Pretty sure I've lost my second chance at true love

Pretty sure I've lost my second chance at true love.

Baww thread please!

it's the first time in years I see someone call these baww threads

I'll dump a few pics I have


What's got you down, Sup Forumsro?

Can you greentext your story?

theres a girl i like and she likes me too, but my friends gf told me shes a slut and cheats on guys when she finds someone better, and i dont know what to do. its been so long since ive been told i am loved, i wouldnt even care if she didnt mean it i just want to hear it or see it

I miss people calling it baww threads instead of feels threads.

On one hand you're better off without her, on the other, you might find the tiem you pass with her worth the pain that'll come afterwards

Just keep in mind that's a tradeoff you're going to have to make at every step of the way, this is not the only time you're going to have to deal with a choice that involves the risk of suffering

thanks for some insight user

I do too, but there's not much we can do about it, most of the people that used to come to these threads have probably moved on and even if we keep calling them baww threads that name will remain in the past and eventually dissappear

It's what we're here for Sup Forumsro

When did you guys start lurking these threads for the first time?

Any user cares to share some greentext?


The fact that my ex handles the breakup so easy (new guy after 2 months) after 2 years od deep happenings between us is kind of confusing, often i think i will never find a girl again which makes me feel like she did, like "home", idk

since 2014 ive been looking at these threads they didnt appeal to me until around then

I may be wrong as there's a lot of different people out there, but chances are that she isn't really handling it as easily as it looks. Lots of women find having a boyfriend easy, lots of times that boyfriend isn't someone really important to them, it's just someone they have as a "toy", not to say they have them just for sex, but it's generally not someone truly special for them, however, having someone there for emotional support after a breakup always helps with the pain.

I hope you don't get to hang around these threads as long as I have, it's been 6 years and I keep coming back frequently





I needed a good explanation to give my friend about what Sup Forums is actually like, thanks user

Keep fighting everyone, you'll get there someday

heh, I've just had an awful lot of bad luck and it keeps coming back to bite my ass

these are all the pics I have but if you gimme a sec I can dig up a link to one killer greentext or two

I know how that goes, bub.

Hey guys. There is a girl who I really like and I have a good connection with. I know her for a long time. I really cared about her, but one day she told me she found a guy on Tinder. I pretend I was really happy for her but I was broken inside and I still am. I dont know why she is looking for other guys, what was wrong with me. I really loved her but I never told her. I am friendzoned. Please help me bro's and forgive me for my bad english.

/gallery/jNOru that's the imgur link to The Ballad of Ella, enjoy the tears.

anyway I think I'm going to share a tid bit, keeping it very short though
>brother is alcoholic stoner
>I'm a beta fag 11yo who gets bullied at school for not being able to socialize
>fear going to school because people hate me
>fear going home because my brother is probably there and drunk, he often hits me
>Not do anything about it for 3 years
>consider suicide
>heavily consider killing my brother
I might expand later if I feel like it, I can't stomach it right now

>Be me
>Be in a relationship with a girl I adored, grill cuts it off. Stay best friends with her for about 4 years.
>She tells me she can't stay friends because she started to resent some of my character flaws
>Meet another girl who is pretty much the complete opposite of my ex and really hit it off.
>Become best friends, decide not to pursue anything romantic because she's not interested and I don't wanna lose another friend.
>One and a half year of being best friends. Feelsgoodman.jpg
>See her kissing some dude on a random drunk night. She asks me to take her home because she's drunk as fuck. Go to her house with her and a friend of hers.
>Only lets me come in because I'm her best friend.
>Put her in bed. She grabs me by my shirt and kisses me.
>Literally doesn't remember it ever happened the next day because she was drunk.
>Have an amazing friendship with her. But at times she'll says things like: "Some day we're gonna get married you and I, 7 years give or take".
>Few weeks ago she talked to me about a guy she met.
>Have a really deep conversation, hug intensely. user I'm sure you'll be the one I marry some day.
>Few days after that, I go out with her and her parents and both get really drunk.
>She sees her parents dance and seems touched by the very sight of them.
>Take her out for a dance as well because she loves to do so.
>She kisses me at the end of the song.
>Rest of the evening she tells me how she had always known we were gonna end up together.
>Tells me how she's scared because I'm the most amazing guy ever and she's scared to lose me as a friend.
>She tells me I have to come over the next day because if I don't she'll start doubting her descision and will not want to go through with it.
>Text her next day to meet, never get a reply.

Look buddy, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but you're past the point of help. I've been there, in a position very, very, similar to yours. You probably had a chance at getting her in the beginning, but once the friendship is established you stop being boyfriend material, that's how it is 9/10 times, and if she's actually looking for a boyfriend on the internet, then that's it, the chances you have of getting her now are practically inexistent.

I know it hurts like hell, I know it makes you want to scream and hit things if you think about it for too long, I know it makes you want to stop getting attached to people. Don't let it. Accept the situation and move on, find someone else, it's going to be hard to force yourself to do it but enough willpower will get you anywhere, so keep at it, keep at it untill you can close your eyes and not see her face, keep at it untill you can look at her in the eye and not feel pain in your chest, keep at it untill you can finally forget.

Fuck man that's some hard hitting experience there, it'd take me forever to be able to get into a relation again after that.

Thanks buddy!

Ok Sup Forums
This is no where near as bad as anything posted here but fuck it, need to get it out

>Be me
>Dad and mum split up when I was 2
>Still see my dad on the weekends
>He's like my best friend
>Cool nerdy dude
>Mucho autismo
>Haven't told him about Sup Forums but I know he'd love it
>My dad is a hoarder
>His house(s) which I have stayed at on weekends since I was around 3/4 are always filled with rubbish, rotting food and up until both of the dogs died a while back, animal feces
>I make it sound worse than it is
>He starts off ok, get's a new house that he rents
>Mum lets me stay with him as long as house stays clean
>House never stays clean for long
>Love my dad so I don't tell my mum unless it gets really bad
>She had enough of it when she lived with him so she rarely if ever checks the house herself
>Recently I have grown resentful of him
>The mess always gets worse and worse until the police or social services are contacted in some way or I refuse to stay at his unless he cleans up, he does, eventually, or he just moves...
>My dad probably has a fuck ton of mental issues but he should still have control of his life
>And the fact that he cannot keep even his house in check for me makes me doubt he loves me or even cares about me
>Recently he spends more and more time out of the house, spending nights with his gf he has somehow, I suspect high strength hypnosis or divine intervention
>Only thing been keeping me here really is my tortoises who I feel will not be looked after if I just leave them here without me
>I'm taking them back to my mum's tomorrow
>I don't think I'm going to come back to his after that...
>Even if he sorts the house out... I don't think I want to see him for a long time

I understand user, you feel like he's an asshole for letting things go south over and over again even though fixing his problem would mean he'd get to spend more time with you.

His loss user, he's missing out on his wonderfull son!

I've been having an affair with my girlfriend for some time now with another girl who is cheating on her boyfriend.

I feel like shit because, from my own point of feeling things, I do love my girlfriend and she is incredibly loyal and devoted to me. But I don't feel truly satisfied with her; the girl I'm having an affair with is challenging to deal with in many ways but I feel a deep connection with her in more than just a lustful sort of way.

It just sucks that I have two people who have very strong levels of attraction for me and neither alone really seem to be enough. I don't know whether I should risk it with the more challenging girl I feel a connection with, or just settle and play it safe with my official girlfriend. Why is it that some people go their whole lives without knowing what it's like to be loved without obligation, yet I've got two people like that and I'm still not satisfied?

It feels like no matter what or how much I eat, I'll just always be hungry.

Your dad has mental issues, try to get him help and see beyond them, don't let mental problems destroy the bond with your father

Alright I'll add my story
We all have one
Some worse than others

>be me 18
>date a girl 18
>she's no model by any means and has really bad depression but that's alright I loved her anyways
>she was great, my first real girlfriend
>one day she wrote me a letter
>the letter was basically her saying she loved me, it was scribbled on in marker but it meant the world to me
>about 3 months in my parents found out we had sex and I wasn't able to see her anymore
>around 6 months in I broke up with her because of this
>a month later we started getting back together
>it didn't last long maybe only a month
>it all ended when she sent me a text
>it said that she felt used, like I was using her for sex
>felt horrible cause I wasn't, I loved her
>apologized but it was no use the damage was done
>a month later she got a new boyfriend
>one day I saw her talking about him
>she was writing something with a marker
>I know it was a letter just like the one she wrote me
>I got replaced

If you read that I appreciate it
If you have advice I'm open to hear it

Thanks Sup Forumsros, hope things go well for you too, and for everyone else here

Man thats the wort feeling. I just had this thing where she was always looking for other guys and I was the only one who could see it. Just find someone thats good to you because they like being good to people. 99% of women are whores

I'm so sorry user :/...

I've been replaced more than once. Doesn't feel good I know, but time heals all wounds.

Good thing the chances keep on coming, eh?

Well Sup Forumsros I'm calling it a night, it's 2am and I have to keep the schedule if I want to keep my depression in check.

Get better guys.

Godspeed user!

Ur right man, I just hope I will get over it soon. I appreciate your help man.
