Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?

Also, rate.

The one in wheelchair. The faces of the others are fucked up

I always feel sorry for girls in wheelchairs :(

would make her feel like a goddess

Wheel chair.

totally hotwheels

6/7/8/6, wheelchair for sure

3 (wheelchair) is the hottest for sure.
Her fake smile breaks my heart though, she seems really sad.
The same sadness vibe I get from 2, too.
She is my second choice for sure.


The one in the wheel chair for two reasons.

1. She would be so desperato for an alpha man to gorilla fuck her like a real girl that she would be willing to jump through hoops for you attention. I like dem hopelessly clingy chicks.

2. She wont feel you fuck her in her nasty fart cannon because she got Terri Schiavo'd

Did you also use to feel bad for the fat kid who used to eat lunch by himself in high school ?

to be fair in this scenario the fat kid can improve himself

Tie between wheelchair girl and girl on right. I bet they both look great naked, and they'd both be a great fuck in a different way. 5/5/7/7

Even though I think the one on the right looks better, something about the wheelchair girl gets me.

more wheelchair slut

id like to have some of far left. wife material

6 legged spider

All ugly, treat em like shit.


me too but only hot ones i couldnt give a fuck about ugly/fat ones

Left because of the shoes