Other urls found in this thread:
when talking about black people
>one black person doesn't speak for ALL black people
when talking about hispanic people
>one hispanic person doesn't speak for ALL hispanic people
when talking about white people
>every white person is evil and racist
theyre forgetting my life matters more :^)
But he's black
Nailed it, crackers need to die, they are all racist bitches. We saw that in just the past few days.
Just like Freedom of Speech and Religion. Only matters when it solidifies ones own opinion on a subject.
White people: yes, IF you follow the rules
Refugees: Das racist
Sup Forumstards still play this game? Going into other boards and larping to try and cause discord and get more ignorant gullible kids to join thier dying movement? Kek Wow. Pathethic.
Do their lives somehow matter more than our own?
Thought not. Shit thread, hide and sage.
>All lives matter.
Stop putting words in my mouth faggot. I never said that and neither did most people for that matter.