didn't win the aussie open in 05, seriously was she even trying?
Didn't win the aussie open in 05, seriously was she even trying?
>Choosing to be in a wheelchair
>The best athlete Norgay has produced is a cripple
loved her in homeland
No, she wasn't even trying. She wasn't even there.
Read the link and try again, you illiterate Amerifat.
>women's wheelchair tennis
stick to that chess autist, norway
>tfw I just went out and won 300 rounds of beat up retards
Am I the most dominant athlete in US history?
Oh my.
Girls that can't walk (but still have legs) are my fetish desu
Feel free to name literally any athlete with 300 straight victories
>300 straight victories
Jahangir Khan's 555 consecutive wins in squash
Why doesn't Esther get brought up more in the GOAT debate?
Nike even pushed Serena as the GOAT of GOATS who has a dog shit record relative to Esther
Is being pathetic a sport? I think I'd be up for GOAT consideration in it.
132 year streak of America not losing the America's Cup is up there as well.
Clarissa shields
Nobody counts paralympic sports because 1) audience interest isn't there, and 2) competitor pool is much smaller and lower quality. More people in america play tennis than use a wheelchair, cane, or other similar device.
It's like winning your village's talent show for 20 straight years - doesn't mean you sing well, just better than the competition.
>those shit tier calves
somebody skipped leg day
Do you think she's a squirter?
idk, can you beat my everyday streak of wanting to end my life?
I bet she'd give a mint handjob
why did they take this picture tho?
Not as good as your mum though, faggot.
>dem delicious parafeet though
so its just womens sports to a higher degree.
Does she get blacked?
Haha my mum!
Crack up