Are black people, as a whole, beneficial to our society? Why or why not?

Are black people, as a whole, beneficial to our society? Why or why not?

No. They cause nothing but trouble. They're a net negative on society

They're useful for entertainment purposes such as sports

They keep property values low so up and coming families can afford houses.

they cost more than they bring. I.e a luxury product, we can't afford many if any.

you guys live in gated communities and still find them useful for sports? remember 7-1 you cuck?

artistically creative people, created the majority of modern music with jazz and blues and funk and soul.

they're a product of their environment and the fact that they have been fucked over even when they were suppose to be considered citizens which goes against the very foundation of america

>you guys live in gated communities and still find them useful for sports? remember 7-1 you cuck?

What the fuck does that even have to do with anything? I enjoy watching sports

They almost were for a while there in the 50s-70s. They quickly lost all potential though.

no, even when they are not violent niggers they are usually to incompentent to have an infrastructure

doesn't explain how africa always has been and remains(except for white rule) a shithole to this day.

yeah but a fucked up society costs being humiliated? then you are a cuck

You know there are literal stone age people in Africa right now? There are groups of people that unironically have not discovered metallurgy. How can you explain how they have been fucked over? Did Europeans make them forget civilization?

Only when picking cotton.

There's some super cool, creative, and useful black people that are a gift to society, and lots of normal, nice regular old black folks who aren't causing any harm; but they are sadly overshadowed by the niggas tearing our world apart.

You're not making any sense here Muhammad,i never said i like niggers or their fucking shit up,i said they're useful for playing sports and that's it

No. They are literally and figuratively the worst.

the benefit of the good by far exceeds the cost of the bad.

I said okay but you suck shit at sports so what use are they then?

>Crime, laziness, and stupidity
Figure it out yourself and stop making stupid threads.

>blacks are a luxury product
>says the Swede

So this is why Sweden imports so many niggers.

fuck, the reverse on this

jews in sweden control our immigration, noone wants it really. but everyone is PC af.

it's changing though

Kinda neutral in my opinion, they breed like wild dogs, but kill each other enough that their numbers stay low

We're good at volleyball


that oughta make up for a failed society bro

there have been several empires throughout africa dum swede

Yeah empires of shit and dung

1 stone structure produced throughout all of black civilization and that is a little fort in zimbabwe.


But none since colonialism.

They are living sex toys because the men are too cucked to ask them out.

Why the fuck would I like to ask someone that I don't find remotely attractive at all out?

Because you have to, they are your people, Muhammad.

Fuck yeah they are.Think about the thousands of police,corrections,lawyer,judge,and coroner,abortion doctor,social worker,health clini,payday loan,liquor store,hair weave,nail shop,KFC,Kool Aid,watermelon farmer jobs they create.

>How can you explain how they have been fucked over? Did Europeans make them forget civilization?
you mean besides the fact that NATO refuses to let any group of nations challenge the western world geo-politically, going as far as taking their government out with puppets

you didn't answer me.

Throughout all of black civilization 1 stone structure exists and that is a little fort in zimbabwe.

so there never were any real empires in black africa. they never got close to egypt by far.

why do you keep blaming others?
blame arabs if any, they enslaved you more than whites ever did.

>blame arabs if any, they enslaved you more than whites ever did
not black im also aware that other groups of people enslaved blacks including themselves. that may be the main cause of their downfall, like a bucket of crabs.

>that may be the main cause of their downfall, like a bucket of crabs.

doesn't explain thousands of years of owning the most fertile and mineral rich land masse on earth and still not producing shit

>not black

yeah right