele etc. GOAT it up tomorrow
if I had to tip, I'd say it's gonna end 2-2 (which wouldn't be too good for benfica, because dortmund usually doesn't lose at home)
Conceding will be the death of us. No way we can win in Germany.
>losing to Darmstadt
To be fair Schmelzer and Piszczek ought to be back. At least then they'll have wingbacks with their dominant feet on the right side.
Doom and gloom.
>Jonas injured
stock price to drop
expect to be raped by germans too papa
Wtf lmao
That logo is just hideous. On second thought, I dont even would call this round thing a logo.
>Ich dachte ich halte den Elfmeter
german autism is truly the best kind of autism
Please continue
violent, disgusting supporters in yellow and black
>t. mad consumer
Why were the germans I saw today in Lisbon darker than me?
we are all niggers
Because you're a shut-in with no life who shitposts on a sports board for sports watching shitposters with no life to the point that you got so pale staying at home that even some ruhr valley plebs outswag you in the limp-wristed winter of Iberia.
Good thread this
Jokes on you. I'm actually black.
Joke's on you, you're black.
>This post does not provide any new information
>ruhr valley plebs outswag you
Really? So am I! I thought I was alone here.
So it's true what the Porto and Sporting fans on Sup Forums said? Benfica is the black people team?
Benfica is the PEOPLE's team.
Benfica is 'also' the black people team because it was the most successful team pretty much every decade until the 90's and Portugal had colonies until 1974.
A famous writer - António Lobo Antunes - that was in the colonial war even stated that the war would stop when Benfica played.
In Angola for example there are something like 5 Benficas. You can also find Benficas in Macau, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cabo Verde, Timor-Leste.
Made of emigrants you also have a Benfica in London and another in Luxembourg
holy fuck she's perfect, more of her?
>tfw CL footy is back
>liking niggeresses
Wew lad you need better taste and revalutaion of your life.
don't remember asking for your opinion
You guys suck
So this... is the power... of the masterrace......... WOAH
Kys you polish turd
>liking niggeresses
Portugal is nigger capital of the world
This looks actually pretty comfy. I used to expect much worse from my peopel
>tfw no Vollgasfußball
Kys you polish turd
what the rusky said I guess
be nice
we finished ahead of the unexposable
>le Germans or even Nazis thought they are the master race meme
kys, Hitler said himself that North East Asians were superior
also those things are comfy af
>implying it has anything to do with that mentally ill austrian
Also wasn't there some stupid estonian born german who desperately kept pushing the meme back then?
lel, finally a cliché that's actually true. We really like digging holes on the beach.
>tfw look at people of my age like weirdos when they are without kids on the beach just to digg holes
This is what a comfy beach looks like
Hey nigger your country is mostly ugly and the worst place I visited in my life. Stop showing the nice 1 percent of it and show what it really looks like.
>implying it has anything to do with that mentally ill austrian
it kinda does since he, you know, was the leader back then
>Also wasn't there some stupid estonian born german who desperately kept pushing the meme back then?
No idea, you're the one living in the past.
The master race statement was never about superiority. It just says that the people of the world are splitt into two different types: masters and servants.
Servants follow orders. In exchange they don't take any responsibility for anything.
Masters do everything by themself. They are free and only have to obey their own laws. In exchange they are resposible for everything they are involved in.
The master servant theory is not about domination or subjection. A servant can't be made through conquest since masters will always oppose their oppressors.
A servant gives willingly all power to a master to not be in charge of taking resposibility of themself (man child).
Every tribe has to make their own decision if they are masters or servants.
The thing with the superiority was made up because otherwise nobody would go to war with Germany.
Kys you polish shit
It was just a jab at the idiots pushing it nowadays
Too many people.
genuine jej
Where were you?
I can positively say much of the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto look like smaller commieblocks but you have a lot of diversity really
He wasn't, he's a mentally ill ''''polish'''' american retard with a stick up his ass about southern europeans, always shows up with the same narratives in threads and even got triggered because the romanian liked the portuguese girl
Among other narratives he pushes are those that poles are extremely racist (and he's proud of it) and that they bleach a lot of black women on a regular basi
nobody does
Porto was really bad imo. Lots of concrete.
I'm not polish and i'm not the poster you're obsessed honestly. But I can see why you think that since I also think Portuguese and italys are akin to niggers.
Expect Tukel to meme it with some three at the back tactic with Dembele playing almost in central midfield
it'll be 1-1 until the 80th minute at which point he'll bring on the midfielder that should have started in the centre
Dembele will move out to the wing and slide in a pass for an Obama winner
Screencap this and refer to it for all future Dortmund wins
Have you been to the rest of Europe? It's mostly like that
I cant wait to see Royce, Obama Yang, Pewlisick and Dembaylay run circles over the opposition.
What does it say about the prozzy?
>During home games the brothel is empty. Thus I'm not making any loss if I'm on the south stand myself.
>looks like that at 20
Dont do drugs and hoe around, kids.
pulisic with a hat trick.
cap this.
Are Portuguese qt's the hardest to hook up with? That's what I've heard from multiple sources, and in my experience the cute ones are really stuck up. One I approached in a club basically just laughed in my face.
girls here really have high as fuck standards and high as fuck expectations
is that why you are lonely today?
was here 2 years ago in june. comfy as fuck
I'm never lonely. I'll always have you guys here :3