Which one of you is this on the new Hanson v Predator?

Also TCAP general

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God imagine your fucking daughter or young sister getting in the car with that sicko. Can't wait for this show

The reason he scoped out the perimeter was because he was going to abduct her. He had a knife, gun, and duct tape ready in the car

So hyped for the Hansen comeback

Even if he looks old and over the hill, as long as his entrance one-liners are good and he sticks to reading the juiciest lines from the chat log, this shit will be pure kino


Are those cupcakes homemade?

>Then there was 27-year-old Stephen Buchanan, of Stratford, a member of the Connecticut National Guard who fought in Iraq. Police said he tried to convince the Fairfield University student portraying the girl to get into his car, where officers later found a black bag containing a loaded gun, a roll of duct tape, a knife and a box of condoms. Bond for him was set at $1.1 million bond.

he seems like a nice guy. he didn't bring condoms so you know he meant no harm

Are there any streams of this online?

It comes on this monday

I am so double hype for this

9/11 and the return of Chris Hansen in the same week mufuggas it's like holy meme week

literally the guy from the sign

That was me breaking into 11's house



Oldschool meme magick



>so you were going to raw dog a 13 year old girl?

How does Hansen keep getting away with it?

He probably waited months or years to actually find the courage to go meet a girl and she ends up turning away from his advances like anyone else.

Pure Aryan aesthetics.

He literally bullies people with his presence alone.
Dealing with Hansen, even in early seasons, is probably best compared to a subhuman being cross-examined by the SS.


jaysus fokkin krist

Is there a vid of this?

I know right!

Sounds like normal shit to drive around with to me.

>having sex with a healthy female capable of reproduction is the ultimate perversion
>meanwhile fucking another man in the ass and giving him AIDS is totally fine

I think we've reached peak degeneracy.

He doesn't. The charges against the people who show up keep getting dropped because be has no idea what the fuck he's doing. Plus there was the time he drove a guy to suicide for not showing up at the bait house.

>it's a pedo spreads lies about the show episode

hey isn't that the dude that was the face model for mass effect

No concern there might be a connection? He seems overly obsessed with sex.

Pedo detected. Almost all the guys from the original shows served time. Only exception is when that guy an heroed so the judge threw out that particular stings convictions.

new ME musique:

Didn't Michael Willis (aka GenericWhiteMale) HOWEVER'ed Hansen and got away charge free?

Not to argue perps criminal intent but, why aren't these fucking kids ever held accountable? And where are the parents who let their kids go online to do this shit? Zuckerberg needs to clean up facebook or change name to fuckbook.


lol oh wow, look how misinformed this guy is about the show. Are you kidding me right now bud? Wow, how embarrassing for you. I'm laughing real hard at you.

Its amazing people still fall for this in the age of social media and smartphones. So easy to get a picture then crosscheck across social media to see if the identity is real.

dumb pedos deserve it tho


So he did bring condoms then

fookin liar

so, uh...why did he bring condoms?

That's not him.

Yes it is


The problem is not people being uneducated; The problem is that they are educated just enough to believe what they've been taught. And not educated enough to question what they've been taught

His name sounds like "Willis" but it's actually spelled "Wilusz"

Also, he told the decoy he was only 30

so this is the justification predators use? I always wondered how, unless they were molested at a young age, they were able to talk themselves into it...

Kill yourself.

The duct tape is really the only suspicious item here

>a pedo just told me to kill myself

ok buddy, at least I can see two guys holding hands and it doesn't eat me up inside for days on end and the only way to make myself better is to jack off to 12 year olds...if I was that bothered about other people, I would probably kill myself

you are probably also a christfag...god your life must be a constant state of complete hopelessness, how do you do it?

Uh, no? Duct tape is one of the handiest tools you can have in your car.

Kill yourself

I can see having any one in your car - maybe even all three - but having them in a bag is pretty fucked up.

Check out his hoodie, by the way

aww I think I made you upset...its ok pedo, you will be fine as long as you have your hard drive of naked kids to keep you warm at night

Kill yourself

why doesnt a brave pedo bring a gun and when they see Hansen declare "THIS IS FOR MY PEDO-KIN!" and shoot him lol

Are you done?

you are obese and have a small dick

Laughing at you? Nope I'm still going.

>tfw no more Del and Perverted Justice

The bravest pedo was the Rabbi, and he backed down almost immediately

Hansen's got like 300 confirmed kills, I wouldn't want to face off with him if I was after 12 year old pussy

Kill yourself

Reminder that they are everywhere.

Trust no-one.

Not even your dad.

Please God cleanse all of America in righteous fire.

>he thinks those stories are real

>Stephen Buchanan
Look what I found:

He had a GF lol


One of his tweets is literally

"Jared Fogle out on the loose. Watch out kids"

What the fuck lol.

Can't wait for Hansen kino.

>Mets fan
>mandrama fan
>Godsmack fan
How did no one figure out he was a pedo earlier?

>The problem is not people being uneducated; The problem is that they are educated just enough to believe what they've been taught. And not educated enough to question what they've been taught

Hat guy had a twitter, but it's unfortunately closed. his last tweet just said "Life sucks."

>@GovMikeHuckabee having you as president will be beyond barbaric, it's immoral, grotesque and evil. #womansrights


Women have the right to have sex with anyone they want, no matter the age. Bigot.

this will be the next movement